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• Based on the video, describe some
characteristics that all the animals show.
• Describe some of the things that set the
different animals apart from each other.
• Why do you think that the some of the
animals developed so differently?
Introduction to Animals
• Over a million different types have been
• Animals likely evolved from protozoans.
Kingdom Protista
Characteristics of Animals
All animals share these general features:
1. heterotrophy,
2. mobility,
3. multicellularity,
4. sexual reproduction,
5. diploidy,
6. the absence of a cell wall,
7. cells organized as tissues, and
8. blastula formation.
BR: On the chart, write down the animal
phylums & an example of each. (picture)
(These are the common names.)
• Based on the cladogram, what is the
symmetry of each?
Can’t make their own food… must eat
• Animals can swim, crawl, walk, run, and
even fly.
• Some only move in the larval stage… the
• Made up of more then one cell!
• Although animals come in a wide range of
sizes, the cell sizes are all very similar!
sexual reproduction
• Almost all animals reproduce sexually by
producing gametes.
• Unlike the egg cells, the sperm cells of
animals have a flagella and are highly
adults have two copies of each
chromosome, one inherited from their
father and one from their mother.
the absence of a cell wall,
Among the cells of multicellular organisms,
only animal cells lack rigid cell walls. The
absence of a cell wall has allowed animals
mobility that other multicellular organisms
do not have.
blastula formation
In all animals except sponges, the zygote
(fertilized egg cell) undergoes cell divisions
that form a hollow ball of cells called a
cells organized as tissues
Cells within the blastula eventually develop into
three distinct layers of cells endoderm, ectoderm,
and mesoderm . These layers are called the primary
tissue layers because they give rise to all of the
tissues and organs of the adult body.
tissues are groups of cells with a common
structure that work together to perform a
specific function.
BR: For the quiz, you would need to be able to read a
chart like these. What sort of questions might I ask?
Bell ringer
• If you wanted to figure out if something is an
animal, what characteristics would you look
for? Are these animals? Why or why not?
Body Symmetry
All animals have their own particular body
plan, a term used to describe an animal’s
shape, symmetry, and internal
3 body symmetry
Animals that grow in an irregular pattern,
such as a sponge, show asymmetry.
radial symmetry
Animals with radial symmetry have body
parts arranged
around a central axis.
bilateral symmetry
Animals with bilateral symmetry have
a distinct right and left half, and most display
What now?
• Find each of the phylums for each of the
• Write down the scientific names for each
of the phylums on your chart
• Finish Reading guide
Bell Ringer
Identify the symmetry of each animal & explain how you
• If you haven’t taken the Classification Tools Test, you need
to make it up by the end of the day Thursday, or else it goes
in as a zero.
• Retakes will be on Friday!
How do you think that an
organism’s symmetry will affect
its lifestyle?
Symmetry: A Point of View
1. Use play-doh to make models of three IMAGINARY
animals that exhibit the three types of symmetry
a. one animal should be assymmetrical
b. the second should exhibit radial symmetry
c. the third should illustrate bilateral symmetry
2. Think about how your three imaginary animals will capture
food. Will they be mobile or sessile?
3. Compare your 3 imaginary animals with others in the class.
Discuss the similarities and differences.
Questions to answer
TYPE of Symmetry
Method used to
capture food
Mobile or sessile
1. Identify 2 everyday objects for each type of symmetry.
2. Describe the advantages of radial symmetry and bilateral
symmetry for your model animals, when capturing food.
3. Most bilaterally symmetrical animals have an anterior end
where most of the sense organs are located. How is this body
plan an advantage?
4. Why are mobile organisms more likely to be bilaterally
symmetrical? Why are sessile organisms more likely to be radially
How does symmetry affect an
organism’s lifestyle?
• Radial symmetry enables sea creatures, which
may be sedentary or only capable of slow
movement or floating, to experience the
environment equally from all directions.
• Bilateral symmetry allows for streamlined and
directional motion. In evolutionary terms, this simple
form of symmetry promoted active mobility and
increased sophistication of resource-seeking and
predator-prey relationships.
