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7th Grade Social Studies Long Term Planning Curriculum Document
Theme: How is society structured and what factors shape the way social groups are organized?
Introduction, Expectations, Procedures
Time Frame: 9/1-9/11
Objectives and Target Standards
Students will…
 Navigate classroom procedures including entering and exiting class,
turning in papers, receiving back graded work, getting tissues and
classroom supplies.
Develop a historical voice
Locate and cite evidence in primary and secondary sources.
Distinguish between primary and secondary sources
Identify facts, opinions, and reasoned judgments presented in a text
Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant
Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence
Content Learned
Skills Learned
 Introduction to Primary
See column #1
and Secondary Sources
Group Work Norms
 History
o Why study history?
o How is history written?
o What does it mean to
have a historical voice?
 Guiding Questions for the
o How is society
organized (socially and
o What gives groups of
people power?
Suggested Activities and
 What makes us different?
Group work activity
 Writing a historical
account – “What just
 Review of Primary Source
Activity: Sample
Facebook page
(Interpretation and
Analysis – arguments and
Geography Unit: Philadelphia
Unit #1: My Philadelphia
Time Frame: 9/14- 10/16
Objectives and Target Standards
Students will…
 Develop a historical voice
 Identify facts, opinions, and reasoned judgments presented in a text
 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant
 Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence
 Describe and locate places and regions as defined by physical and
human features.
 Describe the human characteristics of places and regions based on
population; culture; settlement; economic activities; political activities
Content Learned
 Introduction to Thematic
o Review of map parts
o What information do
they present?
o How do we analyze
thematic maps?
 5 Themes of Geography:
Location, Place, Region,
Movement, HumanEnvironment Interaction
Skills Learned
o Interpreting thematic
o Analyzing data and
drawing conclusions
o Analyzing connections
between multiple
economic, social and
political factors that can
define social class
o Writing a blog entry
Suggested Activities and
 Work with Atlas
 Raw Data Activity –
comparing education,
employment, and crime
statistics in the
Philadelphia Region
 Collecting photos of
home and neighborhood
 Interview Activity – how
has neighborhood
 Describe and explain the effects of the physical systems on people
within regions.
 Education, employment,
 Map Parts Quiz
 My Philadelphia blog
 My Philadelphia
Neighborhood Map
crime statistics of
Philadelphia and
surrounding area
Social Structure Focus #1: Islam and the Middle East
Unit 2: Geography of the Arabian Peninsula
Time Frame: 10/19-10/30
Target Standards
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
 CC.8.5.6-8.A: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and
secondary sources.
 CC.8.5.6-8.B: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary
source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or
 CC.8.5.6-8.D: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
 CC.8.5.6-8.G: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
PA Geography Standards:
Content Learned
 Geography (how does
where you live affect how
you live?): Climate of
Arabian Peninsula and
Human Adaptation to that
o Identifying countries
of the Middle East
 Life of a trader in the
Middle East
 Explain how common geographic tools are used to organize and interpret
information about people, places, and environment. 7.1.7.A
 Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features.
Skills Learned
 Geography:
o Reading a climate map
o Review of absolute
 Interpretation and Analysis
of Primary Source
Documents (making
inferences about daily life,
examining incompleteness)
 Explaining the influence of
geography on social,
economic, and political
Suggested Activities and
 Introductory Primary
Source: Life of an
Arabian Trader
 History Alive! Reading
Notes Ch 7
Project: Journal of an
Arabian Trader
 Explain the characteristics of places and regions. 7.2.7.A
 Describe and explain the effects of the physical systems on people within regions.
Unit 3: Life of the Prophet Muhammad
Time Frame: 11/2 – 11/13
Target Standards
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
 CC.8.5.6-8.A: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and
secondary sources.
 CC.8.5.6-8.B: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary
source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or
Content Learned
Skills Learned
 Geography of Middle East:  Interpretation and Analysis
Countries of the Middle
 Introduction to Islamic Art
(Illuminated Manuscripts)
of Primary Source
Documents (Interpreting
biography and comparing
to other accounts, bias)
Suggested Activities and
 KWL: Islam
 Introductory Primary
Source: Description of
the prophet
 CC.8.5.6-8.D: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
 CC.8.5.6-8.E: Describe how a text presents information (e.g., sequentially,
comparatively, causally).
