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Rome and its Legacy
Terms- Identify what it is and why it is important. Must be handwritten.
Terms and Ideas:
CHAPTER 6 (Ancient Rome)
Sec 1
Romulus and Remus legend
Etruscan influences
Law of the 12 Tables
Describe the government of the Roman
Republic- Including: Patricians and Plebeians,
Tribunes, Consuls, Senate, Dictator
Punic Wars: Carthage, Hannibal, and Scipio
Location of Sicily, Italy, Rome, Carthage,
Adriatic Sea
Sec 2
Gracchi brothers
First Triumvirate
Second Triumvirate after Caesar’s death
Octavian (Augustus)
Julio-Claudian (or “Bad”) Emperors
Good Emperors
Describe the Pax Romana
Sec 3
Bread and circuses- Public entertainment
Describe education and religion
Describe Rome’s cultural legacy includingPtolemy, Aqueducts, Arches, roads, civil law
Sec 4
Treatment of Jews in Rome and Messiah
Beliefs of Christianity including:
 Jesus of Nazareth, messiah,
 disciples and apostles- Paul and
 The eucharist
 Bishop, Pope
Significance of Constantine and Theodosius
Edict of Milan
Sec 5
Problems in the Roman Empire
Attila and Odoacer
Ch. 12. Sec 1
People: Justinian, Theodora, Belisarius
Byzantine Art
Justinian’s Code
Hagia Sophia
Icons and iconoclasm
Eastern Orthodox Church
The Great Schism of 1054
Causes of Decline
Questions: (Answer in complete sentences.)
1. What advantages did Rome’s location give the city? What advantages did it give the empire?
2. Why did the Romans develop a Republic? Over time, what problems emerged in the Roman Republic?
3. In what ways was the Roman Empire under Augustus different from the Roman Republic?
4. What were some of the major cultural, governmental, architectural, and engineering contributions made
by the Roman Republic and Empire, and in what ways are they still important in the modern world?
5. What was the main message of Jesus’ teachings? What factors helped Christianity spread throughout the
Roman Empire?
6. How did the Christian church change as it grew and as time passed? Why?
7. What reforms did Diocletian and Constantine attempt? How successful were they? Why?
8. What problems did the Romans face beginning in the late 200s? How did they manage them?
9. What factors contributed to the fall of Western Rome? Was it preventable? Why or why not?
10. What were some of the important features of Byzantine culture? In what way was Byzantium a
continuity of the Roman Empire?
11. How did the controversy over icons lead to a bigger controversy between eastern and western
12. What led to the decline of the Byzantine Empire? Could it have been prevented? Why or why not?