Download A FLORA OF MANILA nearly white outside, the upper surface of the

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nearly white outside, the upper surface of the lobes pale-blue-purple, the
tube constricted above the ovary, then expanded, the limb 8 cm broad,
spreading. Filaments widened below; anthers bearded. (Fl. Filip. pi.
Commonly cultivated in Manila and in m a n y of the larger towns of the
Archipelago, fl. throughout the year, but apparently producing no seeds in
our area. A native of India, now cultivated in many tropical and subtrop­
ical countries.
2. T. ALATA Bojer.
A slender, herbaceous vine, more or less pubescent. Leaves ovate-cordate,
acute, 4 to 10 cm long, the petioles prominently winged, 1 to 7 cm long.
Flowers axillary, solitary, peduncled, the bracteoles ovate, green, 2 cm long,
somewhat keeled in the lower one-half. Corolla pale-yellow w i t h a whitish
center, or darker-yellow and with a dark-purple center, the limb 3 to 4 cm
in diameter. Capsule depressed-globose, about 8 mm thick, the beak stout,
about 1 cm long.
In thickets, occasional, fl. O c t . - D e c ; local in Luzon, and of recent intro­
duction, but thoroughly naturalized. A native of Africa, now found in
India and Malaya.
3. T. fragrans Roxb.
A slender, glabrous or nearly glabrous, herbaceous vine reaching a height
of 2 to 3 m or more. Leaves 5 to 10 cm long, oblong-ovate to oblong-lanceo­
late, acuminate, base rounded, cordate, or hastate, sometimes toothed, the
basal lobes if any, acute. F l o w e r s axillary, solitary, pedicelled. Bracteoles
green 1.5 to 2 cm long. Calyx short, toothed. Corolla white, 3 to 4 cm long,
the tube slender. Capsule 2 to 2.5 cm long, glabrous, shining.
In thickets P a s a y , fl. most of the y e a r ; widely distributed in the Philip­
pines. India to northern Australia.
*4. T. EKECTA (Benth.)
A n erect, branched, glabrous shrub 1 to 2 m high, with slender, 4-angled
stems. Leaves ovate to elliptic-ovate, 1 to 3.5 cm long, entire or slightly
angular-lobed, acute or acuminate. F l o w e r s axillary, solitary, the bracts
green, 1 cm long. Corolla-tube about 5 cm long, white, slender and con­
stricted below, inflated and about 1 cm in diameter above, the lobes spread­
ing, white or deep violet-purple, the limb 3 to 4 cm in diameter.
Somewhat cultivated, fl. all the year. A native of tropical Africa, of
very recent introduction in the Philippines.
10. S T A U R O G Y N E Wallich
Erect herbs with opposite leaves which are entire or nearly so. Inflores­
cence of terminal or axillary spikes or racemes, dense or lax, the bracts leaf­
like, or small and inconspicuous, the bracteoles 2 near the base of the calyx,
smaller than the bracts. Sepals 5, oblong to linear, one larger than the
other, or subequal. Corolla-tube cylindric, the lobes 5, spreading, short.
Stamens 4, in 2 pairs, the filaments h a i r y ; anther-cells spreading. Ovules
very many. Capsule oblong, not stalked, bearing seeds from the base to the
apex. Seeds numerous in each cell, seated on minute papillae.
"cross" and "woman" in reference to the bifid plates on the stigmas of some
Species 45 or 50 in tropical A s i a , Malaya, Australia, and Brazil, 2 or 3
in the Philippines.