 CC.8.5.6-8.F: Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s point of view or
purpose (e.g., loaded language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts).
 CC.8.5.6-8.G: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
 CC.8.5.6-8.H: Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text.
 CC.8.5.6-8.I: Analyze the relationship between a primary and secondary source on the
same topic.
PA Geography Standards:
 Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features.
 Life of Muhammad
o Life in the Arabian
Peninsula (HA 8.2)
o Early Life (HA 8.3)
o Call to Prophethood
(HA 8.4)
o Teachings Meet
Rejection (HA 8.5)
o Migration to Madinah
and End of Life (HA
o 4 Caliphs (HA 8.7)
o Umayyad Dynasty (HA
 Explaining impact of
economic, religious, and
social factors in the
development of culture
(how the culture of Arabian
Peninsula impacted and
furthered the development
and expansion of Islam)
 Geography: Identify
Countries of Modern
Middle East
 History Alive! Reading
Notes Ch 8
Illuminated Manuscript on
Life of Muhammad
PA History Standards:
 Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals
and groups in world history. 8.4.7.A
 Explain the importance of historical documents, artifacts, and sites which are critical
to world history. 8.4.7.B
 Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
 Belief systems and religions
 Politics and government
 Social organizations 8.4.7.C
 Explain how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations have impacted
the history of the world. 8.4.7.D
Unit 4: Beliefs of Islam
Time Frame: 11/13 – 11/25
Target Standards
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
 CC.8.5.6-8.A: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and
secondary sources.
 CC.8.5.6-8.B: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary
source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or
 CC.8.5.6-8.D: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
 CC.8.5.6-8.E: Describe how a text presents information (e.g., sequentially,
comparatively, causally).
 CC.8.5.6-8.H: Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text.
PA Geography Standards:
Content Learned
 Geography of Middle
East: Countries of the
Middle East
 Beliefs of Islam:
o Qur’an and Sunnah
(HA 9.3)
o 5 Pillars (HA 9.4-9.8)
o Shari’ah (HA 9.10)
Skills Learned
 Geography:
o Analysis of Thematic
 Interpretation and Analysis
of Primary Source
Documents (priorities of a
culture based on expression
of beliefs, how does the
form of expression
influence its message)
 Comparing belief structures
and understanding how
Suggested Activities and
 Introductory Primary
Source: Excerpt of
 Geography: Identify
Countries of Modern
Middle East
 History Alive! Reading
Notes Ch 9
 Jihad and Terrorism in
American Consciousness
 Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features.
religious beliefs affect
cultural practices
PA History Standards:
 Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
 Belief systems and religions
(Reality and Perception)
Quiz: Countries of the
Modern Middle East
Quiz: Beliefs of Islam
PA Civics and Government Standards:
 Cite functional examples of how the rule of law protects property rights, individual
rights, and the common good. 5.1.7.A
Unit 5: Contributions of Islamic Civilization
Time Frame: 11/30 – 12/11
Target Standards
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
 CC.8.5.6-8.A: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and
secondary sources.
 CC.8.5.6-8.D: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
 CC.8.5.6-8.G: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
PA Geography Standards:
 Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features.
 Explain the characteristics of places and regions. 7.2.7.A
PA History Standards:
 Demonstrate continuity and change over time using sequential order and context of
events. 8.1.7.A
 Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals
and groups in world history. 8.4.7.A
 Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
 Belief systems and religions
 Commerce and industry
 Technology
 Politics and government
 Physical and human geography
 Social organizations 8.4.7.C
PA Civics and Government Standards:
 Cite functional examples of how the rule of law protects property rights, individual
rights, and the common good. 5.1.7.A
Content Learned
Skills Learned
 Geography of Middle East:  Geography:
Spread of Islam and
o Analysis of Thematic
Exchange of Ideas with
Neighboring Civilizations  Determining essential
 Contributions of Islamic
information in a text and
Civilization to…
concisely representing
o Architecture (HA 10.3)
important information to
o Scholarship (HA 10.4)
o Science and
 Comparing cultural
Technology (HA 10.5)
practices in two distinct
o Geography and
Navigation (HA 10.6)
o Mathematics (HA 10.7)
o Medicine (HA 10.8)
o Bookmaking and
Literature (HA 10.9)
o Art and Music (HA
o Recreation (HA 10.11)
Suggested Activities and
 Geography: Spread of
Islam Map
 History Alive! Reading
Notes Ch 10
Prezi Project: Most
Important Contribution of
Islamic Civilization
- Student Oral Presentation
Unit 6: Conflict in the Middle East (Israel, Jihad, Terrorism, and ISIS)
Time Frame: 12/14-12/22
Target Standards
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
Content Learned
 Geography of Middle East:  Geography:
o Development of
Map of the “Holy Land”
 CC.8.5.6-8.A: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and
secondary sources.
