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How do ribosomes hold tRNA and mRNA together?
tRNA bonds to the bonding sites p, a, and e. The bonding sites hold the tRNA to
the ribosomes.
How do ribosomes provide structural support for RNA?
The catalytic activity is carried out by the RNA and the proteins remain on the
side. This provides structural support
What are p,a, and e sites?
P sites are tRNA being bound to a peptide that is being synthesized. A sites are
tRNA that is bound to an amino acid. E sites bounds a free tRNA before it
leaves the ribosome.
Are they found in prokaryotic cells?
What is cytosol?
It is the fluid inside of the cell.
What exactly do Ribosomes do?
They are involved in translation. Translation is the change of genetic code from
nucleic acid into protein.
What is the peptdyl binding site?
It is where the tRNA is being bound to the peptide that is being synthesized.
How are the proteins moved from the top to the bottom?
Reactions occur and processes happen to allow the protein to move out of the
What is rRNA?
rRNA is ribosomal RNA. It is the central component of the ribosome.
Where are ribosomes mostly found?
They are found in the cytosol or attached to the rough endoplasmic
Are ribosomes only found in human cells?
No, they are found in all cells.