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Chapter 4 Overview
Classical Civilization in the Mediterranean: Greece and Rome
 Classical past- govt., architecture, philosophy
The Persian Tradition
 Classical Mediterranean civilization- rise of city-states in
Greece. Expansion of Hellenistic Period. Rome emerged as
separate republic. Roman expansion led to a decline of
republican forms and rise of a great empire
 Persians in the Middle East
 550BCE- Cyrus the Great- Persian empire from Middle East to
northern India
o Tolerant of local customs
o Advanced iron technology
o Developed Zoroastrianism
Patterns of Greek and Roman History
 City-states in Greece- around 800BCE- high point in 5th c. BCE
(Golden Age of Athens)
 Greek values spread during Hellenistic Period begun by
Alexander the Great
 Greek rise and decline, Hellenism, Roman Republic, Roman
 Crete 2000BCE (Minoan culture)
 Mycenae in Southern Greece around 1400BCE
 Trojan War in Homer’s Iliad
 Rise of Greek civilization 800-600 BCE- creation of strong citystates- each with own govt.
 Monarchy- Oligarchy- Tyranny- Democracy
 Geography- mountainous terrain prevented unification
 Trade important
 Alphabet from Phoenecians
 Olympic games
 Sparta: military, oligarchy, Hellots (slave population)
 Athens: slavery, trade, colonies
 Reasons for colonization: overcrowding, not enough arable land
 5th c BCE Pericles- Athenian politician- ruled w/ negotiation
 Peloponnesian Wars (431-404 BCE)- Sparta vs. Athens- Sparta
won- then Thebes, weakened the Greeks and paved the way
for Philip II of Macedon to invade in 338BCE and then
Alexander the Great took over.
 Spread of Hellenistic culture: Greek=Hellenes
 Use of aristocratic assemblies
 Aristocracy: Greek meaning “rule of the best”
 Republic 1stc BCE to Empire
 Representative democracy- elect officials
 Senate: composed mostly of aristocrats- held most executive
offices in Roman State
 2 Consuls: ruled jointly- except in times of crisis/ war, then rule
by Dictator
 Importance placed in ethics, duties of citizens, incorruptible
service, and oratory
 Key Roman writer: Cicero- emphasized participation in
deliberate bodies that would make laws and judge the actions
of executive officers
 Empire: maintained Senate, but not powerful
 Hierarchy of Roman Army- officers had great political power
 63CE: forced dissolution of the independent Jewish state after
a major local rebellion- temple was dismantled, leaving only the
Western Wall in Jerusalem
 Legal codes important for administration of empire
 Tolerance of local customs and religions and strong military
 450BCE- Roman republic- introduced 12 Tables:
o Purposes: restrain upper classes from arbitrary action and
subject all to common legal principles
o Roman law: emphasized judges and common-sense
Classical Mediterranean in Comparative Perspective
 India/China/Greco-Roman
 Each developed empires, relied primarily on agricultural
 Greco-Roman science emphasized theory more
 Each had clear social hierarchy
 Roman law as regulation of social life
 Access to Roman citizenship
 Athens and Rome placed great premium on importance of
military conquest.
 Rome: Control of masses w/ entertainment “bread and
circuses”- cheap food and gladiator contests to prevent popular
 Government supported religion w/ gods and goddesses
o Ex: Pantheon added gods as Roman Republic expanded
 Roman Empire: persecution of Christians (ex: Nero), eventual
tolerance and then it was made official religion of Empire
 Sparta- extreme militaristic control- even down to raising
Religion and Culture
 Emphasis on philosophy and science an strong artistic tradition
 Pantheon of Gods:
Head God/father
Wife of King of Gods
Regulated sun
God of War
Goddess of wisdom
Goddess of Hunting
 Gods were believed to be flawed and human-like
 Development of “mystery cults and religions”
 Philosophers- Aristotle emphasized balance in human behavior
(ex: felt Middle-class was ideal group to rule)
 Stoics: Hellenistic Period: inner moral independence
o Strict discipline of body and personal bravery
o Influenced Christianity
 Athens: Socrates (469BCE) encouraged pupils to questionSocratic Method- accused of corrupting the youth- chose
suicide over exile b/c believed in absolute rather than relative
truth (contrary to Sophists)
 Plato: student to Socrates- human reason could approach an
understanding of three perfect forms: absolutely True, Good,
and Beautiful
o Believed Philosopher-Kings should rule
 Geometry: Ex: Pythagorean Theorem
 Hellenistic Period: Galen (medical treatises)
o Euclid: Geometry
o Ptolemy: Geocentric Theory- fixed wisdom in Western
 Roman Achievements: great roads, aqueducts, arches
 Greek drama: comedy and tragedy
 Sophocles: Oedipus Rex- called most perfect example of
tragedy by Aristotle
o Oedipus is fated to kill his father and marry his mother
 8 c BCE: Iliad and Odyssey by Homer
 Vergil (Virgil): The Aeneid- sought to link Roman history to
mythology w/ Greek forerunner
 5th c BCE: Phidias (sculptor)
 Greek monumental architecture (Doric, Ionic, Corinthian
Economy and Society in the Mediterranean
 Featured commercial agriculture, trade, and slavery.