 History of the “Holy
 CC.8.5.6-8.B: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary
source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or
 USA and the Middle East
 CC.8.5.6-8.D: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,  Jihad (HA 9.9)
including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
 CC.8.5.6-8.E: Describe how a text presents information (e.g., sequentially,
comparatively, causally).
 CC.8.5.6-8.F: Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s point of view or
purpose (e.g., loaded language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts).
 CC.8.5.6-8.G: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
 CC.8.5.6-8.H: Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text.
PA Geography Standards:
 Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features.
 Explain the characteristics of places and regions. 7.2.7.A
PA History Standards:
 Demonstrate continuity and change over time using sequential order and context of
events. 8.1.7.A
 Identify and use primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple points of view
for historical events. 8.1.7.B
 Explain the importance of historical documents, artifacts, and sites which are critical
to world history. 8.4.7.B
 Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
 Belief systems and religions
 Politics and government
 Physical and human geography
 Social organizations 8.4.7.C
 Explain how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations have impacted
the history of the world. 8.4.7.D
Skills Learned
political boundaries
over time
Interpretation and Analysis
of Primary Source
Documents (Identifying
bias, purpose of the author)
Fact vs. Opinion
Evaluating evidence and
forming thesis based on
Evaluating a historical
event from multiple
Suggested Activities and
 Introductory Primary
Source: Jewish and
Muslim perspectives on
the Holy Land
 Geography and History
of “Holy Land”
 Map Activity: Formation
of Israel
Writing Response: Letter to
President Obama
Social Structure #2: Feudalism in Europe and Japan
Unit 7: Legacy of the Roman Empire
Time Frame: 2/1 – 2/5
Target Standards
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
 CC.8.5.6-8.D: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a
text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
 CC.8.5.6-8.G: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
PA Geography Standards:
 Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features.
 Explain the characteristics of places and regions. 7.2.7.A
Content Learned
 Geography of Roman
 Fall of Roman Empire (HA
 Legacy of Roman Empire:
o Art (HA 1.3)
o Architecture (HA 1.4)
o Language (HA 1.5)
o Law and Citizenship
(HA 1.6)
PA History Standards:
 Demonstrate continuity and change over time using sequential order and context of
Skills Learned
Suggested Activities and
Students will…
 Geography:
o Interpret thematic
 Identify the influence of the
past in modern society
 Determine the meanings of
words and phrases as they
are used in a text
 Learn and use vocabulary
terms specific to
history/social studies
 Introductory Primary
Source: Images of Roman
 Walking Tour of Roman
Influence – Instagram
 Thematic Map: Influence
of Latin
 Look at examples of
Roman language,
architecture, law,
government and
determine modern
 History Alive! Reading
events. 8.1.7.A
 Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals
and groups in world history. 8.4.7.A
 Explain the importance of historical documents, artifacts, and sites which are critical
to world history. 8.4.7.B
 Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
 Belief systems and religions
 Commerce and industry
 Technology
 Politics and government
 Physical and human geography
 Social organizations 8.4.7.C
Mini-Project: Influence of
Roman Civilization in my
Life – Photo journal using
vocabulary from the unit
PA Civics and Government Standards:
 Cite functional examples of how the rule of law protects property rights, individual
rights, and the common good. 5.1.7.A
 Describe the citizen’s role in the political process. 5.2.7.D
Unit 8: Development of Feudalism in Western Europe
Time Frame: 2/8-2/19
Target Standards
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
 CC.8.5.6-8.A: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and
secondary sources.
Content Learned
 Structure of Society in
Post-Roman World (HA
Skills Learned
Students will…
 Analyze a thematic map
 Determine the effect of
Suggested Activities and
 Introductory Primary
Source: Antiphonary of
 CC.8.5.6-8.B: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary
source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or
 CC.8.5.6-8.D: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a
text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
 CC.8.5.6-8.E: Describe how a text presents information (e.g., sequentially,
comparatively, causally).
