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Name:_____________________ Date:______________SCIN#____________
1st Semester Final Exam Review
Rocks are made up of __________________________ and other
There are _________ major categories of rocks, and 2 “in-between” states
(magma and sediments)
Let’s talk about the three categories of rocks.
1. Igneous- latin for ____________________. ________________ rocks
form when ________________________ cools,
____________________, and forms a solid rock.
Igneous Rock
Draw in the boxes.
Name the most popular igneous rock ________________________.
What’s the largest outcropping of granite in North America? Hint: it’s local
When igneous rock forms inside the earth, it cools __________________.
This causes ________________ crystals to form.
When igneous rock forms on earth’s surface, it cools _________________.
This causes _______________ crystals to form.
2. Sedimentary Rocks are made of _____________________.
3. Sediment are small, _________________________________________
Water, wind, and ____________ can carry sediment and deposit it in
The steps for creating a sedimentary rock from sediment are:
A. Erosion_______________________________________________________
B. Deposition_______________________________________________________
C. Compaction_______________________________________________________
D. Cementation _______________________________________________________
Draw your own version of sedimentary rock formation here.
There are 3 types of sedimentary rocks. List and give an example of each.
A. Clastic:___________________________________________________
B. _________________________-forms where the remains of plants and
animals are deposited in thick layers Ex:
C. Chemical __________________________________________________
4. Metamorphic Rocks
Meta means ______________________ and morphosis means
________________________. _____________________ and
_______________________ deep beneath earth’s surface can change any rock
into metamorphic rock. When I see the words _____________________ and
_______________________ I automatically think: METAMORPHIC ROCK!!!!
When a rock changes into metamorphic rock, its appearance, texture, crystal
structure, and mineral composition change. Geologists classify metamorphic rocks
What is a foliated rock?
The Rock Cycle
Forces inside Earth and at the surface
Finish the diagram. Use page. 95 if you need some help. Use these terms:
heat and pressure, erosion, cooling and hardening, melting and draw arrows to
indicate the direction. One has been done for you.
Igneous Rock
Sedimentary Rock
Molten Material
Metamorphic Rock
Scientists who study fossils are ____________________________. (pg. 286)
Fossils are
They are found in ______________________ rock because the heat and
pressure of a metamorphic rock or the melting of igneous rock would
______________________ them.
Most fossils are found when living things are buried by sediment. The sediment
Most fossils form from animals or plants that once lived in or near quiet water such
as __________________, lakes, or ________________ seas where sediments
build up. Fossils found in rock include petrified fossils, molds and casts, carbon
films, and trace fossils or when the remains of organisms are preserved in
substances such as tar, amber or ice.
There are two ways to determine the age of fossils. Their __________________
age is their age compared to the ages of other rocks. What’s your relative age?
The absolute age is the ____________________________________________
__________. Tell your absolute age______________.
The law of superposition states
Label the layers of rock from youngest to oldest.
There are exceptions to every rule!!! (except class rules )
Faults are ______________________________________. A fault is an
exception to the law of superposition because faults are ___________________
than the rock they run through.
Intrusions are another exception to the law of _________________________
because the intrusion is also always _____________________________ than
the rock around it.
An index fossil is useful because they tell the ___________________________
or the rock layers in which they occur.
We use the ______________________________________________ to divide
up earths history because it is so great! Who can even imagine millions or billions of
The geologic time scale is _________________________________________
In your own words: Why do you think that we even care about fossils? Describe the
importance of studying the age of rocks and minerals and fossils.
Use the boxes below to divide the geologic time into usable parts.
Use these terms to complete the box. Precambrian time, Paleozoic, Mesozoic
and Cenozoic Eras
Include the organisms present. Reptiles, mammals, invertebrates,
Describe in your own words: Paleontologists have learned a great deal from the
study of fossils. What have they learned about the difference between the
organisms from Precambrian time all the way through the Cenozoic Era?
Draw and Label the layers of the Earth:
The thickest layer is: ________________
Explain how temperature and pressure change as you travel
The thinnest layer is: _________________
farther into the Earth: ______________________________
The _______________ and ______________ make up the Lithospehere.
The ______________ makes up the Asthenosphere.
The Lithosphere is divided into sections called: ______________
The supercontinent
_____________ currents
____________ was made
in the ___________ cause
up of all the major
the plates to move
__________ _________
His theory is called
is the guy that came up with
the idea that continents
move around
List three types of evidence for
How do scientists explain seeing the same type of fossil
Continental Drift:
on different continents? _________________________
a) _________________
b) _________________
c) _________________
The edges of tectonic plates are called: _____________________
List the three types of plate boundaries:
1) ____________________
2) ____________________
3) ____________________
Draw a picture to show how each plate boundary moves: (label each one)
The outer layer of Earth is composed of 2 types of crust:
1) _______________________
2) ______________________
Mountains are formed from the
Subduction zones are formed
collision of
from the collision of
__________________ &
__________________ &
___________________ crust.
___________________ crust.
Because the ________________
crust is denser than the
____________________ crust.
Crust is _____________ here.
Type of Boundary:
Type of Fault:
Real life Example:
Type of Boundary:
Type of Fault:
Real life example:
Type of Boundary:
Type of Fault:
Real life example:
Label each fault and boundary correctly in the box beside it.
Label the hanging wall
and the foot wall.
How do you know the difference? ____________________
Earthquakes and Volcanoes occur, mostly, at _____________ _____________.
The circular pattern of volcanoes and earthquakes
that occurs in the pacific ocean forms along what
We call the __________ ____ ________.
This occurs at the edge of which
tectonic plate?
Where is the San Andreas Fault
located? _________________
What type of fault is this?
Weathering is…
Erosion is…
Draw a picture of it below…
Draw a picture of it below…
Types of Weathering
2 Ways to prevent erosion:
3 examples:
3 examples:
How can tree roots help to prevent
erosion AND cause weathering to
occur? _________________________
Which process would cause a mountain to become for rounded and flat?
The type of climate that causes weathering to happen the fastest is:
___________________ and ________________.
SOIL is composed of ____________________ and _____________________.
Humus _______
Leaching _______
Litter ________
Bedrock _______
Organic _______
Permeable _______
a. When water carries nutrients down to lower layers
in the soil
b. Rock that has tiny connected air spaces, and lets
water run through it.
c. The organic material in soil
d. Soild, unweathered rock
e. Twigs, leaves, and other organic matter on top of the
f. Living or once living
Label each horizon of soil.
Which layer is only partly weathered rock? ________________
Which layer is weathered the MOST? _______________
Where would you find the most Humus? __________________