Patriarchal family structure was characteristic
 Most Greeks and Romans were farmers
 Roman Republic: many tenant farmers forced to work for
patrician landholders
o Latifundia System
o Many small farmers forced to become tenants or move
into cities causing overcrowding
 Need for grain led to colonization
o Soil more suited to grapes and olives
 Slavery was key ingredient of the classical economy
o Athens: household and silver mines
o Sparta: agricultural work (Helots)
o Roman: household, mines, agricultural work (part of
latifundia system)
 Greece and Rome: importance of paterfamilias
o Cases of female infanticide
Toward the Fall of Rome
 Rome began to decline after 180CE
 Fell in some parts more than other (ex: West before East:
 Greek historian: Herodotus and Thucydides
 Germanic tribes: invasion: disloyalty of outsiders:
Chapter 4 Overview
Duiker & Speilvogel
 Pericles: Funeral Oration- ideals of democracy and importance
of the individual
 Early Greece
o Geography- mountainous terrain- isolating, sea
 Minoan Crete
o 2000-1450 BCE = height
o Around 2800 BCE Bronze tools/ weapons
o Palace at Knossos
o Bull-leapers (gymnasts)
o Why did they decline? Invasion?
 Mycenaeans
o 1600-1100 BCE= height
o Homer
o Invasion by the Dorians?
 Dark Age (1100-750BCE)
o Migration due to declining population and falling food
o Iron replaced bronze
o Adoption of Phoenecian alphabet
 Homer
o Based Iliad and Odyssey on oral tradition of the
Trojan War
o “the gods strong and incalculable; that the quality of
a man matters more than his achievement, that
violence and recklessness will still lead to disaster,
and that this will fall on the innocent as well as on the
o Homer gave an idealized past- cornerstone of
 Greek City-States (c750-500BCE)
o Polis= small but autonomous political unit, town and
 Acropolis= fortified hill
 Agora= market and assembly (AGORAPHOBIC)
 Classes w/in polis: Adult males (full political
rights), women and children (citizens w/ no
political rights), noncitizens (slaves and resident
 New Military- hoplites (heavily armed) Phalanx
 Colonization (750-550BCE)
o Causes: poverty, land hunger, growing gulf between
rich and poor, overpopulation and development of
o Effects: Establishment of colonies, spread of culture
throughout Mediterranean region, increased trade
and industry
 Govt.
o Monarchy-Oligarchy-Tyranny-Democracy
o Tyrants- usurpers of power in a coup d’etat- upheld
public works projects to enhance their popularity
 Sparta
o Peloponnesus- conquered the Laconians and subjected
theme to serfdom “HELOTS”- bound to the land
o Created a military state to control Laconian and
Messenian Helots
o Babies judged at birth- defective- left to die
o Boys- wet-nursed- taken away at 7 to military
barracks- military training- joined army at 20, lived at
Barracks until 30-could retire at 60.
o Could marry and visit wife at night, but couldn’t get
o Spartan women unique- had more rights- trained in
wrestling and gymnastics to make them strong and
bear healthy children- married later
o Spartan Govt. (oligarchy)
 2 kings- military affairs and supreme priests
 Gerousia= council of elders
 Ephors= supervised education
 Apella= assembly of all male citizens
o isolationist
o Leader of Peloponnesian League
o Spartans valued their strength as justification for
their militaristic ideals and regimented society
o Monarchy-Oligarchy (7thcBCE)-Tyranny-Democracy
o 7thcBCE- political and social discontent- rival factions
w/in aristocracy- many farmers sold into slavery when
they couldn’t pay debts
o 594BCE- Solon- reforms- cancelled land debts,
outlawed new loans based on human collateral and
freed people from slavery
o Tyrants: Pisistratus & Clisthenes
 Created new Council of 500 chosen by lot
Classical Greece (500-338BCE)
o Greece vs. Persia
 Ionian colonies revolt against Persians 499BCE
aided by Athenian navy
 490BCE Persian king Darius attacked Greece
Battle of Marathon
 Xerxes renewed plans for invasion of Greece
 Battle of Thermopolae- Leonidas (Spartan king)
9,000 Greeks and 300 Spartans held off Persians
for 2 days
 479BCE Persian army defeated at Platea
o 478-477BCE Delian League founded w/ Athens
o “Age of Pericles”- height of Athenian power and the
culmination of its brilliance as a civilization
o Athens was sacked and burned, Greek naval fleet
won decisive victory over Persian navy at Salamis.