 CC.8.5.6-8.F: Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s point of view or
purpose (e.g., loaded language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts).
 CC.8.5.6-8.G: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
 CC.8.5.6-8.I: Analyze the relationship between a primary and secondary source on
the same topic.
PA Geography Standards:
 Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features.
 Explain the characteristics of places and regions. 7.2.7.A
PA History Standards:
 Demonstrate continuity and change over time using sequential order and context of
 Structure of Feudal Society
location on the
development of society
– Rights/Obligations of
 Determine the central ideas
Social Classes (HA 2.3)
or conclusions of a text
Role of Monarchs (HA 2.4)
 Summarize what the text
Role of Noble Class (HA
says without including their
own opinion about the
Role of Knightly Class (HA
subject matter
 Distinguish between
Life of Peasants (HA 2.7)
primary and secondary
 Compare information in
primary and secondary
 Describe social structure
and effects of social
position on everyday life
(social class)
Charles the Bald
 Geography Challenge
 Feudalism roles
simulation (HA)
 Test of knightly ability
 Comparison of
social/economic roles in
feudal society
 History Alive! Reading
Notes Ch 2
Quiz: Roles of feudal society
events. 8.1.7.A
 Identify and use primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple points of view
for historical events. 8.1.7.B
 Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals
and groups in world history. 8.4.7.A
 Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
 Belief systems and religions
 Commerce and industry
 Technology
 Politics and government
 Physical and human geography
 Social organizations 8.4.7.C
Unit 9: Role of the Church in Medieval Europe
Time Frame: 2/22-2/23
Target Standards
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
 CC.8.5.6-8.B: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary
source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or
 CC.8.5.6-8.E: Describe how a text presents information (e.g., sequentially,
comparatively, causally).
 CC.8.5.6-8.G: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
Content Learned
Skills Learned
 Basic information about
 Interpretation and Analysis
the beliefs of Christianity
(HA 3.3)
 The role of Christianity in
shaping Medieval
European society (HA 3.13.2)
of Primary Source
Documents (non-written
sources as texts, making
inferences about society
based on architecture)
 Describing the relationship
Suggested Activities and
 Introductory Primary
Source: Using architecture
of churches to make
inferences about role of
church in medieval
society (HA 3.5)
 CC.8.5.6-8.I: Analyze the relationship between a primary and secondary source on the
same topic.
between religious and
secular authority in a society Assessments:
Interpreting architecture to
make inferences about a
PA History Standards:
 Identify and use primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple points of view
for historical events. 8.1.7.B
 Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
 Belief systems and religions
Unit 10: Life in Medieval Towns
Time Frame: 2/24-3/4
Target Standards
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
 CC.8.5.6-8.A: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and
secondary sources.
 CC.8.5.6-8.B: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary
source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or
 CC.8.5.6-8.D: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
 CC.8.5.6-8.G: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
 CC.8.5.6-8.H: Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text.
 CC.8.6.6-8.A: Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.
 Introduce claim(s) about a topic or issue, acknowledge and distinguish the claim(s)
from alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically.
 Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant, accurate data and evidence that
demonstrate an understanding of the topic or text, using credible sources.
 CC.8.6.6-8.C: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development,
organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
 CC.8.6.6-8.H: Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis reflection,
and research.
PA Geography Standards:
 Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features.
 Explain the characteristics of places and regions. 7.2.7.A
 Describe and explain the effects of the physical systems on people within regions.
PA History Standards:
 Demonstrate continuity and change over time using sequential order and context of
events. 8.1.7.A
 Identify and use primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple points of view
for historical events. 8.1.7.B
Content Learned
 Geography of Europe:
Role of trade in shaping
settlement and society
Growth of Medieval
Towns (HA 4.2)
Guilds (HA 4.3)
Role of Trade and
Commerce (HA 4.4)
Homes and Households
(HA 4.5)
Disease and Medicine (HA
Crime and Punishment
(HA 4.7)
Leisure and Entertainment
(HA 4.8)
Skills Learned
 Geography:
o Analysis of Thematic
 Interpretation and Analysis
of Primary Source
Describing the impact of
economics and trade on
social structure
Describing the social
structure and effects of
social position on everyday
Fact vs. Opinion
Evaluating and responding
to another’s historical
Suggested Activities and
 Life of “Insert Name
Here” – Reading stories
 Geography: Map of rivers
and trade routes,
comparing to the location
of settlement in Europe
(how trade impacts
 Test on Medieval Europe
 Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
 Commerce and industry
 Politics and government
 Physical and human geography
 Social organizations 8.4.7.C
Unit 11: Decline of Feudalism
Time Frame: 3/7-3/11
Target Standards
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
 CC.8.5.6-8.B: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary
source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or
 CC.8.5.6-8.D: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
 CC.8.5.6-8.F: Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s point of view or
purpose (e.g., loaded language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts).
