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Shorea wood is hard, durable, resistant to corrosion of strong, not easy damage by worm;
wood color of brown yellow, no special smell, straight texture, uniform structure, easy
processing, sliced noodle smooth, beautiful patterns, for the manufacture of advanced
materials of all kinds of furniture.
In 1975, China's Yunnan provincial forestry research team found in the forest in
Xishuangbanna. A total of 11 members of the genus, mostly in the vicinity of the
Southeast Asian 2B, Shorea is only in Yunnan, China to grow specialty rare species, only
in Xishuangbanna bubang and floating recruit new village to the scenery area of 20
square kilometers within the scope of the distribution of.
Shorea is a large tree, 40 (60) of a meter. 60-150 cm diameter. The bark is grey or brown
upper portion of the trunk for shallow crack, the lower part of a massive spalling. The
young shoots are scaly hairs, with rounded lenticels.
Leaves leathery, elliptic or elliptic lanceolate, 6-20 cm long, 3-8 cm wide, apex
acuminate, base rounded, lateral veins pinnate, 14-19. In the following distinct
processes, net arteries and veins obvious, scalelike hairy or villous; petiole 1-3 cm long,
densely hairy; stipules papery, caducous, ovate, base amplexicaul, with longitudinal
veins 5-7 bar, scales glabrous or stellate hairs.
Panicles axillary or terminal, 5-12 cm long, densely gray yellow scaly stellate hairy or
villous; each. Inflorescence branching bracteolate to 1. Each branch has 3-8 flower, each
flower base with 1 pair of persistent bracts, bracts ovate or ovate elliptic, long 6-13 mm,
4-7 mm wide, with longitudinal veins 6-9. Calyx lobation 5, imbricate, 4-5 mm long, 1 -1.5 mm wide, inside and outside surfaces were scales glabrous or stellate hairs; petaline
5, yellow white, fragrant, 6-11 mm, 3-7 mm wide, with longitudinal veins 10-14 strip,
squamosly strigose outside, inside subglabrous; stamens 12-15, ca. 4 mm, arranged in
two rounds, anther linear lanceolate, at the top of the chamber with pointed, connective
appendage cone; ovary ovate oblong, 3 rooms, per locule ovules 2 pieces, densely white
silky hairs, style fine columnar, glabrous, stigma small, slightly 3-lobed.
Fruit long ovate, densely gray silky hairs; fruit wings subequal or 3 long 2 short,
subleathery, 6-8 cm long, 0.6-1 cm wide, with longitudinal veins 5-7 bar, basally stenosis
is not surrounded by the fruit. Flowering period 5-6 months, fruit period 8-9 months.
In ravines, slopes, hills and limestone mountain jungle, 300 1100 meters above sea level,
in the wet valley, at the foot of the platform, single species dominancy of seasonal rain
forest. The majority of Parashorea chinensis, the original rainforest and mountain
Yunnan, Guangxi, Shorea Chinese, are distributed in most Southeast Asian tropical
Red Tree
Evergreen trees, 10-25 meters high, 20-35 cm diameter; bark gray white; drooping
branches, young branchlets densely rust colored bran will stellate puberulent, older
gradually glabrous, longitudinal stripes, easy to crack. Leaf nearly leathery, broadly
lanceolate or oblong lanceolate or oblanceolate, long (15) 30-55 (70) cm, wide (7) 8-15
cm, tip gradually acuminate or long acuminate tip, usually blunt, base heart shaped or
round, in addition to the outside of the leaf abaxial surface indumentum, old leaves
glabrous on both surfaces; lateral veins 24-35 on, two sides apophysis, the three small
veins nearly parallel, each network node; petiole usually densely ferruginous puberulent,
older dilute glabrous, stout, 1.5-2.5 cm long. Arising from deciduous male, compressed
obovate or pear shaped, long, 6-7 mm wide, 4-6 mm. Pedicel length 0.7-1 cm; tumor like
stems stout, ca. 1-1.5 cm, axillary or in axillary; flowers and pedicels densely rust colored
tomentose; bracteoles at base of perianth; perianth lobes 3, dilute 4; staminate disc does
not sink, edge anthers sessile, 10-13 gold; female flowers sessile or with short stem, from
the tumor like stems, densely stellate tomentulose; perianth tube length 1 cm, terete,
base slightly inflated, having a width of about 4 mm; ovary ovoid, covered with rust
colored tomentose, stigma tip splitting for the majority of lobed or shallow teeth, the
middle sag. Rill (2-2.6 infructescences short, usually fruit 1-2; fruit with short stem, the
stem length of 3-5 mm; fruit ellipsoid or ovoid, both ends of the round, ripe 3.5-4.5 cm
wide, 1 cm, outside densely short rust colored branches villous; pericarp thick, up to 4-5
mm; aril crimson top micro tearing; seed elliptic or ovate elliptic, long 3) cm wide, 1.21.4 cm, both ends of the circle, seed coat fragile crustaceous, not easy to crack, dry
yellowish brown, densely covered with irregular lines, point near the top, subsidence,
and micropyle together for a few connected to a line, the micropyle obvious holes. At
November the following year in February, the fruit of 7-9 months.
