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valence electrons
1. An ___________ is any substance that forms hydrogen atoms in water and has a pH below
2. A _______________________________ is a weak chemical bond formed by the attraction
of positively charged hydrogen atoms to other negatively charged atoms.
3. The _____________________________ is a table illustrating the periodic system, in which
the chemical elements are shown in related groups.
4. _______________________ is the molecular force of attraction in the area of contact
between unlike bodies that acts to hold them together.
5. An ___________ is an electrically charged atom or group of atoms that gain or lose
6. _________ is the measure of how acidic or base a solution is. (scale ranges from 0 to 14)
7. ______________________ are the basic building blocks of protein molecules.
8. An _____________________ is a chemical compound of cations and anions which are held
together by ionic bonds in a lattice structure.
9. A ___________________________ a compound in which the electric charge is not
symmetrically distributed, so that there is a separation of charge or partial charge.
10. An ____________ is the smallest particle of an element that has the characteristics of that
element; the basic building block of all matter.
11. An ______________ is a compound with the same simple formula but different threedimensional structures resulting in different physical and chemical properties.
12. A _________________ is a large molecule formed when many smaller molecules bond
13. A ______________ is any substance that forms hydroxide ions in water and has a pH above
14. A ______________ is a large organic compound made mostly of carbon and hydrogen with
a small amount of oxygen.
15. A ____________________ is a substance obtained from another substance through
chemical change.
16. ________________________ a manifestation of surface tension by which the portion of
the surface of a liquid coming in contact with a solid is elevated or depressed, depending on
the adhesive or cohesive properties of the liquid.
17. A _______________________ is a very large molecule composed of hundreds or thousands
of atoms.
18. A _______________ is a large complex polymer essential to all life; composed of carbon,
hydrogen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur; provides structure for tissues and organs and
helps carry out cell metabolism.
19. A ____________________ is an organic compound used by cells to store and release
20. ______________________ refers to all of the chemical reactions that occur within an
21. A _______________ is a positively charged elementary particle that is a fundamental
constituent of all atomic nuclei. It is the lightest and most stable baryon, having a charge
equal in magnitude to that of the electron.
22. A ___________________ is a substance which alters the rate of a chemical reaction but is
chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction.
23. A __________________ is an inorganic substance that is important for chemical reactions
or as building materials in the body.
24. _____________________ are substances participating in a chemical reaction, especially
a directly reacting substance present at the initiation of the reaction.
25. ______________________ refers to the molecular force between particles within a body or
substance that acts to unite them.
26. A _______________________ is a combination of substances in which the individual
components retain their own properties.
27. _______________________________________ are long-chain carboxylic acids that usually
have between 12 and 24 carbon atoms and have no double bonds.
28. A ______________________ is a substance composed of atoms of two or more different
elements that are chemically combined.
29. A ______________________ is a group of atoms held together by covalent bonds; has no
overall charge.
30. A _________________ is the substance being dissolved in a given solution.
31. A _________________________ is a chemical bond formed when two atoms share
32. A _________________ is a molecule of low molecular weight capable of reacting with
identical or different molecules of low molecular weight to form a polymer.
33. A __________________ is a mixture in which one or more substances (solutes) are
distributed evenly in another substance (solvent).
34. A _________________________ is any of a group of carbohydrates that yield
monosaccharides on hydrolysis.
35. A ________________________ is a carbohydrate that does not hydrolyze, such as glucose,
fructose, or ribose, occurring naturally or obtained by the hydrolysis of glycosides or
36. A ______________ is a substance that dissolves another to form a solution.
37. An ________________ is an elementary particle that is a fundamental constituent of
matter, has a negative charge and exists independently or as the component outside the
nucleus of an atom.
38. A ___________________ is an elementary particle having no charge, has a mass slightly
greater than that of a proton, and is a constituent of the nuclei of all atoms except those of
39. ________________________ refers to the state in which the particles of a substance are
mixed with a fluid but are undissolved.
40. An _______________ is one of a class of substances that cannot be separated into simpler
substances by chemical means.
41. ______________________________ is any of a group of long, linear macromolecules,
either DNA or various types of RNA, that carry genetic information directing all cellular
functions: composed of linked nucleotides.
42. ___________________________________ resemble saturated fatty acids, except that the chain
has one or more double-bonds.
43. An _______________ is a type of protein found in all living things that changes the rate of
chemical reactions.
44. ________________________ are any of a group of molecules that, when linked together,
form the building blocks of DNA or RNA.
45. ____________________________ are electrons of an atom, located in the outermost shell
(valence shell) of the atom, that can be transferred to or shared with another atom.
46. A _________________ is an organic nutrient required in small amounts to maintain growth
and metabolism.