 CC.8.5.6-8.G: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
PA History Standards:
 Demonstrate continuity and change over time using sequential order and context of
events. 8.1.7.A
 Explain the importance of historical documents, artifacts, and sites which are critical
Content Learned
Skills Learned
 Geography of Europe: 100
 Geography:
Years War
o Analysis of Thematic
 Causes of the Decline of
 Interpretation and Analysis
o Magna Carta and Model
of Primary Source
Parliament (HA 5.1-2)
Documents (Interpreting
o Bubonic Plague (HA 5.3)
belief structures from
o 100 Years War (HA 5.4)
primary sources)
 Interpretation of cause and
effect relationships
(historical causality, dispel
notion of historical
to world history. 8.4.7.B
 Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals
and groups in world history. 8.4.7.A
 Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
 Technology
 Politics and government
 Social organizations 8.4.7.C
 Explain how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations have impacted
the history of the world. 8.4.7.D
Suggested Activities and
 Introductory Primary
Source: Description of
the bubonic plague
 Geography: Map of
territorial disputes of 100
Years War
 Bubonic plague
simulation (HA)
 100 Years War Simulation
Essay Test – Explain the
three causes of the decline of
PA Civics and Government Standards:
 Cite functional examples of how the rule of law protects property rights, individual
rights, and the common good. 5.1.7.A
Unit 12: Geography of Japan and Influence of Neighboring Cultures on Japan
Time Frame: 3/14 – 4/1
Target Standards
Content Learned
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
 Geography of East Asia:
Skills Learned
 Geography:
Suggested Activities and
 CC.8.5.6-8.A: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and
secondary sources.
 CC.8.5.6-8.B: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary
source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or
 CC.8.5.6-8.G: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
Political and Topographic
 Influence of India, China,
and Korea on Japanese
PA Geography Standards:
 Explain how common geographic tools are used to organize and interpret
information about people, places, and environment. 7.1.7.A
 Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features.
o Making predictions
about civilizations
based on geographic
o Analyzing the impact
of geographic
conditions on society
 Interpretation and Analysis
of Primary Source
Documents ()
 Introductory Primary
 History Alive! Reading
Notes Ch 20
Geography Challenge (HA)
 Explain the characteristics of places and regions. 7.2.7.A
 Describe and explain the effects of the physical systems on people within regions.
PA History Standards:
 Demonstrate continuity and change over time using sequential order and context of
events. 8.1.7.A
 Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals
and groups in world history. 8.4.7.A
 Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
 Belief systems and religions
 Commerce and industry
 Politics and government
 Physical and human geography
 Social organizations 8.4.7.C
 Explain how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations have
impacted the history of the world. 8.4.7.D
Unit 15: Court of Heian-kyo
Time Frame: 4/4 – 4/29
Target Standards
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
 CC.8.5.6-8.A: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and
secondary sources.
 CC.8.5.6-8.B: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary
source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or
 CC.8.5.6-8.D: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
 CC.8.5.6-8.G: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
Content Learned
 Culture of the Court of
Heian-kyo (HA 21.4-21.8)
 Role of Fujiwara family
(HA 21.3)
 Fall of Heian-kyo and
legacy (HA 21.9-10)
Skills Learned
 Geography:
o Development of
political boundaries
over time
 Interpretation and Analysis
of Primary Source
Documents (Identifying
determining cultural
Suggested Activities and
 Introductory Primary
Source: Life in the Court
of Heian-kyo
 History Alive! Reading
Notes Ch 21
 Examining culture based
on images website activity
practices based on images)
PA History Standards:
 Evaluating evidence and
 Identify and use primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple points of view
forming thesis based on
 Evaluating a historical
event from multiple
for historical events. 8.1.7.B
 Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals
and groups in world history. 8.4.7.A
 Explain the importance of historical documents, artifacts, and sites which are critical
to world history. 8.4.7.B
 Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
 Belief systems and religions
 Social organizations 8.4.7.C
Unit 16: Rise and Fall of Samurai Class
Time Frame: 5/2-5/27
Target Standards
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
 CC.8.5.6-8.A: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and
secondary sources.
