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STUDY TERMS FOR EXAM #2 BIO-102-001 Spring 2009(Gleeson)
This is a list of terms I will assume you understand, by “understand” I mean
understand what they are in terms of the lecture material (e.g., that methane is a
greenhouse gas thought to be present in early atmosphere as well as now, NOT what its
chemical formula is, etc. since that was not discussed). It does NOT cover BioNews.
This list may be helpful in gauging the level of detail I am expecting you master. I’ve
found that much of the material is embodied in a list of terms, since the terms exist in
order to refer to the underlying concepts. This approach can help you focus in on the
material that you don’t already know – the key to improving your performance most with
the least effort.
Biosphere (cont.)
Percent composition of the atmosphere
Green slime, photosynthesis, biosphere, respiration
Cell, multicellular, biochemical pathway,
Element, molecule, biosynthesis
Pigment, chlorophyll, carbon fixation, non-cyclical, cyclical, oxidation
Carbon cycle, carbon burial, carboniferous rock, fossil fuel
Cell, multicellular, biochemical pathway, cell theory
Element, molecule, reaction, reactant, product
Exergonic, endergonic, activation energy, energy state
Catalyst, enzyme, protein, coupling, biosynthesis
Autocatalyst, exponential growth, nuclear fission
Evolution, natural selection, competition, predator-prey
Prokaryotic, eukaryotic
Gene expression, protein synthesis, DNA, RNA
Fossil, bacteria, stromatolite, iron oxide
Diversity, Biodiversity, evolution, ecology
Taxonomy, classification, form & function
Ecology, Community, Ecosystem, Biome, climate
Linnaeus, species, hierarchy, bionomial nomenclature
Genus, species, Panthera pardus, Domain, Kingdom
Tree of life, speciation, phylogeny, phylogenetic tree
Ancestor/Descendant, traits, ancestral/derived
Gene sequence, Reptilia, Aves, enzyme, catalyze, polymer, amino acid
DNA molecule, genetic code, triplet code, information, knowledge, junk DNA
Bacteria, Archaea, Eucarya
Speciation, population, gene flow, reproductive isolation
Allopatric speciation, sympatric speciation
Evolution, adaptive evolution, gene pool, genetic variation
Mutation, duplication, deletion, introgression, conversion
Drift, natural selection, fitness. Michelangelo
Genotype, phenotype, heritability, heritable variation
Artificial selection, adaptation, homologous organs/genes
Panda’s thumb, Kiwi’s egg, Ratite, vas deferens
Green slime, visible spectrum, pigments, chlorophyll, phycobilin
Absorption spectrum, action spectrum
Extinction, coelacanth, ginkgo, mass extinction
Adaptive radiation, Galapagos finch, silversword, honeycreeper
Permian, Cretaceous, Cambrian explosion,
Cetacea, Artiodactyl, Archaeocetes