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Name_________________________ Date______________________ Period ________
Unit 1, Section 2
A. China, India, Greece, and Rome were each influenced by its ______________
B. Each had a strong, well-organized ________________ and a prosperous
_______________ allowing it to thrive.
C. Each major contributions to the world in art, science, architecture, and law.
1. Mandate of Heaven- ________________________________________
2. Feudalism- ________________________________________________
3. Qin- _____________________________________________________
4. Han Dynasty-______________________________________________
5. Maurya Dynasty- ___________________________________________
6. Bureaucracy- ______________________________________________
7. Asoka- ___________________________________________________
8. Polis-_____________________________________________________
9. Aristocracy- _______________________________________________
10. Direct Democracy-__________________________________________
11. Hellenistic- ________________________________________________
12. Republic- _________________________________________________
13. Senate- ___________________________________________________
14. Patrician- _________________________________________________
15. Plebeian- _________________________________________________
16. Pax Romana- ______________________________________________
17. Laws of the Twelve Tables- __________________________________
18. Aqueduct- ________________________________________________
19. Silk Road- ________________________________________________
CHINA (1027 B.C.-A.D. 220)
A. Geographic Setting
1. _________ TRUE OR FALSE. China was one of the most isolated of all
ancient civilizations.
2. _____________ barriers (like mountains, deserts, oceans, etc) separated
B. Zhou Dynasty (1027 B.C.-221 B.C.)
1. Developed the concept of ___________________ of Heaven, which
means ________________________________.
2. This is similar to Europe’s ___________ Right Theory.
3. __________ TRUE OR FALSE. A ruler might lose the Mandate of
4. Give 3 reasons why a dynasty might lose the Mandate of Heaven. (SEE
a. _____________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________
5. A Feudal Government
a. Feudalism is ___________________________________________
b. Over time these people held the real power: __________________
6. Economy
7. a. ________ TRUE OR FALSE. Under the Zhou the economy declined
and trade declined Feudal Government
c. Feudalism is ___________________________________________
d. Over time these people held the real power: __________________
8. Economy
9. a. ________ TRUE OR FALSE. Under the Zhou the economy declined
and trade declined Feudal Government
e. Feudalism is ___________________________________________
f. Over time these people held the real power: __________________
10. Economy
a. ________ TRUE OR FALSE. Under the Zhou the economy declined
and trade declined.
11. Zhou Contributions
a. Made the first _________, developed an accurate ________________,
and _________ became a valuable export for the Chinese.
C. Shi Huangdi and the Qin Dynasty (221 B.C.-206 B.C.)
1. Centralized Government
a. Abolished old __________ states.
b. Standardized ________________.
c. Created national _________.
d. Promoted uniformity in Chinese ______________.
e. Repaired ____________ and _____________.
2. The Great Wall
Why was it built? _________________________________________.
D. The Han Dynasty (206 B.C.—A.D. 220)
1. Government and Economy
a. Strong central government by starting a __________________ system.
b. Exams were based on the teachings of ____________________.
c. These exams determined who would get _________________ jobs,
not _________ influence.
2. Han Society
a. The ___________________ system impacted Chinese society for
many years. It established ________________ values in government
and daily life.
b. _________ TRUE OR FALSE. According to Confucianism standards
women were allowed to take civil service exams.
3. Han Contributions
a. This period in Chinese history was its _________ Age, which means
b. Technology—made _________ out of wood pulp, invented the
___________________, fishing reel, and the rudder.
c. Science—developed __________________, using needles under the
skin to relieve pain or treat illnesses.
d. Arts—created jade and ivory carvings. Also used bronze and silk.
INDIA (c. 1500 B.C.—185 B.C.)
A. Geographic Setting
The Indian Subcontinent includes three major geographic features:
1. The northern ________(fertile and well watered)—includes the ________
and __________ Rivers.
2. The ____________ Plateau (dry and sparsely populated).
3. The coastal ________ (flat land on the coasts—good for fishing, farming,
and trading).
4. This varied _____________ has made the subcontinent difficult to ______
B. Aryans and the Vedic Age (c. 1500 B.C.—500 B.C.)
1. They did not build any _______, left few artifacts.
2. Most information on them is found in the ___________, a collection of
sacred writings. (They are portrayed as fierce warriors).
C. Mauryan Empire (321 B.C.—185 B.C.)
1. Ruled over the first ___________ Indian Empire.
2. Well-Organized Government
a. Set up an efficient bureaucracy and a ________ government.
b. Officials collected taxes and oversaw the building of _______ and
harbors—this helped ____________ flourish.