o 479BCE Greeks defeated the Persians at Plataea
Athenian Empire
o Athens formed the Delian League
Age of Pericles
o Assembly “will of the people”= all male citizens over
18- passed all laws and made financial decisions on
war and foreign policy
o Direct Democracy
o Pericles expanded suffrage: lower-class citizens
eligible for public offices formerly closed: state pay
for office-holders
o City magistrates chosen by lot
o “Generals”=directors of policy (10 officials)= elected by
public vote
o Ostracism- person receiving 6,000 votes could be
exiled for 10 years
o Used treasury of Delian League to rebuild Athens
 The Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE)
o Sparta v. Athens
o Athen’s plan to stay behind walls but plague struck
o Athens defeated= walls torn down, navy disbanded,
empire destroyed
o Interfighting b/w Athens, Sparta, and Thebes weakens
the Greek city-states while Macedonia became
 Culture of Classical Greece
o Herodotus (484-425BCE) History of the Persian Wars
 Central theme struggle b/w Greeks and Persians
for greek freedom
 Divine intervention in Greek victory
o Thucydides (460-400BCE)
 Greatest historian of ancient world
 Scientific, methodical, and objective account of
Pelop. War
o Greek Drama
 1st were tragedies- suffering of hero (tragic flaw)
ex: Hubris
o Aeschylus (525-456BCE)
 1st tragedian
 Oresteia Trilogy- evil acts breed evil actsReason Triumphs
o Sophocles (496-406BCE)
 Oedipus Rex- man is fated to kill father and
marry his mother
o Euripedes (485-406BCE)
 The Bacchae
 Critical of view that war was glorious- showed war
as brutal and barbaric
 Greek Comedy
o Aristophanes (450-385 BCE)
 The Clouds, Lysistrata
 Comic but effective message against the
Peloponnesian War (women have sex strike
until war is ended)
The Arts: The Classical Ideal
o Architecture- the Temple
o Doric- Ionic- Corinthian columns
o Parthenon- Temple of Athena
o Wandering teachers
o Truth is relative to everyone
o Socratic Method
o Sentenced to death for corrupting the youth of
Athens- hemlock
o The Republic
o Ideal state: Population divided into 3 groups
o Upper-class – Philosopher-Kings
o Men and women have same education and equal
access to all positions
o Student of Plato, tutor to Alexander the Great
o Book: Politics: constitutional govt.
o Marriage impt for mutual support
o Women biologically inferior to men and therefore
should be subordinate to men in marriage
Greek Religion
o Social and practical
o Civic cult necessary for well-being of state
o 12 Olympian gods (Zeus, Hera, Athena, Apollo,
Aphrodite, Poseidon, etc)
o Each polis had a patron god
o Afterdeath spirits to a gloomy underworld- Hades
o Ritual important along w/ prayer and sacrifices
o Oracles (at Delphi)
Daily Life
o Males part of public life
o Slavery common
o Limited arable land- trade very important especially for
o Women as wives, primary duty to have children
o Homosexuality accepted
 The Rise of Macedonia
o Philip II (359-336BCE)- King of Macedonia
 Built efficient army and conquered the Greeks
 He was assassinated
o Alexander the Great (336-323BCE)
 Became king of Macedonia at 20
 Invaded the Persian Empire
 Asia Minor-Syria, Palestine, EgyptMesopotamia (Babylon)-Persepolis-Indus River
 His troops mutinied at Indus River, forced to
turn back
 On return trip, Alexander died in Babylon
 Legacy: Hero or Villain?
