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Chapter 8 Study Guide Key
The Greeks
1. What became the central focus of Greek life?
2. What is the English translation of this term?
List five key figures from Greek mythology:
8. What form of government did Sparta have?
9. What form of government did Athens have?
10. Which statesman revised the Athenian constitution in 495 B.C.?
11. Which Greek reformer laid the foundations of democracy?
12. Which nation sought to conquer Greece in the 5th century B.C.?
13. Which 5th-century battle resulted in the preservation of Athenian freedom?
14. Which Persian king sought to subjugate the Greeks in 490 B.C.?
15. Which of his sons carried on the attempted Persian conquest of Greece in 480 B.C.?
16. In which battle did a force of 300 Spartans hold off a 180,000 Persians for two days?
17. Who did the Greeks defeat in 479 B.C.?
18. Which Greek philosopher was executed for “corrupting the youth”?
19. What civilization was created due to the conquests of Alexander the Great?
20. When was Rome founded?
21. What form of government did the Romans establish in 509 B.C.?
22. Which wars resulted in the destruction of Carthage?
23. Which nation heavily influenced Rome’s culture, art, literature, philosophy, religion, and architecture?
24. Which two brothers tried to carry out land redistribution in the 2nd-century B.C.?
25. Which river did Julius Caesar cross that started a civil war?
26. Which Roman ruler was assassinated in 44 B.C.?
27. Who succeeded to the throne after the death of Julius Caesar?
28. Which Roman statesman was the last great voice of the republic?
29. Which convert to Christianity carried the faith beyond the area of Palestine to the Mediterranean world?
30. What does Catholic mean?
List five things that were attributed the fall of the Roman Empire:
List four key parts of Christian philosophy:
40. Which ruler decided to divide the Roman empire due to its vast size?
41. Which city became the new capitol of the Roman Empire in 330 A.D.?
42. Who became a champion of Christianity after his victory in the battle of Milvian Bridge?
43. Which emperor adopted Christianity as the official Roman religion?
44. In which battle did the German tribes defeat the Roman armies led by the emperor Valens in 378?
45. Which Visigothic leader sacked Rome in 410 A.D.?
46. What is the tradition date of the fall of the Roman Empire?
47. Where did the Angles and Saxons settle?
Europe Enters the Middle Ages
48. What marked the beginning of the Middle Ages?
List the four things that contributed to Western European culture:
53. Which empire lasted from 324 to 1453?
54. What was its capitol?
55. Which Eastern Roman emperor oversaw the golden age of the Byzantine Empire?
56. Which Holy Roman Emperor repulsed Islamic armies in the 8th-century?
57. Who captured Constantinople in 1453?
58. Which Christian lifestyle embraced: chastity, poverty and obedience?
59. Which Frankish leader defeated the Muslims in 732?
60. What was this battle called?
61. What doctrine gave the pope the complete authority over church doctrine and practice?
62. Who was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III in 800 A.D.?
List four countries that were part of the Holy Roman Empire:
67. What was the capitol of the Holy Roman Empire?
68. What term was given to the revival of learning and culture during the reign of Charlemagne?
69. Which treaty divided the Holy Roman Empire into three separate sections in 843?
70. What type of government structure did Europe have in the Middle Ages?
71. What meant that warriors would swear an oath of loyalty to their lord?
72. Who were legally bound to the land upon which they worked and lived?
73. What was the most important gift a lord could give a vassal?
List four characteristics of the Western Church:
List four characteristics of the Eastern Church:
Church and State In the High Middle Ages
82. What declared that emperors would appoint secular representatives and popes would appoint spiritual
83. Which two church leaders excommunicated one another in the Great Schism of 1054?
84. Which term referred to the newly empowered townspeople in the 11th-century?
85. What organizations were created for merchants and craftsmen to advance business interests of its members?
86. Which venture sought to liberate the Holy Land from Muslim invaders?
87. Which pope called for the liberation of the Holy Land at the council of Clermont in France in 1095?
88. What did the Crusades establish between the East and the West?
89. Which Norman warrior invaded England in 1066?
90. What battle took place between the English Saxons and the French Normans in 1066?
91. Which English king was killed in this battle?
92. Which archbishop of Canterbury was murdered by King Henry II’s men?
93. Which English king fought in the Holy Land?
94. Which English document established limited monarchy?
95. Which English king signed this document?
96. Which battle unified France around the king in 1214?
97. Which Holy Roman Emperor established the Hohenstaufen dynasty?
98. What was the first important Western university?
99. What university subjects made up the trivium?
100. What university subjects made up the quadrivium?