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What are plants? Classwork
Name: __________________________
2nd Grade PSI
The pictures show a flower called a cosmos and two
1. Describe one way that the cosmos and the
giraffes are similar.
2. Describe two ways that the cosmos and the
giraffes are different.
2nd Grade PSI
What are plants? Homework
Name: __________________________
2nd Grade PSI
The cougar is a carnivore that can live in almost any
habitat. It can live in forests, canyons or deserts.
Cougars are large cats that can weigh up to 100
kilograms (220 pounds).
Although cougars are carnivores, they are not picky
about what they eat. Cougars are known to eat
anything from deer to porcupine and even insects!
Most of the animals that cougars eat are herbivores,
meaning that they eat only plants. Cougars are silent
hunters. They stalk their prey and then leap on them
very suddenly.
2nd Grade PSI
1. All living things depend on plants in order to
survive. How does the cougar depend on
2. Describe what would happen to cougars if all
plants were removed from Earth.
2nd Grade PSI
Photosynthesis Classwork
Name: __________________________
2nd Grade PSI
Tulips are flowering plants that bloom in spring and
grow to be between 10 cm and 71 cm high (4 inches
to 28 inches). Palm trees are plants with large,
green leaves that grow in warm, wet areas.
There is a large variety of plants on Earth. Although
they are all different, plants are similar in that they all
need the same things in order to survive.
2nd Grade PSI
The chart below shows the five needs of plants. Fill
in the chart to show why plants need each of these.
Plant Need
Why do plants need this?
2nd Grade PSI
Photosynthesis Homework
Name: __________________________
2nd Grade PSI
Use the terms in the Word Bank to fill in the blanks.
Word Bank
carbon dioxide food
leaves oxygen
Plants make their own food through a process
called (1) ___________________. This process
happens in the (2) _______________ of a plant.
During photosynthesis, plants use (3) ____________,
_______________, and (5) _______________. By
the end of photosynthesis, plants have produced
_______________ and (7) _______________.
Plants get carbon dioxide from the (8) ____________
surrounding them. They get water from the
2nd Grade PSI
Pollination Classwork
Name: __________________________
2nd Grade PSI
For the descriptions below, decide if each type of
pollination is wind, water or animal.
1. Pondweed is a
plant that grows in the
water. The roots grow in
the mud at the bottom of
the pond. The leaves
and flowers grow
upwards to the surface.
During pollination, one branch will break off and
float until it comes into contact with another
branch where it shares pollen.
What type of pollination is this? ________________
2. The saw-tooth oak tree has
small flowers that hang from the
branches. Pollen falls from the
flowers and is carried to flowers
on nearby trees.
What type of pollination is this?
2nd Grade PSI
3. Sunbirds are birds that
fly from flower to flower
eating nectar from each
What type of pollination is
4. Wind and water pollination is convenient
because it does not depend on animals. What is
one negative aspect about wind and water
2nd Grade PSI
Pollination Homework
Name: __________________________
2nd Grade PSI
Milkweed is a flowering plant that grows groups of
tiny flowers. Milkweed has developed a system for
being pollinated by butterflies, moths and bees.
These flowers collect their pollen in little sacs that
are attached to the base of each flower. They also
produce sweet nectar that attracts animals to them.
Since the flowers are so small, there is not much
space for the animals to land or walk around. In
order to eat the flower nectar, the animals have to
stick their legs down around the flower and hold on
tightly. When they do this, the pollen sacs attach to
the animals with a sticky substance. When the
animal flies away, they carry the pollen sac with
them to the next flower, where pollination occurs!
2nd Grade PSI
1. What is pollination?
2. Why is pollination important?
3. How does milkweed attract animal pollinators?
4. Describe how milkweed has created a
successful method for pollination?
2nd Grade PSI
Dispersal Classwork
Name: __________________________
2nd Grade PSI
Tumbleweeds are actually a plant called the Russian
thistle. These plants grow as a round bush. At
maturity, the upper part of the plant breaks off from
the base and rolls away in the wind. This is what we
call tumbleweeds.
Tumbleweeds actually have a purpose. Each
tumbleweed can carry up to 250,000 seeds! As the
tumbleweed moves in the wind, these seeds are
dislodged. In this way, Russian thistle dispersal
occurs far from the parent plant.