Bell Ringer
Identify the symmetry of each animal & explain how you
• If you missed class on Friday, you missed the classification
quiz! You can make it up afterschool or during seminar (see
me for a pass)
Bell Ringer
Describe how you think that symmetry,
cephalization (having a head), and being motile
(ability to move) can greatly benefit an
Describe what you think makes a sponge an
• If you missed class on Friday, you missed the classification
quiz! You can make it up afterschool or during seminar
(see me for a pass) You have a week before it goes in the
grade book as a zero.
body plans
Bilateral Animals have one of three basic
body plans: acoelomate,
pseudocoelomate, and coelomate.
a body cavity, coelom
or (SEE luhm), a
fluid-filled space
found between the
body wall and the
digestive tract (gut).
This space is lined
with cells that come
from mesoderm.
• Coelomates are either protostomes or deuterostomes.
• Protostomes (first mouth) are coelomates whose
embryonic development shows a blastopore associated
with a mouth.
• Deuterostomes (second mouth) are coelomates whose
embryonic development shows a blastopore associated
with an anus, with a second opening forming the mouth
(hence "second mouth").
Animals with no body cavity
are called acoelomate (ay
SEEL oh mayts).
The space between an
acoelomate’s body wall and
gut is completely filled with
have a body cavity located
between the mesoderm
and endoderm. Their
body cavity is called a
pseudocoelom (false
Segmentation in body structure underlies
the organization of all advanced animals.
• Some animals have their bodies divided
into segments. This allows them to
specialize certain segments, such as for
antennae, eyes, claws, etc. Humans,
insects, and earthworms are examples of
segmented animals.
animal phyla
There are about
35 animal
phyla, which
contain an
range of body
forms and body
phylogenetic tree
To visually represent the relationships
among various groups of animals,
scientists often use a type of branching
diagram called a phylogenetic tree.
It shows how animals are related through
Scientists classify animals using several
different types of data, which include
comparing anatomy and physiology,
patterns of development, and DNA.
• The animal kingdom is divided in two
groups: vertebrates and invertebrates
Animal Body Systems
Body systems are specialized to carry out
different tasks.
Levels of organization:
organ systems
Digestive systems
• Simple animals have a gastrovascular
cavity with only one opening, while morecomplex animals have a one-way gut. animal digestion
Respiration/ gas exchange
Simple animals exchange gases directly
through their skin.
More-complex aquatic animals use gills,
while terrestrial animals use a variety of
respiratory organs, such as lungs.
circulatory system
In an open circulatory system, circulatory
fluid leaves the vessels and enters the
body cavity.
In a closed circulatory system, blood
remains in the vessels.
open circulatory system -- primitive system found in insects and crustaceans -blood not always contained in blood vessels -- heart pumps hemolymph (blood
and cell fluids) into vessels, but vessels empty into large cavities or sinuses
containing organs -- blood diffuses through tissues and back into heart.
closed circulatory system -- found in higher animals -- system is
"closed" because the blood is always contained in vessels.
Nervous System
While simple animals have little coordination
among their nerve cells, complex animals
have nerve cords and a brain with
associated sensory structures.
Excretory System
For most animals, eliminating wastes is
linked to maintaining the correct water
balance in their body.
Hydrostatic support
Asexual reproductive methods include
fragmentation, splitting in two, and
Reproduction that does not involve the fusion
of two gametes is called asexual
reproduction. A sponge, for example, can
reproduce by fragmenting its body. Each
fragment grows into a new sponge.
Some species of sea anemone reproduce by
pulling themselves in half, forming two new
adult anemones
sexual reproduction
In sexual reproduction, male and female
gametes combine to form a new individual
Human Reproduction
• Eggs produced in the ovary are fertilized in the
fallopian tube and implant in the uterus. Sperm,
made in the testes by spermatogenesis, a form
of meiosis, must fertilize the haploid egg for it to
develop into an embryo.