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Lesson 1
GLCE (coding and wording);
Verb(s) underlined; type of
learning: Knowledge, Skill,
Reasoning, Product
Knowledge (K)
Describe the human characteristics of the region under study (including languages, religion, economic
system, governmental system, cultural traditions).
Understand (U)
I Can
Demonstration of
Learning (DOL)
Our region of study will be the
Greek City State Sparta, at the
time period 650 BCE. We will
also compare the other Greek
City State Athens who was
powerful. The prevalent religion
was Greek polytheism, many
gods and goddesses such as
Zeus, Hades, etc. Sparta was an
oligarchy with 2 hereditary
kings, whose families were
supposed descendants of
Hercules. The language spoken
was a Dialect of Ancient Greek
called Doric Greek. Spartan
citizens were not allowed to
partake in trades or
manufacturing so this task was
given to the free-Greeks that
occupied the land. Helots were a
conquered group of people who
were subservient to Spartans
and who did many remedial
jobs and had restricted rights
compared to Perioikos and the
Spartan citizens. Spartan men
were full time soldiers. Spartan
women were given many rights
and had a high authority.
Students will
understand that
different places and
times in history have
their own human
Students will identify the
major human
characteristics of the
Spartan/Athenian Society
and write about what each
characteristic means.
BCE (Before
Common Era)
Doric Greek
Free Greeks
I can explain many
different human
characteristics that
define a region (Ancient
Sparta and Athens).
Caleb Westveer- 05
Athenian lifestyle differed
significantly and was focused
around the central idea of
democracy. Athenian citizens
were encouraged to trade,
prided themselves in their
culture/architecture and their
women had less rights then
Spartan women.
Lesson 2
GLCE (coding and
wording); Verb(s)
underlined; type of
learning: Knowledge,
Skill, Reasoning,
Knowledge (K)
Explain how communities are affected positively or negatively by changes in technology.
Understand (U)
Demonstration of
Learning (DOL)
I Can
There were many
advancements in this
era. The ancient
Greeks pioneered
cranes, hydraulics
(water mills and
special devices to
harness power from
fast rivers), drills,
weapons, armor,
Students will understand
how technology affects
different societies.
Students will investigate
different technologies
that were invented or
advanced in the time
period of the Ancient
Greek civilizations under
study. One topic will
then be chosen as the
classroom debate topic
and students will be split
into different sides to
argue the positives or
the negatives. Students
will create a pro’s and
I can talk about good and
bad changes that happen
to a community when
technology changes
(address the effect of
technology on Sparta and
Caleb Westveer- 05
agricultural and
medical devices and
many other things. The
Athenians were at the
forefront of these
discoveries and
capitalized on all
advancements and
ideas. The Spartans did
not like the idea of
new ideas and
technology corrupting
their citizens. They
could be described as
being very strict and
minimalist. Spartans
perfected warring
strategy, and were
masters of hand to
hand combat.
The definition of
technology is the
application of scientific
knowledge for
practical purposes,
especially in industry.
con’s chart and list at
least 3 examples in each
column about the effects
of a certain technology.
(E.g. Technology Change:
Overhead Crane.
Positives: movement of
large resources from side
to side and overhead.
Negatives: trees cut
down and other
resources harvested to
build crane, and slave
labor provided.)
Lesson 3
GLCE (coding and
wording); Verb(s)
underlined; type of
Explain how culture and experience influence people’s perception of places and regions.
Caleb Westveer- 05
learning: Knowledge,
Skill, Reasoning,
Knowledge (K)
We will evaluate how the
Spartans perceived the
world by looking at their
experience and culture.
Everyone comes from a
certain culture and their
own biases are shaped
from their background
and experiences. Culture
is the shared ideas,
values, beliefs or a
certain people regardless
of race or ethnicity.
Perception is the ability
to see, hear, or become
aware of something
through the senses.
Perspective is a
particular attitude
toward or way of
regarding something. To
get an accurate picture of
the Spartan culture and
daily lives follow this
Understand (U)
Demonstration of
Learning (DOL)
Students will understand
that people view others
through the lenses of
their own unique
experience and culture.
Students will evaluate Perception
the Spartan culture
and lifestyle and
analyze their
perceptions of the
surrounding regions
by writing an essay
from the perspective of
a Spartan citizen about
their interaction with
another group of
people or place (could
be another city-state
like Athens or a distant
region, student’s
I Can
I can talk about how
culture and experiences
can change the way we
see different
Caleb Westveer- 05
Lesson 4
GLCE (coding and
wording); Verb(s)
underlined; type of
learning: Knowledge,
Skill, Reasoning,
Knowledge (K)
Create population pyramids for different regions and interpret the graph discussing birth and death rate,
growth rate, and age structure.
Products and Reasoning and Thinking
Understand (U)
Demonstration of
Learning (DOL)
I Can
A population pyramid
shows the various age
groups in a population,
normally distinguishing
between male and
female. It is normally a
back to back bar graph
that indicates
reproductive patterns
and can show indications
of major events, e.g.
spike in youth
population following the
cold war. For all
vocabulary words, follow
this link. Spartan society
had a high infant
mortality and child
mortality for both boys
and girls. It was also very
common for mothers to
die in birth during this
time period. Being a
Students will understand
that we can show and
study human
populations over time on
charts and graphs.
Each student will
construct a population
pyramid for a different
region and explain to
their classmates why it
has that shape and what
it means.
Population Pyramid
Age Distribution
I can make a population
pyramid and I can tell
you information about a
region based on the
pyramid. I can also
interpret graphs others
Caleb Westveer- 05
nation that was
constantly at war trying
to conquer more land
and fend off enemies the
military age males died
frequently. The
information we use to
gather population data
and mortality rates was
not around in Ancient
Sparta so we can only
construct our population
pyramid based off what
we know about their
culture and the time