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NAME: ______________________________________________ PERIOD: ________ DATE: ________
1. Read and Annotate.
The remains or imprints of once-living organisms
found in layers of rock are called fossils. Fossils
can be complete organisms, parts of organisms,
or just a set of footprints. Fossils usually form
when a dead organism is covered by a layer of
sediment. Over time, more sediment settles on
top of the organism. Minerals in the sediment
may seep into the organisms and gradually
replace the organism with stone. Fossils provide
evidence of change.
2. Summarize the definition for the key
term in your own words.
4. Answer the question.
A __________ can be a complete organism that is
found in layers of rock and provide evidence of
A. Rock
B. Fossil
C. Mineral
D. Bone
1. Read and Annotate.
A characteristic that helps an organism survive
and reproduce in its environment is called an
adaptation. Adaptations may be physical, such as
a long neck or striped fur. Or adaptations may be
behaviors that help an organism find food,
protect itself, or reproduce. An alteration or
adjustment in structure or habits, often
hereditary, by which a species or individual
improves its condition in relationship to its
3. Draw a picture of the key term.
2. Summarize the definition for the key
term in your own words.
4. Answer the question.
A change that helps an organism survive and
reproduce is known as an ___________.
A. Ancestor
B. Adaptation
C. Evolution
D. Extinction
3. Draw a picture of the key term.
NAME: ______________________________________________ PERIOD: ________ DATE: ________
1. Read and Annotate
An ancestor is the actual or hypothetical
organism from which later organisms evolved.
The fossil record provides evidence about the
order in which species have existed. Scientists
think that all living species descended from
common ancestors. Evidence of common
ancestors can be found in fossils and in living
2. Summarize the definition for the key
term in your own words.
4. Answer the question
An __________ is an organisms from which later
organisms evolved; evidence can be found in
A. Ancestor
B. Adaptation
C. Evolution
D. Extinction
1. Read and Annotate
Scientists observe that species have changed over
time. They also observe that the inherited
characteristics in populations change over time.
Scientists think that as populations change over
time, new species form. Thus, newer species
descend from older species. The process in which
populations gradually change over time is called
evolution as a result of natural selection acting on
the genetic variation among individuals, and
resulting in the development of new species
3. Draw a picture of the key term
Summarize the definition for the key
term in your own words.
4. Answer the question
The process in which populations gradually
change over time in response to the environment
is known as __________.
A. Ancestor
B. Adaptation
C. Evolution
D. Extinction
3. Draw a picture of the key term
NAME: ______________________________________________ PERIOD: ________ DATE: ________
1. Read and annotate
Extinction occurs as a result of the dying out of
species or population. Some of the important
divisions in the geologic time scale mark
times when rapid changes happened on
Earth. During these times, many species
died out completely, or became extinct.
When a species is extinct, it does not
2. Summarize the definition for the key
term in your own words.
4. Answer the question
__________ occurs as a result of the dying out of
a species or population; they do not reappear.
A. Ancestor
B. Adaptation
C. Evolution
D. Extinction
1. Read and annotate
At certain points in the Earth’s history, a large
number of species disappeared from the fossil
record. These periods when many species
suddenly become extinct are called mass
extinctions leading to a relatively sudden, global
decrease in the diversity of life-forms on Earth.
Scientists are not sure what caused each of the
mass extinctions. Most scientists think that the
extinction of the dinosaurs happened because of
extreme changes in the climate on Earth. These
changes could have resulted from a giant
meteorite hitting the Earth, or, forces within the
Earth could have caused many volcanoes and
3. Draw a picture of the key term
2. Summarize the definition for the key
term in your own words.
4. Answer the question
__________occurs when a large number of
species disappear from the fossil record; leading
to a sudden lack of diversity of life-forms.
A. Adaptation
B. Evolution
C. Extinction
D. Mass Extinction
3. Draw a picture of the key term
NAME: ______________________________________________ PERIOD: ________ DATE: ________
1. Read and annotate.
The act or process of being altered or changed.
Mutations: Substitutions can accidentally
happen in DNA. Changes in the number, type, or
order of bases on a piece of DNA are known as
Do Mutations Matter? There are three
possible consequences to changes in DNA: an
improved trait, no change, or a harmful trait.