3. Asoka and Reform
a. Ruled by ________ example instead of by violence.
b. Stressed the _____________ religion.
4. Mauryan Contributions
a. ____________ much of India for the first time.
b. ________ flourished.
c. ____________ was highly advanced.
d. Spread the ______________ religion (known as _________________)
GREECE (c. 1750 B.C.—133 B.C.)
A. Geographic Setting
1. Very mountainous and has many islands.
2. Prevented the Greeks from ______________ a large empire like Egypt
and Mesopotamia.
3. Created many _______-________.
4. The Greeks became skilled sea ______________.
5. Example of cultural diffusion by the Greeks-_____________________.
Early Civilizations
1. The ____________ were also great traders.
The Rise of City States
1. Greece did not form a large, ___________ empire, but was a collection of
2. At first, __________ ruled the city-states, but in time landowning nobles
gained power (called an ____________________).
3. The two most powerful city-states were ___________ and __________..
Militarism in Sparta
1. Sparta was a __________ society.
2. Boys were trained for military service at the age of _______.
3. Girls also trained in exercise in order to “give birth to healthy _______ for
the army.” (p.44).
4. Even though it had a strong army, it declined because of its rigid ways and
inability to ___________.
Limited Democracy in Athens
1. Under ___________, Athens had a ________________________, in
which a large number of ________ citizens actually took part in the day to
day running of the government.
2. Women did not participate. Why?
3. Describe the similarities and differences between Athens and Sparta.
Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age
1. Alexander the Great built a huge empire stretching from Egypt to Persia
and India.
2. Through his conquest he spread __________ culture (known as
3. Hellenistic Culture is a blend of __________, __________, ____________
and ___________ life.
a. It gave more rights and opportunities to ___________.
Greek and Hellenistic Contributions
1. Philosophy—tried to use _________________ and _____________ to
understand why things happened.
a. The three most famous Greek philosophers:
________________, __________________, _________________
2. Literature—Plays developed from ____________ festivals, stories of the
gods. The plays told stories of ___________ conflict.
a. Homer wrote _________ poems.
b. Herodotus is the Father of ____________.
3. Art and Architecture—The Greeks believed in ______________,
______________, and _________ in the universe
a. The most famous Greek building was the ___________________.
4. Science—
a. Discovered the ____________ rotates on its _______ and moves
around the _________.
b. Archimedes explored the principles of the _________ and the ______.
c. Hippocrates studied the causes of illness and looked for cures.
5. Mathematics—
a. ________________ developed a formula to measure the sides of a
right ____________.
b. _____________ wrote a book that became the basis for modern
ROME (c. 509 B.C.—A.D. 476)
A. Geographic Setting
1. Rome is located near the center of _________.
2. Its geography helped to __________ people.
3. How did Rome’s location help them? _____________________________
B. The Roman Republic
1. Established a _______________, in which officials are chosen by the
2. Landholding upper class—________________.
3. Farmers, merchants, artisans, and traders—_____________.
4. __________ TRUE OR FALSE. The plebeians made up most of the
population but had little power.
C. The Roman Empire
1. The Romans conquered all of Italy, Carthage, Macedonia, Greece, and
parts of Asia Minor.
2. This expansion led to a widening gap between ______ and ______ as well
as ______________ corruption.
3. __________ TRUE OR FALSE. Augustus ended the republic form of
government in Rome.
4. Pax Romana—_________________________________________.
D. Roman Contributions
1. Law—a system of ________ was its greatest achievement.
Law included many principles that are in existence today:
a. _______________ under the law.
b. The right of the accused to face one’s accusers and mount a defense.
c. The idea that one is ______________ under proven _____________.
2. Art and Architecture
a. The Romans borrowed many ideas from the __________.
b. The writers used _________, which united the empire.
3. Engineering
a. The Romans built excellent roads, bridges, harbors, and ___________,
which are _______________________________________________.
A. Phoenician Trade
1. They made _________ and purple ______.
2. The most important contribution was the _________________, developed
to record business transactions.
B. India’s Role in Trade
1. Indian goods included ___________, gems, and __________.
C. China and the Silk Road
1. The ______ Dynasty opened a trade route called the ________ Road that
linked China with other lands.
D. Roman Trade
1. During Pax Romana, _______ flowed freely among the peoples of the
Roman Empire and other parts of the world.
2. Use the map on page 48 and name THREE grain-producing regions that
were part of Mediterranean trade routes.
PAGES 62-63
5. _________ 6. __________ 7. ___________