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Ch. 7 Section 2 Test Prep Review
Tyrants were able to seize power from the
nobles with the support of Greek farmers,
merchants, and artisans. (page 345)
The Spartans focused on military skills to
control the people they conquered. (page 346)
Unlike Spartans, Athenians were more
interested in building a democracy than building
a military force. (page 348)
I. Tyranny in the City-States (pages 345–346)
A. Nobles, who owned large farms, seized power from the
Greek kings.
B. Farmers had to borrow money from nobles and often
could not pay back the debt. The farmers lost their land and
had to work for the nobles or were sold into slavery.
C. Unhappy farmers demanded changes in the power
structure of the city-states. This unhappiness led to the rise
of tyrants, or people who take power by force and rule with
total authority.
D. Tyrants overthrew the nobles during the 600s B.C.
E. Tyrants maintained their popularity by building
marketplaces, temples, and walls.
1. Tyranny in the
City-States (pages 345–346)
F. The Greek people eventually tired of the tyrants and
created oligarchies or democracies. An oligarchy is a form of
government in which a few people hold power. A democracy
is a form of
government in which all citizens share power.
G. Sparta was an oligarchy; Athens was
a democracy.
Life in Athens was based on the idea of
education and participation of all free
men as citizens.
Life in Sparta was based on the idea of
war and strength. All boys were trained
for a lifetime as soldiers. Physical
fitness was the standard for all
II. Sparta (pages 346–347)
A. To obtain more land, Spartans conquered and enslaved their
neighbors, calling them helots.
B. To keep the helots from rebelling, the Spartans created a strong
C. Boys entered the military at age seven.
D. At age 20, men entered the regular army and lived in the barracks
for 10 years. They returned home at age 30 but served in the army
until age 60.
E. Spartan girls were trained in sports to become healthy mothers
and were freer than other Greek women.
F. The Spartan government was an oligarchy in which two kings
headed a council of elders. This council presented laws to an
assembly, which voted on the laws.
G. The Spartan government kept foreign travelers out and
discouraged its own citizens from traveling so that the government
could maintain control of
the country.
III. Athens (pages 348–350)
A. Boys in Athens attended school to learn reading, writing,
and arithmetic; play sports; and learn to sing and play musical
B. Athenian girls learned household duties from their mothers.
Some wealthy girls learned reading, writing, and playing the
C. The government of early Athens was an oligarchy.
D. A noble named Solon reformed the Athenian government
in 594 B.C.
E. The tyrant Peisistratus seized power 30 years after Solon’
s rule.
F. Cleisthenes took power in 508 B.C. He created a
democracy in Athens. Cleisthenes gave the assembly more
power. He also created a new council to help the assembly
carry out its duties. Members of the council were chosen by
Ch 7.1 Test Prep Review
1. The noble who canceled farmers' debts and
freed the enslaved people.
2. Term for a captive worker.
3. Type of government in which all citizens share
in running the government. The ancient
Athenians had a direct form while we in the
United States have a representational form.
4. Type of government in which only a few people
hold government power.
5. One who takes power by force and who rules
with authority.
6. The rule of the nobles was brief because the
__________ had the support of the common
Ch 7.1 Test Prep Review
1. In ____________, the government was very
firm and the focus was on military training for
boys and men.
2. In _________, boys were trained to read, write
and do arithmetic.
3. The government of __________ was headed
by two kings who headed a council of elders.
4. After coming to power in 508 B.C., Cleisthenes
reorganized the government of _________,
giving the assembly more power, thereby
expanding the power of the common citizens.