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Space Unit Review
Mill and Chill ANSWERS
Question 1
O Define solar system
O The solar system is the
collection of large and
small bodies that orbit
our central star, the sun.
Question 2
O List the planets in order from
the sun
O Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Question 3
O Give 2 characteristics of an inner
planet and 2 characteristics of an
outer planet
O Inner- smaller, closer to sun, little
to no moons, rocky
O Outer- larger, farther from sun,
many moons, gaseous
Question 4
O Draw a diagram that shows the
position of Earth at four different
times during the year (summer,
spring, fall, and winter) and label each
season. Be sure to include the tilt
and the sun in your diagram.
Question 5
O What is happening in the Arctic
Circle during the December
O People in that area are
experiencing 24 hours of
Question 6
O Kevin travels from the U.S. to Australia for
the summer, but when he gets there it feels
more like winter. Explain this!
O In the US which is in the Northern
hemisphere, it is tilted toward the sun
causing summer to occur, however Australia
is in the Southern hemisphere which is tilted
away from the sun causing winter to occur.
Question 7
O Draw and label the moon
phase that comes directly
after a waning gibbous
O Third Quarter Moon
Question 8
O The cycle of the moon’s phases
repeats in a predictable way.
About how long does it take to
cycle from one full moon to the
next full moon?
O About 28-29 days
Question 9
O What time does a full moon rise
and set?
O What time does a new moon
rise and set?
O Full moon rises at 6pm and sets
at 6am and a new moon rises at
6am and sets at 6pm
Question 10
O Which is a similarity between
a neap tide and a spring
O Both are caused by the
gravitational pull of the
moon and occur twice a
Question 11
O How is a solstice different from an
O Solstice is when one hemisphere
receives the maximum amount of
sunlight while the other
hemisphere receives the
minimum. During an equinox,
both hemispheres receive sunlight
Question 12
O How much times passes
between neap tides at a
location? Explain why!
O Neap tides occur every 14
days because it takes 14
days to get from one quarter
moon to the next.
Question 13
O Define tidal range. How do you
calculate it?
O Tidal range is the difference
between the levels of ocean
water at high tide and low tide.
You subtract the water level at
low tide from high tide to find
the tidal range.
Question 14
O What has the greatest
gravitational pull on the
tides? Why?
O The moon has the greatest
gravitational pull because it
is the closest to Earth
Question 15
O Suppose you were an astronaut
in the middle of the near side of
the moon during a full moon,
what would Earth look like?
O Earth would be dark because it
would be experiencing nighttime