Fortunately, cells make some proteins that can
detect errors in DNA. When an error is found, it is
usually fixed. But occasionally the repairs are not
accurate, and the mistakes become part of the
genetic message. If the mutation occurs in the
sex cells, the changed gene can be passed from
one generation to the next.
How Do Mutations Happen? Mutations
happen regularly because of random errors when
DNA is copied. In addition, damage to DNA can
be caused by abnormal things that happen to
cells. Any physical or chemical agent that can
cause a mutation in DNA is called a mutagen.
Examples of mutagens include high-energy
radiation from X rays and ultraviolet radiation.
Ultraviolet radiation is one type of energy in
sunlight. It is responsible for suntans and
sunburns. Other mutagens include asbestos and
the chemicals in cigarette smoke.
2. Summarize the definition for the key
term in your own words.
4. Answer the question.
A change in DNA is known as a __________.
A. Fossil
B. Ancestor
C. Cast
D. Extinction
3. Draw a picture of the key term.
NAME: ______________________________________________ PERIOD: ________ DATE: ________
1. Read and annotate.
An acquired trait is a change in an individual organism's
structure or function that occurs during the lifetime of the
organism, caused by injury, disease, or environmental
factors, and that is not inherited by future generations. It is
not coded in the organism's DNA and is a product of the
environment's influence on the organism.
These traits can strongly influence the survival of an
organism. Acquired traits can cause an organism with a
genetic disadvantage to out-compete another. An example
of an acquired trait is a bodybuilder's large muscles. They
were acquired by lots of exercise and not genetics, so the
offspring of the body builder are no more likely to have
large muscles than other offspring. Since acquired traits
cannot be passed on to offspring, they do not increase the
fitness of a population, and natural selection does not
influence them.
4. Answer the question.
An __________ is a change in structure
Because of environmental factors – that is not inherited by
future generations.
A. Adaptation
B. Evolution
C. Acquired trait
D. Extinction
2. Summarize the definition for the key term in
your own words.
1. Read and annotate.
Comparing Skeletal Structures: What do your arm, the front leg
of a cat, the front flipper of a dolphin, and the wing of a bat have
in common? You might notice that these structures do not look
alike and are not used in the same way. They are analogous
structures. But under the surface, they have similarities. The
structure and order of bones of a human arm are similar to
those of the front limbs of a cat, a dolphin, and a bat. These
similarities suggest that cats, dolphins, bats, and humans had a
common ancestor. Over millions of years, changes occurred in
the limb bones. Eventually, the bones performed different
functions in each type of animal.
3. Draw a picture of the key term.
2. Summarize the definition for the key term in
your own words.
4. Answer the question.
_____ structures are similar in
structure, like the bones in the arm of a human, the front leg of
a cat, flipper of a dolphin, and the wing of a bat – but have
different functions.
A. Homologous
B. Analogous
C. Acquired
3. Draw a picture of
the key term
NAME: ______________________________________________ PERIOD: ________ DATE: ________
1. Read and annotate.
A mold is the hollow area formed when a fossilized
organism that was buried in sediment dissolves.
2. Summarize the definition for the key term
in your own words.
4. Answer the question.
A mold is __________.
E. the remains of an organism in a rock
F. the hollow area form when a fossilized organ
G. a copy of the original organism
H. none of the above
1. Read and annotate.
Fossils sometimes form when a dead organism is
covered by a layer of sediment. The sediment may
later be pressed together to form sedimentary
rock. Fossils can form in sedimentary rock. The most
common way is when an organism dies and
becomes buried in sediment. The organism gradually
decomposes and leaves a hollow impression, or
mold, in the sediment. Over time, the mold fills with
sediment which forms a cast of the organism. A cast
is a fossil that is a copy of the organisms shape.
4. Answer the question.
A cast is __________.
A. the remains of an organism in a rock
B. the hollow area form when a fossilized organ
C. a copy of the original organism
D. none of the above
3. Draw a picture of the key term.
2. Summarize the definition for the key term
in your own words.
3. Draw a picture of the key term