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Assessment of Diastolic Function in Heart Failure and Atrial
In the past three decades, Doppler echocardiography has emerged as a noninvasive alternative to cardiac catheterisation for evaluating haemodynamic
variables [1]. A well-performed Doppler examination is able to provide as
accurate data as conventional cardiac catheterisation does.
Diastolic function of the left ventricle (LV) plays a relevant role in producing the signs and symptoms of heart failure (HF) in cardiac diseases, the
end result of which is the elevation of left ventricular pressure per unit volume of blood entering the LV [2–5]. This elevated filling pressure increases
left atrial pressure, which is reflected back to the pulmonary circulation and
causes symptoms of shortness of breath and signs of pulmonary congestion.
Because of the complexity of the multiple interrelated events that comprise
diastolic filling of the heart, assessment of LV diastolic function was in the
past limited to the catheterisation laboratory, where complex measurements
of pressure–volume relations and rates of decrease in pressure from highfidelity pressure curves were used [6].
It has been speculated that Doppler echocardiography could be used to
assess diastolic filling and function of the LV non-invasively [7, 8].
Kitabatake et al. [9] in 1982 described the different flow velocity curves that
occur in different disease states from Doppler interrogation of transmitral
flow. Multiple investigations in both animals and humans followed and provided insight into the interpretation of these flow velocity patterns [10, 11].
The mitral flow velocity curves can be viewed as determined by the relative
driving pressure across the mitral valve from the left atrium to the LV. There
is an initial rapid acceleration of flow as left ventricular pressure drops
rapidly below left atrial pressure during ventricular relaxation (measured as
the E wave velocity). As the LV fills in early diastole, there is a rise in pres-
Division of Cardiology, University of Messina, Italy
S. Carerj et al.
sure that exceeds the left atrial pressure, causing a deceleration of flow. The
rate of deceleration of flow is measured as the mitral E wave deceleration
time and is dependent mainly upon the effective operating compliance of the
LV. During mid-diastole there is equilibration of left ventricular and left atrial pressures, with a low velocity of forward flow as a result of inertial forces.
Finally, at atrial contraction there is a re-acceleration of transmitral flow as
left atrial pressure rises above left ventricular pressure (measured as the A
wave velocity). These flow velocity curves are dependent on multiple intrinsic factors that include the rate of left ventricular relaxation and elastic
recoil (diastolic suction), left atrial and left ventricular compliance, and left
atrial pressure, as well as varying patient conditions such as load, age, and
heart rate [10, 11].
It has already been shown in experimental models of HF [12] that there is
also a progression of abnormal diastolic patterns that occurs over time with
cardiac diseases. In the early stage of dysfunction, impaired relaxation of the
LV dominates, which decreases early diastolic filling although filling pressures remain normal in the rest state. This is reflected by a decrease in the
initial E wave velocity, prolongation of E wave deceleration time, and
increased proportion of filling due to atrial contraction. With disease progression, left atrial pressure rises, which increases the driving pressure
across the mitral valve. This is accompanied by a gradual increase in E wave
velocity and a decrease in effective operating compliance of the LV, which
shortens the mitral E wave deceleration time. In advanced stages of disease,
there will be even higher pressures, a higher E/A ratio, and a very abbreviated mitral deceleration time. This concept of a progression of the mitral flow
velocity curves with worsening disease has a clinical application: the prognosis of patients with either dilated or infiltrative cardiomyopathy is indicated by a short mitral deceleration time, with values below 140 ms indicating a
poor outcome, independently of the degree of systolic dysfunction [13, 14].
Furthermore, non-invasive assessment of left ventricular filling pressures in
HF patients would be of great value in assessing their degree of left ventricular dysfunction and monitoring the effect of unloading therapies. Previous
studies have shown that this can be estimated by combining various Doppler
echocardiographic variables [10, 15–17]. Patients with atrial fibrillation (AF)
have, however, been excluded from these studies, limiting the applicability of
such estimates to patients in sinus rhythm.
It has been shown that in patients with HF and sinus rhythm elevated left
atrial pressures can compensate for delayed left ventricular relaxation, thus
increasing early diastolic mitral flow velocity and its deceleration and
decreasing isovolumic relaxation time. High left atrial pressure before atrial
contraction together with a stiff LV shortens and reduces mitral flow velocity
wave at atrial contraction. This leads to the so-called pseudo-normal and
Assessment of Diastolic Function in Heart Failure and Atrial Fibrillation
restrictive patterns that in HF patients are reliable indexes of elevated left
ventricular filling pressures. Pulmonary venous flow in sinus rhy thm
patients shows a triphasic pattern which is predominantly related to left atrial function and reflects the oscillations of left atrial pressures [18]. Thus, the
systolic forward flow velocity is determined by the combined backward
effect of the decrease in left atrial pressure, due to both left atrial relaxation
and mitral annulus descent, and the forward propagation of systolic right
ventricular pressure [19]. The diastolic forward flow velocity, which occurs
when the mitral valve is open and the left atrium behaves as a passive conduit, slightly follows and is closely related to early diastolic mitral flow velocity. The reverse diastolic flow velocity wave is determined by atrial contraction and its duration depends mainly on left ventricular compliance. In
patients with HF and sinus rhythm, when the left atrial pressure is high (and
left atrial compliance is reduced) the systolic flow velocity is blunted; the
diastolic forward flow velocity is high and its deceleration is rapid; the
reverse flow is prolonged and its duration exceeds that of forward mitral
flow at atrial contraction.
