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Mrs. Robilotto
On the back….
Write a story about
Halloween using 7
vocabulary words
from the unit.
Underline the words.
Before we get started…
Key to getting this is identifying Action
Verbs from Linking Verbs
Action Verbs expresses action:
Ex: George ate a sandwich
Linking verbs link two things together:
Ex: Charles is a firefighter
What’s a Complement?
A word or a group of
These word(s)
complete the meaning
of a verb.
Example: Joey wants a
How to Find the Complement
1. Find the verb
2. Find the subject by asking (“who or
what does the verb?”
3. What remains is the COMPLEMENT
Finding the Complement
Here are some examples:
John wants a car for his birthday. John is
the subject, wants is the verb; the rest is the
Mary is a good student. Mary is the
subject, is is the verb; the rest is the
Types of Complements
There are different types of complements.
To find out which type of complement you have you
have to identify what kind of verb you have.
Therefore, you need to identify the type of verb
found in the sentence: ACTION or LINKING
EXAMPLE: John wants a car for his birthday.
(wants is action verb)
EXAMPLE: Mary is a good student.
(is is a linking verb)
Types of Complements
There are 4 types:
Action verbs:
Direct object
Indirect object
Linking verbs:
Direct Object
Here are the steps to take to
find your direct object.
1. Find verb. Label it AV for
action verb.
2. Find subject. Label it S for
3. Circle rest of the sentence
and cross out any
prepositional phrases.
4.Ask, “subject, verb, WHAT
or WHOM?” The answer to
the question will provide the
Find the Direct Object
1. Joe
ate apple pie after dinner on every Thanksgiving.
2. A swimmer in training may swim five or six miles everyday.
3. During a marathon, some swimmers may lose several pounds.
4. Fatigue, pain, and huge waves challenge marathon swimmers.
5. As they swim, they endure extreme isolation.
6. The director chose Sheila to play the part of Juliet.
Indirect Object
If there are any words left…
5. Ask the question: “subject, verb, direct object, TO or
FOR?” this answer is the indirect object; Label it IO.
*RULE: You will NEVER have an IO without a DO. You
may have just a DO standing alone.
DO only:
John threw the ball.
John threw Marie the ball.
Indirect Objects: Careful!
Wally gave the new nurse the patient’s
Wally gave the patient’s chart to the new
Predicate Adjective/Nominative
Here are the steps when
you have a linking verb
in the sentence:
1. Find verb. Label it LV for
linking verb.
2. Find subject. Label it S for
3. Circle rest of the sentence
and cross out any
prepositional phrases.
Predicate Adjective/Nominative
4. Look at what you have circled:
Is there a noun inside the circle, such as “handsome boy”? Then
you have a Predicate Nominative.
b. Is there an adjective inside the circle, such as “handsome”?
Then you have a Predicate Adjective.
*RULE: If you have an adjective and a noun with a linking verb, it
is just Predicate Nominative:
Example: Sarah is a kind girl. (PN)
Predicate Adjective/Nominative
Greg is a nurse. (?)
Greg is smart. (?)
Rachel is a nice girl.(?)
The flowers
are pretty. (?)
The dog smelled his food. WHY NOT?