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Islam & the Arab Empire
Ch 3.1, p. 43
Ch 3.1 Vocab
Five Pillars of Islam
The Arab Empire 600 - 1400
Arabs arose in the Arabian Peninsula and
spread their influence throughout
Western Asia and beyond. This is a
desert area, Arabs were nomads who
moved constantly to find food and water
for their animals. Arabs organized in
tribes to help one another because of the
harsh environment. Each tribe was ruled
by a sheikh, who was chosen by elders.
Arabian Trade
• Arabs lived as farmers and herders near
oases or on a small fertile area of the AP.
• After domestication of the camel, trade
expanded further into the desert.
–Communities along trade routes began
to prosper. Arabs became major
carriers of goods along the Silk Road.
The official language on the S.R. was
• Early Arabs were polytheistic BUT
recognized a supreme god called Allah
• Allah’s Black Stone (meteorite) is located in a
sacred central shrine in Makkah called the
• Arabian Peninsula routes are now more
important because the usual trade routes are
to dangerous. (fighting going on there)
• So trade increases along AP and cities
prosper from increase trade. BUT tensions
begin to arise…Wealthy merchants start to
show little concern for lower income groups
and slaves.
Black Stone Shrine, The “Kaaba”
located in Mecca (aka Makkah)
Mecca Cont’d.
Life of Muhammad
• Born in Mecca -Orphaned at age 5 he
was a caravan manager, married
Khadija a rich widow
• Troubled by gap between the generosity
of most Makkans and the greediness of
the wealthy elite. He heads to the hills to
Meditate and receives revelations from
God, through the angel Gabriel. Gabriel
tells him to spread the word.
Shoulder buddy ????
According to Muslim belief,
Muhammad received his
revelations from God through
Where was Muhammad born?
Muhammad believed he was the final
prophet of Allah (Moses and Jesus were
others). Revelations written down in the
Quran-holy book of Islam. Islam = “peace
through submission to the will of Allah”
Muslims=one who has submitted.
Quran contains ethical guidelines and laws
by which followers of Allah are to live. They
believe there is but 1 God, Allah and
Muhammad is his prophet.
To Muslims, Allah is the same God that is
worshiped in Christianity and Judaism.
However, Muslims view Jesus as a prophet,
not as the Son of God.
They regard the Qur'an as the word of Allah
as revealed to Muhammad, in the same way
the Jews and Christians believed the Torah
and the Gospels were revealed to Moses and
the New Testament writers.
Muslims believe that the Qur'an perfects
the earlier revelations. To them, it is the
final book, and Muhammad was the final
prophet of God.
All three religions believe in heaven and
hell and a day of judgment.
• Discouraged by persecution of his
followers and Mecca’s rejection of his
message he leaves for Madinah in 622
with only his closest followers (<30 ppl)
This journey is called the Hijrah.
• 622 became year 1 of the official Islam
calendar still used today. Bedouins join.
• Returns to Mecca 8 years later
with….10,000 men, city surrenders-most
convert. Muhammad declares Kaaba
sacred site. Religious and political leader.
Five Pillars of Islam
• Each slightly more complicated than listed
below, but know the general idea…
For Muslims, carrying out Allah's will
means following the Five Pillars of Islam.
1. Faith- belief that- "There is no God but
Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah."
2. Prayer Five times a day, Muslims face
toward Mecca to pray.
3. Alms - Muhammad taught that all Muslims
have a responsibility to support the less
fortunate. Alms is money for the poor
through a special religious tax.
4. Fasting During the Islamic holy month of
Ramadan, Muslims fast between dawn and
5. Pilgrimage all Muslims who are physically
and financially able perform the hajj, or
pilgrimage to Mecca, at least once.
Islam is not just a religion but a way of life,
after Muhammad's death Muslims
developed a code of law =Shari’ah laws
to regulate daily life.
• Islam openly regulates business
dealings, government, and moral
• Followers are forbidden to gamble,
eat pork, drink alcohol or be
Shoulder Buddy ?????
What is the journey to Mecca called?
List the 5 pillars of Islam.
Islamic Law
• Stresses the need to obey will of Allah and
practice Five Pillars
– Belief, prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage
• Islam is considered a way of life, not just a
• Shari’ah (law) applies the Quran to everyday
– Regulates all aspects of life, NO separation of civil
or political law
The Qur'an is written in Arabic, and
Muslims consider only the Arabic
version to be the true word of Allah.
Only Arabic can be used in worship.