 Hellenistic Era “to imitate Greeks”
o “Hellenic” culture= Greek culture
o Extension of Greek language and ideas to non-Greek
world of Middle East
o Spreading of Greek language, art, architecture, and
o Urban centers key for diffusing Greek culture
 Non-Greeks restricted from high positions so that
Greeks could maintain their dominance
 Ex: Alexandria in Egypt
 Many Greek colonists moved to the Middle East
 Economic and Social Trends
o Agriculture
o Commerce increased trade between west and east
o Key trade item= grain
o New opportunities for women
o Education for upper class women
o Ptolemaic rulers in Egypt= return to kings marrying own
 Culture in Hellenistic World
o Hellenistic sculptures tried for more emotional and
realistic art rather than idealized
o Menander (342-291BCE)= New Comedy “Pretty
Woman” Stories
o Polybus (203-120BCE)= chief historian of Hellenistic
 A Golden Age of Science
o Separation of science from philosophy
o Archimedes (287-212 BCE)= famous scientist
 Worked on geometry in spheres and cylinders
 Pi
 Science of hydrostatics
 Archimedian screw
 Philosophy
o Epicurus (341-270BCE)- founder of Epicureanism
 Human beings were free to follow self-interest
as a basic motivating force.
 Happiness was goal of life- pursuit of pleasure
 Pleasure= freedom from emotional turmoil,
freedom from worry
 Remove from public activity
 Friendship important
o Stoicism- founded by Zeno (335-263BCE)
 Happiness, the supreme good, could only be
found by living in harmony with the will of God
 You could bear whatever life offered
 Public service important and noble
 Religion in Hellenistic World
o Decline in population of traditional Greek Olympian
o Mystery cults= individuals could pursue a path to
salvation and achieve eternal life by being initiated
into a union with a savior god or goddess who had
died and risen again.
Duiker & Spielvogel
Chapter 5: The World of the Romans
 Similarities b/w Rome and China= empires lasted for centuries,
remarkable success in establishing centralized control over their
empires, and throughout their empires they maintained their law
and political institutions, their technical skills, and their
 Italian peninsula had good arable land & important trade route
on Med. Sea
 Rome built on 7 hills, easy to defend
Early Rome:
 Legend of Romulus and Remus
 Influence of Greeks and Etruscans on Early Rome
Roman Republic:
 Livy: History of Early Republic
 Roman Confederation: Latins=full citizenship, other groups could
eventually gain citizenship
 Established colonies w/ fortified towns in strategic locations
connected by roads
 Govt: 2 consuls chosen annually “right to command”administered govt. and led army into battle.
 Praetor- execution of justice and “right to command” when
consuls were away
 Roman senate: 300 men served for life
 Struggle of orders: b/w the plebeians and patricians- result=
Council of Plebs
 Patricians= aristocratic governing class
 Plebeians= majority of population, could vote, but couldn’t hold
 Tribunes= office to represent the plebeians
 Eventually pats and plebs could intermarry- new aristocratic class
Roman Conquest in Mediterranean
 Punic Wars
 Cato “And I think Carthage must be destroyed”
 Eventually took over Macedonia and Greece
 3 Stages: Conquest of Italy, conflict w/ Carthage and expansion
into western Med., involvement w/ and domination of the
Hellenistic kingdoms in the eastern Med.
Decline and Fall of Roman Republic
 Disparity b/w rich and poor
 Elite class called Nobiles (nobles)
 Latifundia were large plantations using slave labor that forced
small farmers out of business. Many farmers moved to cities
resulting in overcrowding. Also, membership in the Roman army
 Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus worked for land-reform for small
farmers, but both were assassinated.
 Marius: general that recruited army by offering land, army swore
allegiance to him= more power in the hands of individual generals
 Sulla- used his army to seize power in Rome, purge, and strengthen
the Senate
 Jostling for power by a number of powerful individuals and civil wars
generated by these conflicts.
