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The final exam will be worth 30% of your final mark. There will be multiple choice (40%), true/false (15%), matching (15%),
short answer (20%) questions, as well as diagrams to label (10%). Definitions of terms will be in matching or multiple
choice questions, not in short answer questions.
*You will need a pencil to complete the Scantron sheet for the exam.*
Use the following list of topics to focus your studies. The textbook, your class notes, tests, quizzes, and assignments are
all excellent resources for exam review. Good luck!!
**Please remember to bring your textbook to the final exam.**
Unit 1 - Diversity of Living Things
 Taxonomy & characteristics of each of the 6 kingdoms
 Use of a dichotomous key
 Viruses: structure, replication, disease, vaccinations
 Bacteria: characteristics, reproduction, importance, disease, resistance to antibiotics
 Protists: origins, characteristics, importance, diseases
 Fungi: importance, characteristics, structure
 Plants: importance, characteristics, key characteristics of each group (mosses, ferns, gymnosperms,
 Animals: importance, classification, characteristics
 Know the 7 main groups of the Phylum Chordata (vertebrates)
Unit 2 - Genetic Processes
 Processes of mitosis
 Cloning
 Process of meiosis
 Gametogenesis (spermatogenesis & oogenesis)
 Non-disjunction & non-disjunction disorders
 Reproductive technologies
 Cytoplasmic inheritance
 Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance
 Sex-linked traits
 Punnett squares to show monohybride & dihybrid crosses
 Complete, incomplete & codominance
 Blood types
 Pedigree charts
 Genetic disorders
 Multi-trait inheritance (dihybrid crosses & law of independent assortment)
 DNA: Structure & history
 DNA fingerprinting
 Gene therapy
Unit 3 - Evolution
 Artificial selection
 Contributions of the following scientisits to the theory of evolution
o Buffon
o Lamarck
o Cuvier
o Lyell
Darwin’s observations on the Galapagos Islands
Evidence for evolution
Theory of natural selection including observed examples
Types of selection
Evolutionary change not due to natural selection (genetic drift, bottleneck & founder effects
Patterns of Evolution
Unit 4 - Animals: Structure and Function
Digestive System:
Energy requirements
Six essential nutrients: structure & function
Steps of the digestive process
Structure of human digestive system, including accessory organs
Know how each organ is involved in the digestive process
Enzymes/secretions/hormones involved in the digestive process
Nausea, vomitting & diarrhea
Respiratory System:
Processes involved in respiration
Structure of the human respiratory system
Know how each organ is involved in the respiratory process
Mechanism of ventilation & pressure
Diffusion of gases
Lung capacity & all related terms
Circulatory System:
Need, function & types of circulatory systems
Blood & components
Blood vessels: structure & function
Blood pressure & hypertension
Structure of human heart
Describe the flow of blood between the lungs & heart and the rest of the body & heart
Cardiac cycle
How is heart rate controlled
Know diseases of each system discussed in class
Be able to identify the major digestive, respiratory and circulatory organs in a diagram of a fetal pig dissection
Unit 5 – Plants: Anatomy, Growth, and Function
 3 major types of plant tissue & functions of each
 Leaves: structure, function, uses
 Stems: structure, function, uses
 Roots: structure, function, uses
 Transport of water & nutrients
 Succession
 Sexual reproduction in flowering plants
 Seeds & fruits
 Primary & secondary growth
 Environmental factors that affect plant growth
 Plant growth regulators
 Tropisms