Download Archaic Age - Way of living – polis revolved around market place

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Archaic Age
Way of living – polis revolved around market place (agora), which was a centre of trade
 Acropolis - place of defense in a high position or a hill (most known Athens)
Types of government
 Monarchy – rule by one – total control by king with some of support of counsel
 Aristocracy – rule by an elite (vláda aristokratov)
 Oligarchy – rule by few
 Leaders are from nobles (archonts)
 Council of elders (rada starších)– aeropag
 Democracy – rule by people, decisions are made by all citizens
 Tyranny – run by a master, power in hands of tyran
Citizens had civil’s rights for a election, own land, have life and property protected, their also
had a duty to provide military equipment and militarily protect the polis
 Women, children and slaves did not have any rights
Army - made up of citizens, all of them had shields, helmet, greaves (brnenie) a spear
(kopija). They were called hoplites. Packed formation called phalanx.
The great Greek colonization
Extended line to Dardanelles and Bosphorus ([úžina Bospor a Dardanely), Black Sea, coast of
Reasons: overpopulation, hunger, lack of raw materials
Consequences: growth of foreign trade, merchants and craftsmen
Peninsula of Attica, port Pireus
The Draconian code – traditional law, mainly about property
Solon reforms – divided people by amount of their property
 Cancel the debts of the poor
 Reform of money system
 Stimulating export (olive oil) and craft´s development
Tyrania – Peisistratus
Cleistenes – positive tyranny, developing of country, divided people by their area of
living, military council (strateg)
Athenian democracy
 Eklesia – ľudové zhromažďenie
 Ostracism (ostrakizmos) – črepinový súd
 Perikles – diets for the poorest, participations of citizens in legislative, executive and
judicial. – Women still not accepted as an equal.
Division of society into 3 castes (Kást, tried)
 The Spartan citizens – rulers and soldiers, no other work
 Helots (helóti) – no rights, bound to the land
 Peroikoi (peroikovia) – inhabitants of the towns and villages, personal
Government: - 2 kings as military commanders - oligarchy
 5 ephors (eforovia) – executive power
 apella – assembly (zhromaždenie)
 gerusia – the council of Elders (rada starších)
way of living – military training from early age, unhealthy babies were abandoned or killed.
The Persian Wars
492 BC - Persian ship were destroyed in strong storm by cape Athos
490 BC – the battle at Marathon, Darius (Persian emperor) vs Athens, Athens won
480 BC – Thermopylea – Xerxes vs Leonidas, Persians won
480 BC – Salamis – Xerxes vs Athens, Athens won
479 BC – Platea – Xerxes vs Sparta, Spartans definitely won the whole war
Delian League – defensive alliance (obranný spolok) of the states on the shores and islands of the
Aegean Sea. Later moved into Athens and name changed to Athenian League.
Peloponnesian League (Peloponézsky spolok) led by Sparta
Athens – sea power, Sparta – land power – the Peloponnesian War (432 – 404 BC)
Battle by Aigospoitamoi – the Athens navy was defeated in 405.