1. What is dispersal?
2nd Grade PSI
2. Why is dispersal important?
3. What would happen if the 250,000 contained in
the Russian thistle simply dropped to the ground
below the parent plant?
4. How does the Russian thistle make sure that its
seeds are dispersed far from the parent plant?
What type of dispersal does it use?
2nd Grade PSI
Dispersal Homework
Name: __________________________
2nd Grade PSI
These burs are sticky and have
prickly coverings that can get
stuck in animal fur. The seed is
located on the inside.
Raspberries are sweet fruit that
contains a seed in each round
section of the berry.
Acorns are the nut of the oak
tree. The seed is located on the
inside of the hard covering.
2nd Grade PSI
1. Describe how burs, raspberries and acorns
disperse seeds away from the parent plant.
2. Sometimes, humans disperse seeds. Can you
think of one way that human dispersal can
2nd Grade PSI
Unit Review
Name: __________________________
2nd Grade PSI
Directions: Write the answer to each question in the
box. Use the letters to solve the riddle.
1. Plants get water and nutrients from the ____.
2. Plants make their own food in a process called
3. Without ___, plants would not be able to make
4. Some plants create A LOT of pollen. These
plants probably use ___ or ___ for pollination.
2nd Grade PSI
5. Most plants use ____ for pollination.
6. When seeds move away from a parent plant, it
is called ____.
7. The ___ of flowers and seeds help them to be
pollinated and dispersed efficiently.
8. Small, round fruit that contain a lot of seeds are
dispersed when animals eat them. They are
called ___.
What did the old flower say to the young flower?
___ ___ ___ ___ ‘ ___
1 2 3 4
___ ___
6 7
2nd Grade PSI
___ ___ ___ !
8 9 10
Answer Key
What are plants? Classwork
1. Answers may vary. They are both living things.
2. Answers may vary. The cosmos is a producer while the giraffes are consumers.
The cosmos cannot move while the giraffes can.
What are plants? Homework
1. The animals that the cougar eats use plants as food. Because of this, the cougar
depends on plants.
2. If there were no plants, the herbivores would have no food and would die. With
no herbivores, there would be no food for the cougar, so it would die too.
Any order
Photosynthesis Classwork
Plant Need
Why do plants need this?
To make their own food (photosynthesis)
For water and vitamins
To make their own food (photosynthesis)
To have room to grow
To make their own food (photosynthesis)
Photosynthesis Homework
1. photosynthesis
2. leaves
3. carbon dioxide
4. water
5. sunlight
6. food
7. oxygen
8. air
9. soil
Pollination Classwork
1. water
2. wind
3. animal
4. Plants that pollinate by wind and water have to produce a lot of pollen.
Pollination Homework
1. Pollination is the process of transferring pollen from one flower to another.
2. Pollination is important because it is how new seeds are created.
3. Milkweed attracts animal pollinators by creating sweet nectar for them to eat.
4. Milkweed has put all of its pollen into little sacs at the base of the flower. When
an animal grabs hold of the flower, the pollen sacs attach to the animal and travel
with them to the next flower, where pollination can occur.
2nd Grade PSI
Dispersal Classwork
1. Dispersal is the movement of seeds away from the parent plant.
2. Dispersal is important because plants need space to survive.
3. The seeds would not have enough space to survive. They would compete for
nutrients and water in the soil and would not get enough sunlight.
4. Russian thistle uses wind for dispersal. It rolls in the wind, dislodging seeds as it
Dispersal Homework
1. Burs: Burs get stuck in animal fur. When the animal walks away, the seed goes
with it.
Raspberry: Animals eat the raspberry. The seeds come out in the animal’s
waste, far from the parent plant.
Acorn: Animals bury the acorns away from the tree. If they forget where they are
buried, then the acorns can grow into a tree, far from the parent tree.
2. Answers will vary.
Unit Review
1. Soil
2. Photosynthesis
3. Pollination
4. Wind
5. Water
6. Animals
7. Dispersal
8. Structure
9. Berries
What did the old flower say to the young flower?
What’s up bud!
2nd Grade PSI