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Solar System Study Guide
1. The hottest stars in the solar system are this color: ___blue____
2. If the Northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, what season is it?
__summer________ What season is it in the Southern hemisphere?
_________winter________ Draw a picture.
3. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are all _____larger_______ in size than
4. Light from the sun reflects on the __planets_______. This is why we are able to
see them.
5. The sun changes positions in the sky. This is caused by _ the tilt of Earth’s axis.
6. The rotation of Earth makes star patterns look like they are ___moving__.
Inner Planets
Close to _sun_____
Outer Planets
Far from _sun________
Get heat and __light____
Cold and __dark___
Made of __rock____
Made of __gases____
ORBIT THE _sun___!
ORBIT THE_sun___!
8 When the sun is high in the sky, shadows are short.
When the sun is low in the sky, shadows are long.
9. Constellations do not change. As Earth ____rotates___, the part of the sky we
see changes, not the constellation. Constellations are star patterns in the sky.
10. Will a planet closer to the sun have a hotter or cooler temperature? __hotter__
So if the temperature on Jupiter is -155 degrees C, what would be a good guess of
the temperature on Venus?
500 degrees C
11. The sun appears much lower in the sky during __winter________. So in the
summer, the sun appears much higher in the sky.
12. How long does it take for:
Earth to revolve around the sun? ____365 days/1 year____
Earth to rotate on its axis? _____24 hours/1 day________
Moon to revolve around Earth? __28 days/1 month________
13. Draw and label the planets in order from the sun: color all inner planets red and all
outer planets blue.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars///Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
14. Write the moon phases in order starting with a First Quarter Moon.
new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous,
last quarter, waning crescent.
15. Important Vocabulary:
solar- means sun.
orbit- to move in a path around an object as the planets move around the sun.
waning- when the moon is getting smaller/less light.
waxing- when the moon is getting larger/brighter.
telescope- a tool that makes objects appear larger.
elliptical- an oval/egg shaped orbit.
lunar- means moon.
Pluto- a former planet that is the smallest and farthest in our solar system.
Jupiter- largest planet with large red spot.
Venus- known as Earth’s “twin/sister” planet due to similar in size.
axis- an imaginary line through the center of an object.
sun- center of our solar system.
16. Draw the sun, Earth, and moon in our solar system. Show their orbits and label
17. What are the differences between stars and planets.
Stars: made of gases; makes own light/heat
Planets: made of rock; light/heat from sun
18. Choose any 2 planets and compare them in Venn Diagram.