Distributed in the southwest and south of Yunnan, and Indonesia also has a distribution.
Born at 500-1000m above sea level slopes or valleys in damp forests.
Kapok Tree
Palmately compound, leaflets 5 to 7, oblong to oblong lanceolate, long and 10 ~ 16 cm,
width of 3.5 to 5.5 cm, the top acuminate, base wide or narrow gradually, entire, both
surfaces glabrous, lateral veins pinnate 15 to 17 on, lift, during which a smaller of two
lateral veins, net arteries and veins is very fine, second surface micro convex; petiole
length 10 ~ 20 cm; petiolule length 1.5 to 4 cm; stipules.
2 single flower Acremonium, axillary, usually red, sometimes orange red, with a
diameter of about 10 cm; calyx cupular, 2 to 3 cm, outside glabrous, inside densely
yellowish short silk wool, calyx teeth 3 ~ 5, half round, height of 1.5 cm, width 2.3 cm.
Petals fleshy, obovate oblong, long 8 ~ 10 cm wide, 3-4 cm, the second surface is stellate
pilose, but relatively sparse; staminal tube short filament are thick, base diameter to
taper and inner wheel part of filaments on the part of the fork, the middle 10 stamens
shorter, bifurcation, outer stamens numerous, integrated 5 bundles, each bundle of
filaments of 10 pieces of above, longer; style longer than stamens. Flowering period
from 3 to April.
Kapok tree flower backward capsule is long elliptic, blunt, length 10 ~ 15 cm, coarse 4.5
~ 5 cm, densely gray white villous and stellate pilose; seeds numerous, obovate, smooth.
In the summer of mature fruit of the consequences of pod cracking, falling cotton. The
cotton floating air, such as the June snow, do not have a taste. Kapok cotton soft texture,
but Xu is an important knitting mattress, the materials of the ancient China. General in
the group of batting, possession of a tiny black seeds, rolling ball with the wind, an
encounter wet land and water absorption and roots.
In the world has been found to kapok tree has more than 200 species, but more than
half of all flowering not results in the genus Bombacaceae species, strange fruit, forest
Born in altitude of 1400 (~ 1700) meters below the dry hot valley and savanna, also can
be grown in the valley monsoon rain forest and cultivated as street trees. Tenacious
kapok. Even a very poor living environment, but also able to germinate and grow.
Trees of origin are unknown, but it is very energy from India. It is widely cultivated in
the Malay Peninsula, Indonesia, Southern China, Hongkong and Taiwan. According to
the ancient records Chinese, Nanyue King Zhao Tuo was in second Century BC the Han
Dynasty to the heavenly offering a kapok tree.
The kapok tree in mountain and village, roadside slope. Spring flowers, summer and
autumn harvest root bark. Distributed in Fujian, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, Guizhou,
Sichuan, Yunnan and other provinces.
Yunnan undulating landscape, high mountains and deep valleys, rivers vertical and
horizontal, multi-Basic and lakes, karts widely distributed, both volcanic hot springs,
glaciers and contemporary, both cold, temperate and tropical climate zone, threedimensional climate characteristics outstanding. These provide advantaged natural
conditions for a wide variety of plant and animal growth and reproduction, but also
created very rich resources of Yunnan property.
Yunnan Province is the largest province of plant species, tropical, subtropical, temperate,
boreal and other plant species are distributed, many old, derived even exotic plant
species and groups. There are around more than 230,000 kinds of higher plants, there
are nearly 30,000 kinds, there are more than 17,000 kinds of Yunnan, accounting for
62.9% of the national total. The first batch of "China Rare and Endangered Plants"
contained in 354 kinds of plants, there are 145 kinds of Yunnan, about 41% of the total.
Yunnan has a forest area of 010 million hectares, accounting for 8.3% of the country's
forest coverage rate of 24.4%, higher than the national average doubled. Stumpage total
volume of 1.32 billion cubic meters, ranking third in the country. More than ten
thousand kinds of trees, including excellent, fast-growing, up to dozens of rare species,
such as tree garden Court, straight water pulley eucalyptus, cypress Tibet Babar trees,
chestnut trees, ton and teak. Economic trees kept at more than 666,700 hectares,
mainly walnuts, tea, tong tree, sumac, allspice, cinnamon, star anise and the like.
Yunnan tropical and sub-tropical in more than 10,000 kinds of higher plants,
accounting for more than half of the species of higher plants, including direct
exploitation and development of farming, and high economic efficiency of no less than
900 kinds, only within the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture reached 300