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The Renaissance Study Guide
Be able to identify the following people: (Who were they? What did they do/write?)
Renaissance People
Who were they?
What did they do?
(write, paint, invent, etc.)
Wrote about the need for a pure
and simplified Christian church.
Made people even more unhappy
with the Roman Catholic
her work The City of Women
discusses the role of women in
society. She championed the
causes of equality and education
for women.
Romeo & Juliet, Hamlet,
Othello, Merchant of Venice.
Used language that appealed to
everyone & themes
Invented movable type- First
printing was a 1,282 page Bible
Desiderius Erasmus
Dutch priest and humanist
Christine de Pisan
French poet and author;
William Shakespeare
English playwright;
Johannes Gutenberg
German inventor/printer
Sir Thomas More
English humanist,
wrote Utopiaabout a perfect
society based on reason
Albrecht Durer
German artist
– influenced by the Italian
Renaissance – painted in oil
Jan van Eyck
Flemish artist –
Pieter Brueghel
Flemish painter –
Hans Holbein
German painter –
Arnolfini Wedding Portrait focused on landscape and
domestic life
used Italian techniques but
focused on everyday peasant life
– Hunters in the Snow
known for portraits – worked for
Henry VIII
Leonardo da Vinci
Italian- Renaissance ManPainter, sculptor, inventor,
engineer, architect, musician,
Italian painter
Italian painter, sculptor
Sandro Botticelli
Mona Lisa, The Last Supper
Birth of Venus
Sistine chapel, Creation of
Adam, marble statue of David,
Italian sculptor
liked by the Medici
Bronze David
Italian Painter
School of Athens
Nicolo Machiavelli
Itialian writer
Wrote The Prince – detailed how
to take power and how to rule -
Italian Humanist writer
Wrote The Courtier – handbook
on how to be a gentleman
What were the following books about? Who wrote them?
Sir Thomas More
An ideal society
Romeo & Juliet
William Shakespeare
Love story about feuding
The Prince
How to rule- Better to be
feared than loved
The Book of the Courtier
How to be a
gentleman/woman – rules for
behavior in society
The City of Women
Christine de Pisan
Equality for women – in
society and education
What does Renaissance mean?
Rebirth/renewed interest in human – centered classical art, lit and learning
What did you need to know to be a gentleman or gentlewoman in the Renaissance?
o Know Greek and Latin (Greek and Roman culture influence the Renaissance)
o Serious and amusing topics (be able to talk to anyone about anything  wellrounded education
o Know poetry (rhythmic structured or unstructured usually expresses some kind of
emotion) and prose (writing – the ordinary form of spoken or written language)
Who had the most power in Italy?
The Pope and the Catholic Church, The Medici
What are patrons?
People who give money to artists and sponsor their work
What is Humanism?
Rebirth/renewed interest in human – centered classical art, lit and learning
What were the causes of the Renaissance?
Rise of rich and powerful merchants, who became patrons of the arts, the growth of
large, wealthy city-states, increased trade as a result of the Crusades
How did the Renaissance spread north?
Trade, the movement of artists and scholars, and the development of printing helped spread
Renaissance ideas northward.
What are the features of Renaissance art?
Humanism: an intellectual movement during the Renaissance that focused on the study of
worldly subjects, such as poetry and philosophy, and on human potential and
Secular: Focus on worldly rather than religious matters – religion is still important but not
the focus of all art
Classicism: Respect for ancient Greek and Roman art, architecture, literature and
Scholarship: Emphasis on reasoning, questioning and experimentation -education
Individualism: Emphasis on the dignity and worth of the individual person
What are the differences between Renaissance art in Italy and in the North?
Use of oils
Love of detail
Classical inspiration (Greco-Roman
Realistic depictions of people
Religious influence & subject matter
Symbolism to represent religion
More of a focus on high society
Variety of subjects: Landscapes, Everyday life,
Focus on peasant life
What are the differences between Renaissance art & medieval art?
Medieval Art
All art is a portrait or religiously based
Usually portraits of rich or religious
Renaissance Art
Variety of subjects
Doesn’t have to be religious or a
Can be anything  mostly related to
human life
No Shadows or depth
3D figures
unrealistic figures
Depth & shading
No free standing sculpture
Free Standing Sculptures
No Nudes
Greco-Roman influence
Know the following works of art & their creator:
The School of Athens - Raphael
Hunters in the Snow – Brueghel
The Mona Lisa – Da Vinci
David (bronze and marble)
Bronze – Donatello, Marble - Michelangelo
The Creation of Adam – Michelangelo