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Study Jams
Kids have many questions about the universe. This activity will help us
learn more about the solar system, the universe, and the moon. Write
neatly. This will be a great study guide!!!!!!
The Universe
How many moons are in our Solar System? ______________________________
What is the universe? ____________________________________________________________
What is the name of the galaxy that includes earth?____________________________________
What is a planet?_____________________________________________________________
What is one important characteristic of a planet?_____________________________________
What is a light year?________________________________________________________
A Day on Earth
What causes day and night?_______________________________________________________
How long does it take earth to make one full rotation?__________________________________
What does it take the earth one full year to complete?_________________________________
What is the earth’s axis?________________________________________________________
What causes seasons?__________________________________________________________
Why are years on some planets longer than years on other planets?
How long is moon’s orbit around the earth?__________________________________________
What are conditions like on the moon?_____________________________________________
What is the moon’s surface like?___________________________________________________
Why does the moon appear bright?_______________________________________________
During a waxing crescent phase, what part of the moon can you see?______________________
What happens during a solar eclipse?_______________________________________________
Inner Planets
What are the four inner planets in our solar system?___________________________________
What separates the inner and outer planets?_________________________________________
What is special about Venus?_____________________________________________________
What is on the surface of Mars?___________________________________________________
Outer Planets
What makes up the asteroid belt?__________________________________________________
What is the giant red spot on Jupiter?_______________________________________________
What are the rings around Saturn?_________________________________________________
What planet rotates on its side?____________________________________________________
Why are planetoids not planets?___________________________________________________
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