Popular World Religions
• Islam, Christianity and Judaism are all
• Muslims believe that Allah revealed himself
through Moses and Jesus but that Allah’s final
revelations came through Muhammad.
–Muhammad is not “divine” to Muslims, just
a prophet
• BUT Christians believe Jesus to be divine.
• Moses is a key prophet in all three faiths, but
is critically important in Judaism.
Shoulder Buddy Q’s:
•What is the code of Islamic law which also
regulates everyday life?
•According to Islamic teaching, Muhammad
received revelations from communication
with whom?
Ch 3.1 Shoulder Buddy Q’s
• What is the code of Islamic law which also
regulates everyday life?
– Shari’ah
• According to Islamic teaching, Muhammad
received revelations from communication
with whom?
– Gabriel
• List the Five Pillars of Islam.
– Belief, prayer, charity, fasting, and
Hot Sauce
• What is the significance of Shari’ah in the
lives of Muslims?
• Why did communities on the Arabian
Peninsula prosper economically?
• What was the significance of Gabriel’s
messages to Muhammad according to
Islamic teachings?
According to the Sharia law:
• Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand (above).
• Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by
• Criticizing or denying Muhammad is a prophet is punishable by
• Criticizing or denying Allah, the moon god of Islam is
punishable by death.
• A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death.
• A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is
punishable by death.
• A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable
by death.
• A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage
when she is 9 years old.
• Girls' clitoris should be cut (per Muhammad's words in Book
41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
• A woman can have 1 husband, but a man can have up to 4
wives; Muhammad can have more.
A man can unilaterally divorce his wife but a woman needs her
husband's consent to divorce.
• A man can beat his wife for insubordination.
• Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape
against a woman.
• A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against
her rapist(s).
• A woman's testimony in court, allowed only in property cases,
carries half the weight of a man's.
• A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.
• A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
• A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her
husband or relative.
• Meat to be eaten must come from animals that have been
sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be Halal.
• Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to
advance Islam.
• The list goes on.
The Arab Empire & Caliphates
Ch 3.2, p. 50
Ch 3.2 Vocab
Muhammad dies who is in charge?
• No sons- male led society -? Followers pick
his father in law-Abu Bakr He is named
caliph-religious and political successor to
• held down tribal political and religious
uprisings, expanded and united Muslim
• Quran permitted jihad-fair, defensive
warfare “struggle in the way of God”
Abu Bakr
• Muhammad’s father-in-law
• And chief advisor
• Chosen as political and religious successor
in 632 “Caliph”
• Unites Muslim world despite revolts
• Conquests into Iraq, Syria, Egypt and
Persian Empire ubber warriors cuz-Arab
soldiers assured a place in paradise if died in
•Ruled the empire from Madinah
•Abu-Bakr also dies with no named
successor! Lots of caliph’s named after this,
assignation central. Muhammad’s son-inlaw=Ali is one of these.
•Christians and Jews in conquered areas
allowed to keep religion but pay a tax.
Shoulder Buddy Q
How did Abu-Bakr unite the Arab
According to the Quran, fair, defensive
warfare is a jihad, which means what?
How did Abu-Bakr unite the Arab world?
He suppressed tribal political and
religious uprisings and expanded
Muslim territory. After Muhammad’s
death territory doubled.
Jihad-Struggle in the way of God.
And then….the Umayyads
• -Mu’awiyah, in 661 named Caliph. He made
job title hereditary to his family. (Not chosen)
Capital moved to Damascus from Medina
“Only used force when absolutely necessary”
• Continued expansions-Entire coast of North
Africa and Most of Spain, and parts of Asia!
• BUT setbacks ensued-The Byzantines and
Franks defeated the Arabs in 717 and 732,
halting inroads in Europe
The split in Islam- Hussein-Ali’s son and
grandson to Muhammad challenges
Umayyad rule. He loses but this splits
Islam into 2 groups!!
Shia-Muslims who only accept
descendents of Ali as the true rulers of
Islam. (Iran and Iraq) minority
Sunni-Accept any Umayyad as caliph.
They are the majority
Hussein’s revolt in Iraq!
Cultural Exposure
• Byzantine/Islamic Art
– Monreale Cathedral (Sicily)
• Persian Islamic
– Shiraz, Iran
Umayyads 656-750
Abbasid Dynasty and Seljuk Turks
• In 750, Abu al-’abbas (descendant of
Muhammad’s uncle) overthrew the
–Abbasid dynasty is born
–Capital moved to Baghdad
Abbasid Dynasty
• Influenced by Persians and other foreign
–Shift of focus from warriors to judges,
merchants and bureaucrats
–Lots of trade and tolerance of foreign
• Art and literature flourish
–More complex bureaucracy
Abbasid Cont’d.