 CC.8.5.6-8.B: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary
source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or
 CC.8.5.6-8.D: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
 C.8.5.6-8.F: Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s point of view or purpose
(e.g., loaded language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts).
 CC.8.5.6-8.G: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
PA History Standards:
 Demonstrate continuity and change over time using sequential order and context of
events. 8.1.7.A
Identify and use primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple points of view
for historical events. 8.1.7.B
Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals
and groups in world history. 8.4.7.A
Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
 Belief systems and religions
 Social organizations 8.4.7.C
Explain how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations have impacted
the history of the world. 8.4.7.D
Geographic Focus #3: Africa (If there is extra time)
Unit 17: Kingdom of Ghana
Time Frame: 3 Weeks
Content Learned
 Social Structure of Shogun
Skills Learned
 Interpretation and Analysis
Era (HA 22.2)
of Primary Source
Documents (artifacts as
 Samurai armor, weapons
and training (Ha 22.3-22.9)
 Role of women in Samurai  Interpreting purpose of
author (Bushido)
society (HA 2.10)
 Impact of Samurai society  Reconstructing identity of
historical figure using
on modern Japan (HA
primary sources
A Day in the Life of the
Court of Heian-kyo Essay
Suggested Activities and
 Introductory Primary
Source: A samurai’s
armor, excerpts from
 History Alive! Reading
Notes Ch 22
Knight vs. Samurai armor
- Groups must invent
identity for warrior
Target Standards
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
 CC.8.5.6-8.G: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
 CC.8.5.6-8.B: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary
source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or
 CC.8.5.6-8.D: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a
text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
 C.8.5.6-8.F: Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s point of view or
purpose (e.g., loaded language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts).
 CC.8.5.6-8.G: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
Content Learned
Skills Learned
 Geography of Africa:
 Interpreting primary source
Political, Social, Economic
 Social Structure of Ghana
 History of trade in West
 Analyzing relationship
between social, political and
economic power
Suggested Activities and
 Geography of Western
Africa Map Activity
 Primary Source: AlBakri’s description of the
Quiz on Ghana social
PA Geography Standards:
 Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features.
 Explain the characteristics of places and regions. 7.2.7.A
PA History Standards:
 Demonstrate continuity and change over time using sequential order and context of
events. 8.1.7.A
 Identify and use primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple points of view
for historical events. 8.1.7.B
 Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals
and groups in world history. 8.4.7.A
 Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
 Belief systems and religions
 Social organizations 8.4.7.C
Explain how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations have impacted
the history of the world. 8.4.7.D
End of Year Conclusion Unit on Social Structure in Modern USA
Time Frame: 5/30 - 6/7
Target Standards
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
 CC.8.5.6-8.G: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
 CC.8.5.6-8.H: Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text.
 WHST.6-8.2.B Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions,
Content Learned
 Sources of power in a
variety of civilizations
 How power shapes social
Skills Learned
Students will…
 Analyze the sources of power in
a variety of civilizations
 Apply knowledge of power
Suggested Activities and
 Analysis of social
structures of the
civilizations we have
concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples.
 WHST.6-8.6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing
and present the relationships between information and ideas clearly and efficiently.
 WHST.6-8.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis reflection,
and research.
and social class to create
their own social pyramid
for the modern US
 Comparing civilizations
 Modern Social Pyramid
and blog entry
PA History Standards:
 Demonstrate continuity and change over time using sequential order and context of
events. 8.1.7.A
 Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
 Social organizations 8.4.7.C
 Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals
and groups in world history. 8.4.7.A
 Explain how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations have impacted
the history of the world. 8.4.7.D
7th Grade World through Technology Long Term Planning Curriculum Document
Theme: How are digital narratives created?
Unit 1: National History Day
Time Frame: September-January
Target Standards
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
 CC.8.5.6-8.A: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and
secondary sources.
