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St. Paul Catholic Schools
Free resources for teachers and parents
available at
• Attention Deficit Disorder
• Asperger’s Syndrome
• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
• Major Depression
• Narcissistic Personality Disorder
• Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Attention Deficit Disorder
• Inattentive, difficulty sustaining attention, careless
mistakes, organization problems
• Does not listen when spoken to directly, follow
through problems, task completion
• Loses things, distracted, forgetful, difficulty engaging
in leisure activities quietly
• Hyperactive-impulsivity type, runs or climbs
excessively, fidgets, squirms
• On the go as if driven by a motor, talks excessively
Asperger’s Syndrome
• Impairment in nonverbal behaviors such as eye contact, facial
• Failure to develop age-appropriate peer relationships
• Lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment or interests
• Lack of social or emotional reciprocity
• Restricted repetitive stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests,
• Encompassing preoccupation with one or more area of interest
• Inflexible adherence to specific non-functional routines or rituals
• Stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
• Preoccupied with details, rules, lists, order,
organization, schedules, perfectionism
• Excessively devoted to work and productivity to
detriment of social life
• Over-conscientious, scrupulous, inflexible about
ethics, morals, etc.
• Hoarding, unable to throw things out
• Reluctant to delegate, doesn’t do group work well
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
– Involves the senseless, intrusive, continuous,
anxiety producing thoughts and impulses
(obsessions), which children attempt to ward off
rigidly patterned, irrational behaviors
– Affects boys more than girls
– Symptoms can start as early as ages three or four,
but peak onset is age ten
• Fear of contamination, dread of germs
• Fixation of lucky/unlucky numbers
• Fear of catastrophic danger to self or others
• Need for symmetry and exactness (objects
placed just right)
• Excessive doubts
• Forbidden, aggressive or perverse sexual
thoughts and impulses
– Ritual hand washing, showering, grooming,
– Repetitive counting, touching, getting up and
down, going in and out, writing/erasing/rewriting
– Continuous checking and questioning; arguing,
hoarding or collecting
Major Depression
• Depressed mood, irritable, feels sad or empty
• Diminished interest or pleasure in daily activities
• Decrease or increase in appetite, weight loss or gain
• Fatigue, loss of energy, sleep disturbance, feelings of
worthlessness or excessive guilt
• Diminished ability to think or concentrate
• Inability to get over routine events of childhood
(friendship issues)
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
• Grandiose sense of self-importance
• Expects to be recognized as superior without
• Believes he or she is special, requires
excessive admiration
• Sense of entitlement, lacks empathy, arrogant
or haughty behavior, envious of others
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
• Temper control, anger management problems
• Argumentative, defiant, refuses to comply
with rules
• Deliberately annoys people, angry or
resentful, spiteful or vindictive
• Blames others for their mistakes or
misbehavior, touchy or easily annoyed
Types of Anxiety
– Generalized Anxiety Disorder
– Social Phobia
– Specific Phobia
– Panic Disorder
– Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
– Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
• Extreme and unrealistic worries about everyday life
activities including school, appearance, being on time,
status with friends, appearance, etc…
• Dread doing things wrong, perfectionistic, repeatedly re
do work
• Excessive seriousness, uptight unsure feelings, difficulty
controlling worry
• Restlessness, easily fatigued, irritability, muscle tension,
sleep disturbance and/or mind goes blank
• Hypersensitivity to criticism
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
• Palpitations, pounding heart, sweating,
trembling, shaking
• Shortness of breath, smothering feeling, dizzy,
lightheaded, faint
• Feeling of choking, chest pain or discomfort
Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder)
• A marked and persistent fear of one or more social or
performance situations in which the person is exposed
to unfamiliar people or to possible scrutiny by others
• The person fears that they will embarrass or humiliate
themselves. A fear of being singled out, evaluated,
judged, or called out in the classroom
• The situations are avoided or endured with intense
anxiety. Anxiety may take the form of a panic attack.
• The person recognizes the fear is excessive.
• The anxiety interferes with normal routine, academic
functioning or social activities or relationships.
• They come across as acutely shy and having discomfort
in social situations.
Specific Phobia
• Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or
unreasonable, cued by the presence or anticipation of a
specific object or situation
• Examples of fears include crowds, public bathrooms,
costumed characters, vomiting, choking, seeing blood
or injury, contracting an illness
• The situations are avoided or endured with intense
anxiety. Anxiety may take the form of a panic attack
• The person recognizes that the fear is excessive
• The avoidance, anxious anticipation, or distress
significantly with the persons normal routine, academic
functioning, or social activities or relationships
Panic Disorder (two types)
• Panic disorder without agoraphobia
– Recurrent unexpected panic attacks. Persistent
concern about having additional attacks. Worry
about the implications of the attack or its
consequences (heart attack, losing control, “going
• Panic disorder with agoraphobia
– Agoraphobia is anxiety about being in places or
situations in which escape might be difficult or in
which help may not be available in the event of an
unexpected panic attack. Because of this, situations
are avoided, or endured with marked anxiety
What are panic attacks?
– A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in
which the following symptoms may develop
abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes
Pounding heart
Chest pain
Fear of dying
Hot flashes
Breath shortness Fear of going crazy
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
– Experience a traumatic event over and over
through strong memories, flashbacks. Or similar
troublesome thoughts
– Events may include being a victim of or witnessing
violence; or living through a disaster (e.g., sexual
abuse, tornado, car accident, etc.)
– As a result, they may try to avoid anything
associated with the trauma, overreact when
startled and/or have difficulty sleeping
Available Resources - Free
Fading the Prompt
Allowing Temporary Victories
Children and Their Pace of Change
Untreated Conditions
All Moments are Needed
Wishing for (but not expecting) a Smooth Road
Our Children’s Weak Moments
What They Do (and What We Do Next)