 60BCE: First Triumvirate: Julius Caesar, Crassus, Pompey
 Crassus dies, Caesar’s forces vs. Pompey’s forces after J.Caesar
“Crossed the Rubicon” J.Caesar won
 47BCE J. Caesar= dictator 44 BCE Dictator for life
 Land reforms, increased senate to 900 members, new calendar,
 March 15th 44BCE “ides of march” Caesar was assassinated
 2nd Triumvirate: Octavian, Marc Antony, Lepidus
 Battle of Actium, Octavian won and Marc Antony and Cleopatra
committed suicide
The Age of Augustus 31BCE-14CE
 Augustus- 1st Emperor
o Stable frontiers
 Social stratification
o Senatorial
o Equestrian
o Lower classes
 Free grain and public spectacles to keep them
The Early Empire (14-180CE)
 Augustus-to Stepson Tiberius (Julio-Claudian Dynasty)
 Emperors took more power
 Nero(54-68): murdered mother “played fiddle while Rome burned”
 The Five Good Emperors (96-180)
 Trajan 98-117- alimentary program (state funds to assist poor parents
in raising and educating their children)
 Trajan and Hadrian: Building projects
 Large Empire= difficult to defend
 Cities were important for the spread of Roman culture, law and
the Latin language
 Development of towns and cities- based upon agricultural
surpluses of the countryside
Culture and Society in the Roman world
 conflict over Greek Culture- pervasive, but controversial
 Roman Literature
 Cattilus “best lyric poet”- letters to Lesbia
 Cicero- great prose writer and oratory
 Virgil: The Aeneid- moral Rome was on a divine mission to rule
the world
 Horace: Satires- “follies and vices of his age”
 Ovid: Amores: The Art of Love
 Livy: History of Rome- human character was the determining
factor in history
 Seneca- Stoicism
 Tacitus: Annals & Historia & Germania= history had moral
 Roman Art: realistic sculptures and architecture projects (roads,
 Roman Law
o 450BCE Twelve Tables: 1st code of laws
 influenced by Stoicism
 Innocent until proven otherwise
 People could defend themselves before a judge
 Roman Family
o Led by paterfamilias (dominant male)
o Divorce eventually allowed and became extensive
o Legal min age for girls to marry was 12 but 14 was common
o Roman women eventually gained more freedom
 Roman conquest of Med. Brought drastic change in use of slaveslarge #’s of foreign slaves were brought back to Italy
o Cato the Elder “cheaper to work slaves to death, and then
replace them than to treat them favorably.”
o Murder of master by slave could mean the execution of all
other household slaves
 73BCE Spartacus Rebellion: Led by a Thracian slave- managed
to defeat several Roman armies before he was finally trapped and
killed in southern Italy-6,000 of his followers were crucified along
the Appian Way
 Imperial Rome
o Gap b/w living conditions for rich and poor
o Gladiatorial Games- fought to the death
o Trajan- spectacles are necessary for the “contentment of the
 The Development of Christianity
o Greco-Roman gods
o Polytheistic- tolerant of other religions
o Jewish background
 Divided Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, Zealots
 Jewish revolt 66-70CE crushed by Romans and
Jewish temple in Jerusalem destroyed (Western Wall
The Rise of Christianity
 Jesus of Nazareth (6BCE-29CE)
 Reassured fellow Jews- did not plan to undermine their
traditional religion: fulfill the prophesies
 Jesus was crucified
 Belief in Jesus’ resurrection became an important tenet of
Christian doctrine
 Important figure: Paul of Tarsus
o Jewish Roman citizen- preached to Jews and Gentiles
o Founded Christian communities throughout Asia Minor
o Accept Jesus as savior, they could be saved
 Early Christians suspicious b/c of their secret meetings
o Accused of cannibalism
o Christians refused to participate in the worship of the state
gods & imperial cult= act of treason= death
 Nero- fire in Rome- Christians scapegoated- used as human
 Christian church created a well-defined hierarchical structure in
which bishops and clergy were salaried officers separate from the
laity, or regular church members
 Christianity- promise of salvation- initiation w/ baptism
 New roles for Woman in Christianity
 Constantine (306-337) 1st Christian Emperor
o Edict of Milan- tolerated the existence of Xty
 Theodosius 378-395
o Christianity made official religion of Roman Empire
Decline and Fall of Roman Empire
 235-284: Roman Empire in continuous Civil War
o 50 years: 22 Emperors!
 Invasions: Persians and Germanic Tribes
 Military dependent upon mercenary soldiers and not as loyal
 Diocletian 284-305: Divided empire into 4 administrative units
 Constantine 306-337 new capital city in Byzantium
o Basic jobs hereditary
Fall of Western Roman Empire
 2nd ½ 4th Century- Huns (Xiongnu)-to- Eastern Europe-Visigoths
to south and west
 410 Visigoths attached Rome
 476: Western Roman Emperor Romulus Augustulus deposedseries of Germanic kingdoms
 Factors
o Christianity’s emphasis on spiritual kingdom
o Traditional Roman values declined
o Lead poisoning
o Plague
o Rome hindered technologically by slavery
o Didn’t achieve a working political system
o Key Factor: INVASION in West