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SBI3C – Biology 11
Unit #4 - Anatomy of mammals test review
Topic list
Organization of the body and the organs systems
Components of the blood and their functions
Knows the structures and functions of the parts of the
Blood pressure
Lung volume
Mechanical and chemical digestion
Label the diagrams of the three systems -
Vocabulary list (to be filled in)
Circulatory system:
Respiratory system:
Digestive system:
A) circulatory system
B) Respiratory system
C) Digestive system
Sample questions
1. Name and describe the five levels of organization for the body.
2. What is homeostasis and give an example of a negative feedback response.
3. Name the three components of the circulatory system.
4. What are the three main types of vessels and what do each do?
5. What are three differences between arteries and veins.
6. In which blood vessel do we feel a pulse? What is the causes your pulse?
7. What is are four copmponents of the blood and what is the function of each?
8. Give three differences between WBC’s and RBC’s.
9. Name the path that blood takes when it flows through the heart. When is it oxygenated and when is
it deoxygenated?
10. How does the heart prevent the back flow of blood?
11. What is the proper name of the pacemaker and where is it located in your heart?
12. What does a sphygmomanometer measure?
13. If your pressure is 120/80 mmHg, what is the name of the number on top (_________ pressure) and
what does it mean? What is the name of the number on the bottom (_________ pressure) and what
does it mean?
14. What can be done to reduce high blood pressure?
15. How are the circulatory and respiratory systems related?
16. Who has a larger vital capacity? Males or females?
17. What is the purpose of respiration?
18. Name the seven structures of the respiratory system that air passes when it is breathed in.
19. What happens to the air when it passes through our nasal cavities?
20. What is the function of the epiglottis?
21. What is the function of cilia in the bronchi?
22. What is the larynx also called and what is it’s function?
23. How are high and low pitch sounds made?
24. What happens in the alveoli?
25. Describe what happens to the diaphragm and intercostal muscles when we inspire.
26. Describe what happens to the diaphragm and intercostal muscles when we expire.
27. What is the tidal volume and vital capacity?
28. What are the four stages of digestion?
29. Describe the path food takes when it goes through the digestive system.
30. Define peristalsis, use a diagram.
31. Why do we have acid in our stomachs?
32. What is chyme?
33. Fill in the following table
Functions of the secretions of digestive organs.
Name of organ that
produces the secretion
Name of the secretion
Function of the secretion
HCl acid
Pancreatic juice
Small intestine
Intestinal juice