• Decline and Division
–Financial corruption
–Fighting over succession
• Shortage of qualified ‘Arabs’ so Persians
and Turks start to dominate key positions
–Over time this leads to division in the
Muslim Empire
Seljuk Turks
Originally nomadic ppl from central Asia
Served in the Abbasid Army
Converted to Islam
Slowly took over eastern provinces of
Abbasid domain
• IN 1055 a Seljuk Turk became the
political leader (sultan) of the empire
–While the Abbasid caliph remained
head of religion
Shoulder Buddy Q’s
• What is the significance of Abu Bakr being named
• Why was there tension over who should rule the
empire after the death of Muhammad?
• What changes did the Abbasid rulers bring to the
world of Islam?
Islamic Civilizations
Ch 3.3, p. 55
Ch 2.3 Vocab
Bazaar-covered market-trading center
• Thriving trade –gold, slaves, silk, porcelain,
ivory, spices, grain, linens, precious stones,
dates, oil. Ideas and Islam too!!!
–Extensive trade network, Africa to India
to China using ships and camel caravans
• Cities grew and were prosperous Baghdad,
Cairo and Damascus-Awesome palaces,
mosques, public buildings, fountains and
• Banking (checks) and coins used
Islamic Society
• Social Structure – equal to Allah, but not
everyone else…BUT
–Upper class-Muslim at birth
–2nd class-converts to Islam
–3rd class-protected people-Jews, Christians
–Slaves- Inferior, usually served as soldiers or
domestic servants.
• Muslims could not be slaves in Islamic
Upper Class (Muslim at birth)
–Ruling families
–Nomadic elites
–Senior officials
–Wealthy merchants
• Slaves
• Most came from Africa and Asia
–Sometimes capture in war
–Many served in army or as domestic
–Islamic law says that slaves must be
treated fairly AND that it was a “good
act” to free them. Slaves could also
purchase freedom
Women are equal per Quran, but Men
decided otherwise…Arranged
marriages by guardians
–Quran says that women have spiritual
and social equality with men.
• Right to own and inherit property
shared by both men and women.
• And BTW-Islamic law says men can
have up to 4 wives, most cannot
afford dowry for more than 1.
($/property to bride)
–BUT over time Islamic ideas were
eroded by older customs, WOMEN HAVE
•Every woman has a male guardian
•Some kept from contact w/ males
•Body covering = mandatory
Modern Muslim Female Garb
Abbasid House of Wisdom
Philosophy, Science and History
–Preservation of ancient knowledge
translating Greek works to Arabic.
• Especially good when the Library at
Alexandria burned
–Math: invented algebra, adopted numerals
from India including “0”zero
–Astronomy-study of position of stars
–Perfected the astrolabe-enabled European
explores to sail to Americas.
–Medicine- encyclopedia, stressed
contagious nature of certain diseases.
Identified spread of disease by
contaminated water.
•Historian, Ibn-Khaldun, adopted cyclical
theory of history. Civilizations go through
regular cycles of birth, growth, and decay.
Ch 3.3 Shoulder Buddy Q’s
• T/F: Slavery was widespread in the Islamic
• What was a mathematical discipline
invented by the Arabs?
Ch 3.3 Shoulder Buddy Q’s
•T/F: Slavery was widespread in the Islamic
world. T
•What was a mathematical discipline
invented by the Arabs? Algebra
Literature, Art and Architecture
Literary works-10,001 Nights-collection of
fairy tales, parables and legends.
Aladdin, Ali Baba and 40 thieves.
• Visual- Islamic art included Arab, Turkish
and Persian traditions. Geometric
patterns important, Islam-NO creating
pictures of living beings.
• Mosques & Palaces- arabesques, minaret
The Great Mosque of Samarra
Muezzin-crier=calls the faithfull
Dervish Dancing Cont’d.
•T/F: Slavery was widespread in the Islamic
•What was a mathematical discipline
invented by the Arabs?
•How far did Arab trade routes extend?
•T/F: Slavery was widespread in the Islamic
•What was a mathematical discipline
invented by the Arabs?
•How far did Arab trade routes extend?
–From Morocco to Asia
MOAR! (sic)
• Why was the bazaar an important part of a
Muslim city or town?
• What were the major contributions of Islamic
• What factors allowed both urban and rural
areas to flourish after the eighth century
within the Arab empire?