 CC.8.5.6-8.B: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary
source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or
 CC.8.5.6-8.D: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
 C.8.5.6-8.F: Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author’s point of view or purpose
(e.g., loaded language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts).
 CC.8.5.6-8.G: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
 RH.6-8.8 Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text.
 RH.6-8.9 Analyze the relationship between a primary and secondary source on
the same topic.
 WHST.6-8.1Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.
Content Learned
Skills Learned
 How to write a thesis
Students will…
 Develop research questions
 Background knowledge of  Determine the central ideas or
conclusions of a text
students’ NHD Topic
 Summarize what the text says
without including their own
opinion about the subject matter
Distinguish between primary and
secondary sources
Compare information in primary
and secondary sources
Write arguments to support
claims with clear reasons and
relevant evidence
Introduce a claim and organize
the reasons and evidence clearly
Suggested Activities and
 Topic selection activity
 Sample research
 How to read an
informational source and
pick out relevant
 Thesis statement writing
 Check-ins for writing
WHST.6-8.1.A Introduce claim(s) about a topic or issue, acknowledge and
distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and organize the
reasons and evidence logically.
WHST.6-8.1.B Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant, accurate
data and evidence that demonstrate an understanding of the topic or text, using
credible sources.
WHST.6-8.1.C Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify
the relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
WHST.6-8.1.D Establish and maintain a formal style.
WHST.6-8.1.E Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from
and supports the argument presented.
 WHST.6-8.2 Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical
events, scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes.
 WHST.6-8.2.A Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize
ideas, concepts, and information into broader categories as appropriate to
achieving purpose; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts,
tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
 WHST.6-8.2.B Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions,
concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples.
 WHST.6-8.2.C Use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and
clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts.
 WHST.6-8.2.D Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform
about or explain the topic.
 WHST.6-8.2.E Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone.
 WHST.6-8.2.F Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and
supports the information or explanation presented.
WHST.6-8.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development,
organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
WHST.6-8.5 With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and
strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new
approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed.
WHST.6-8.6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing
and present the relationships between information and ideas clearly and efficiently.
WHST.6-8.7 Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a selfgenerated question), drawing on several sources and generating additional related,
focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration.
WHST.6-8.8 Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources,
using search terms effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and
quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and
following a standard format for citation.
 Support my claim(s) with clear
 WHST.6-8.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis reflection,
and research.
PA History Standards:
 Demonstrate continuity and change over time using sequential order and context of
events. 8.1.7.A
 Identify and use primary and secondary sources to analyze multiple points of view
for historical events. 8.1.7.B
 Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economic contributions of individuals
reasons and relevant evidence,
using credible sources that
demonstrate an understanding of
the topic or text
Establish and maintain a formal
Provide a concluding statement
or section that follows from the
Write informational/explanatory
texts that examine and convey
ideas, concepts, and other
Select, organize, and analyze
ideas, concepts, and processes
Introduce a topic clearly and
develop it with relevant facts,
definitions, concrete details,
quotations, and examples
Incorporate formatting, graphics,
and multimedia into my
informational/explanatory texts
Organize ideas, concepts, and
information into broader
categories to better achieve my
Use appropriate transitions to
clarify the relationships among
ideas and concepts
Use vocabulary specific to what
I’m studying to inform about or
explain the topic
Build knowledge of individuals
and events in history by
examining narrative accounts of
these individuals and events
Analyze individuals and events in
history by examining narrative
accounts of these individuals and
Understand my task, purpose,
and audience when I write
Match the development,
organization, and style of my
writing to my task, audience, and
Understand writing as a process
of planning, revising, editing, and
 Website creation
and groups in world history. 8.4.7.A
 Differentiate how continuity and change have impacted world history.
 Belief systems and religions
 Social organizations 8.4.7.C
 Explain how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations have impacted
 Develop and strengthen my
the history of the world. 8.4.7.D
writing by planning, revising,
editing, rewriting, or trying a new
Use technology, including the
internet, to interact and
collaborate with others on the
writing process
Conduct short research projects
to answer a question I have
Draw on several sources when
conducting research and can
adapt and refocus my search if
Gather relevant information
from multiple print and digital
sources using search terms
Quote or paraphrase the data
and conclusions of others while
avoiding plagiarism and
providing basic bibliographic
information for sources
Draw evidence from
informational texts to support
my analysis, reflection, and
Unit 2: Wikipedia
Time Frame: Feb 1-26
Target Standards
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support
analysis of primary and secondary sources.