Unfortunately, approximately 20% of patients with chronic HF have AF
[20, 21]. When AF is present, the loss of atrial contraction and of ventricular
rate control affects both mitral and pulmonary venous flow and the relationship between Doppler variables and left ventricular filling pressure becomes
more complicated. When AF occurs, the active atrial contraction is lost, so
that the whole blood volume filling the LV is detected in a monophasic E
wave. At the same time Doppler recording of pulmonary venous flow shows a
loss of the late diastolic reverse flow. Loss of the active left atrial relaxation
causes the disappearance of the first component of the systolic forward flow
velocity. Besides these effects on left ventricular and atrial filling due to the
loss of an active atrial contraction, irregular cardiac cycle lengths produce
marked beat-to-beat variations in both mitral and pulmonary venous flow
Despite all these differences between Doppler echocardiographic findings
in patients with sinus rhythm and AF, a relatively accurate estimation of pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) can be achieved in HF patients
who are in AF. In particular, in patients with AF, indexes of early left ventricular diastolic filling, i.e. isovolumic relaxation time, deceleration time, and
deceleration rate, and the systolic fraction of pulmonary venous flow are
almost as strongly correlated with PCWP as they are in patients with sinus
rhythm [22, 23]. Temporelli et al. [24] have recently found that a value of 120
ms in E wave deceleration time seems to be the best cut-off point in predicting high values of PCWP in HF patients with AF, the sensitivity and specificity of a mitral E wave deceleration time below 120 ms in predicting PCWP
above 20 mmHg being 100% and 96%, respectively.
S. Carerj et al.
AF is characterised by an irregular heart rate that produces beat-to-beat
variations in contractility, preload, after-load, and mitral regurgitation,
which leads to increased variability in Doppler measurements. To minimise
this problem it would be preferable to investigate patients when they are
receiving optimal medical therapy including medications that are able to
reduce sufficiently (and synchronise as much as possible) their ventricular
heart rate. Moreover, short cardiac cycles (< 600 ms) should not be analysed
because they are often associated with fusion of pulmonary venous flow
waves. The optimal number of beats to be analysed and averaged for Doppler
measurements of diastolic function in AF should be approximately three
times that necessary in sinus rhythm, i.e. from 5 to 10.
Problems related to variability of haemodynamic conditions in HF
patients with AF may constitute a limit of flow Doppler; furthermore, to
obtain meaningful data, a strict and time-consuming methodology must be
followed, which may limit the everyday application of this parameters in a
busy clinical practice.
In order to limit the load dependence of flow Doppler measurements on
left ventricular diastolic function, new methods have recently been introduced. Nagueh et al. [25] found that peak acceleration of the E wave (PkAcc),
isovolumic relaxation time, deceleration time of the E wave, and the ratio of
E velocity to propagation velocity (E/Vp) were strongly related to left ventricular filling pressure. In particular, the velocity of propagation of the early
inflow from the LV base to the apex (Vp), determined using colour M-mode,
correlated well with the time constant of isovolumetric left ventricular relaxation (τ) [26]. In patients with abnormal left ventricular relaxation and elevated left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, filling flow propagation is
rapidly attenuated in spite of the increased early transmitral velocity.
Therefore, as the severity of HF increases, the E/Vp also increases and may
be a more sensitive index than E velocity or Vp alone. Recently Oyama et al.
[27] found that a cut-off value of E/Vp of 1.7 was able to predict with acceptable accuracy the presence of high PCWP (> 15 mmHg) in HF patients with
Tissue Doppler imaging has recently become a common tool of modern
ultrasound systems. This allows the recording of myocardial contraction and
relaxation velocities. The early diastolic mitral annular velocity (Ea) has
been shown to be a relatively load-independent measure of myocardial
relaxation in patients with cardiac disease [28]. When tissue Doppler imaging is combined with pulsed Doppler transmitral flow in early diastole (E),
the resultant E/Ea ratio has been correlated with left ventricular filling pressure measured invasively in patients with sinus rhythm [29]. E/Ea values
above 15 have been shown to be highly predictive (sensitivity 92%, specificity 90%) of a PCWP greater than 15 mmHg in patients with depressed ejec-
Assessment of Diastolic Function in Heart Failure and Atrial Fibrillation
tion fraction and sinus rhythm [30]. In conclusion, Doppler echocardiography is now well accepted as a reliable and reproducible method for assessing
diastolic function in various cardiac diseases. Several studies have demonstrated that left ventricular pressure and mean PCWP can be estimated from
variables of mitral and pulmonary venous flow. In particular, an excellent
inverse correlation has been found between the deceleration time of transmitral E wave and PCWP in patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction
and sinus rhythm. In the case of HF patients with AF, however, few data have
been published so far. The presence of irregular rhythm associated with high
variability of haemodynamic conditions and absence of atrial contraction
constitute an obstacle to the accurate evaluation of left ventricular diastolic
function by means of flow Doppler imaging. Tissue Doppler imaging could
be of great utility in this particular clinical setting thanks to its relative loadindependence. Further clinical studies are needed in order to assess the value
of tissue Doppler variables in estimating left ventricular filling pressures and
to compare them to flow Doppler parameters in HF patients with AF.
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