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Chapter 4 Section 2 Cont. Forms of Government Tyranny Tyrants were not necessarily oppressive or wicked as the word tyrant implies. Greek tyrants were rulers who seized power by force from the aristocrats. Support came from the newly rich who gained their wealth from trade and industry; not rich families. Gained power and kept it by using hired (mercenary) soldiers. Poor peasants liked tyrants Ended debt Helped the poor through public works projects. Big Idea: Greek tyrants ended the rule of aristocrats in many citystates. Allowed for new people to participate in government. Forms of Government (Continued) Democracy Government by the people or rule of the many Oligarchy Rule by a few (usually the elite) This IS SPARTA! Two Rival City-States Sparta Spartan = Highly self-disciplined Like other Greek city-states, Sparta needed more land. Instead of starting new colonies the Spartans conquered the neighboring city-states. Conquered Loconia and Messenia This IS SPARTA! Became slaves and were forced to work for the Spartans Name for the captured people was Helots. Sparta becomes a military state to keep control of it’s people. Males Spent their childhood learning military discipline. Enroll in the army for regular military service at age 20. Could marry, but lived in the military barracks until age 30. Could vote in the assembly at age 30 Stayed in the army until age 60. This IS SPARTA! Women Had more freedom and power in Spartan homes than other parts of Greece because of the separation from their husbands. Expected to remain fit to bear and raise healthy children. Encouraged bravery and “the Spartan way” • Be victorious or die bravely (retreat is not an option.) Spartan Government Oligarchy headed by two Kings Five Ephors were elected each year and were responsible for the education of youth and the conduct of the citizens. A council of elders, composed of the two kings and 28 citizens over the age of 60, decided on the issues that would be presented to the assembly. Assembly: made up of male citizens over the age of 30. To keep the state secure foreigners were not allowed to visit and Spartans could not travel abroad. Were discouraged to study philosophy, literature, and the arts. The art of war was the Spartan ideal. Athens By 700 B.C. Athens had become a unified polis on the peninsula of Attica. Rule by an oligarchy of Aristocrats. Assembly of citizens had little power. By the end of the 7th century the economy was so bad the aristocrats sold the farmers into slavery when they were unable to pay their debts. This economic depression brought Athens to the brink of civil war. In 594 B.C. Solon was given full power from the aristocrats. Reform minded Cancelled all debts Freed all slaves Did not give away land 560 B.C. Peisistratus becomes a ruler by force (tyrant) gives land to the poor Aided Athenian trade Cleisthenes takes over in 508 B.C. Creates a council of 500. Foreign affairs Oversaw the treasury Proposed laws Assembly becomes the center of politics. * Creates the foundation for Athenian Democracy *