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.2 Determine the central ideas or
information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate
summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.5 Describe how a text presents
information (e.g., sequentially, comparatively, causally).
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.6 Identify aspects of a text that reveal an
author's point of view or purpose (e.g., loaded language, inclusion or
avoidance of particular facts).
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.7 Integrate visual information (e.g., in
charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in
Content Learned
Skills Learned
 How wikis function and
 Write basic coding used on
how they are used
 Structure of Wikipedia
pages and how they are
 Key statistics about
authorship of Wikipedia
articles (including number
of male/female authors,
race of authors, total
contributors, etc)
 Reliability of Wikipedia
 How to create and edit
Wikipedia pages
 How to cite resources to
provide evidence for
information presented in a
Wikipedia page
Suggested Activities and
 Exploring Wikipedia
source pages
 Sandbox exercises
 Edit a page they are an
expert on with sample
 Edit Wikipedia page of
NHD topic
print and digital texts.
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.8 Distinguish among fact, opinion, and
reasoned judgment in a text.
and the process for
updating and changing
International Society for Technology in Education Standards
1. Creativity and innovation - Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct
knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression
2. Communication and collaboration - Students use digital media and environments to
communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual
learning and contribute to the learning of others.
a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a
variety of digital environments and media
b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a
variety of media and formats
c. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems
3. Research and information fluency - Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and
use information.
a. Plan strategies to guide inquiry
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information
from a variety of sources and media
c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the
appropriateness to specific tasks
5. Digital citizenship - Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to
technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
a. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and
b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,
learning, and productivity
c. Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning
d. Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship
6. Technology operations and concepts - Students demonstrate a sound understanding of
technology concepts, systems, and operations.
a. Understand and use technology systems
b. Select and use applications effectively and productively
c. Troubleshoot systems and applications
d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies
Unit 3: How the internet affects how we understand and perceive the world (Social Media, the News, and the Ways we Access Information)
Time Frame: Feb 29-May 20
Target Standards
Content Learned
Skills Learned
Suggested Activities and
PA Common Core: History and Social Studies
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support
analysis of primary and secondary sources.
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.2 Determine the central ideas or
information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate
internet creates a
personalized experience on
the internet
o Judging fact and opinion
o Identifying bias
 Google experiment –
how does the internet
create “filter bubbles” in
summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.5 Describe how a text presents
information (e.g., sequentially, comparatively, causally).
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.6 Identify aspects of a text that reveal an
author's point of view or purpose (e.g., loaded language, inclusion or
avoidance of particular facts).
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.7 Integrate visual information (e.g., in
charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in
print and digital texts.
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.8 Distinguish among fact, opinion, and
reasoned judgment in a text.
International Society for Technology in Education Standards
1. Creativity and innovation - Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct
knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression
c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues
2. Communication and collaboration - Students use digital media and environments to
communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual
learning and contribute to the learning of others.
a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a
variety of digital environments and media
b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a
variety of media and formats
c. Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners
of other cultures
d. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems
3. Research and information fluency - Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and
use information.
a. Plan strategies to guide inquiry
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information
from a variety of sources and media
c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the
appropriateness to specific tasks
d. Process data and report results
4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making - Students use critical thinking
skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed
decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
a. Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for
b. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project
c. Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions
d. Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative
5. Digital citizenship - Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to
technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
a. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and
b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,
 Social media and its effect
on how we perceive the
o Twitter, blogging and
the evolution of
breaking and sharing
o Selecting reliable sources
of information
 Stepping out of one’s
comfort zone to encounter
new experiences
which we only encounter
things we want to see?
(Compare results with
ANS search)
 Examining a news story
from a variety of news
sources – how is the news
 Look at comment feed
from online news story –
how does the medium of
internet affect public
Assessments: Blog entry,
comparing Google search
learning, and productivity
c. Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning
d. Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship
6. Technology operations and concepts - Students demonstrate a sound understanding of
technology concepts, systems, and operations.
a. Understand and use technology systems
b. Select and use applications effectively and productively
c. Troubleshoot systems and applications
d. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies