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Chapter 13:
Earth, Moon, and Beyond
Lesson 1: How Does Earth’s Orbit Affect Seasons?
Lesson 2: How Do Earth and the Moon Compare?
Lesson 3: What Makes Up Our Solar System?
Lesson 1: Vocabulary
 Sun: star at the center of our universe.
 rotate: to spin on an axis.
 axis: An imaginary line that passes through Earth’s
center and its North and South poles.
 revolve: To travel in a closed path.
 orbit: The path one body takes in space as it
revolves around another.
 equator: An imaginary line around Earth equally
distant from North and South poles.
Lesson 1
 Each day the sun
appears to rise, move
across the sky, and
 But it’s really Earth that
is moving. Not the
 Earth rotates (spins)
on its axis (imaginary
Lesson 1
 Sunrise and sunset happen at
different times in different parts of
the world.
 Long ago, each place used
its own local system of time.
 This became confusing for
people traveling long distances.
 In 1884, people set up a time
Lesson 1
 The new time system divided the world into time
 All the places located in a specific time zone have
the same time.
Lesson 1
 Most places on Earth have
 Summer is warmer and we
have more hours of
 Winter is cooler and we
have fewer hours of
 The seasons are caused
by the tilt of Earth on its
Lesson 1
 As Earth revolves around
the sun, different parts of
Earth are tilted toward
 When your part of Earth is
tilted toward the sun, it is
summer for you.
 The path that Earth moves
on around the sun is called
its orbit.
Lesson 1
 At the North and South poles, summer is 3 months of
daylight with no darkness!
 Winter at the poles is 6 months of darkness!
 But even with 6 months of sunlight in the summer, it is still
very cold in the South Pole.
 This is because the sun’s rays to the South Pole are
indirect rays.
Lesson 1
 At the equator, it is warm all year long.
 Days and nights are about 12 hours each.
All year long.
 Areas near the equator receive direct rays
all year through.
Lesson 2 : Vocabulary
 Moon: Any natural body that revolves around a
 Craters: Large, bowl-shaped areas on the
moon’s surface.
 Eclipse: Happens when one body in space
blocks sunlight from another.
 Refraction: The bending of light from the sun.
 Moon phases: The different shapes of the
Lesson 2:
How Do Earth and Moon Compare?
 The Moon and Earth:
 Earth’s moon is a natural body that revolved
around the Earth.
 Earth and moon are similar because they
are both rocky and dense, they both have
craters, and they are both made of similar
Lesson 2:
How Do Earth and Moon Compare?
 There are many ways in which
the Earth and moon are quite
different as well.
 The moon is much smaller and
has less gravity.
 The moon does not have much
of an atmosphere or liquid
 The astronauts who walked on
the moon had to wear space
suits so that they could breathe.
 There is also no life on the
Lesson 2:
How Do Earth and Moon Compare?
 Phases of the Moon:
 On some nights, the moon
seems round while other nights
it look like a half circle or sliver.
 Both the moon and Earth are
always moving which make
them look different.
 The moon does not make its
own light and only reflects lights
from the sun.
 As the moon orbits Earth,
different parts of it face the sun.
 This is what causes the moon to
appear in different shapes
(moon phases).
Lesson 2:
How Do Earth and Moon Compare?
 Eclipses:
 Sometimes one body in space
blocks the sunlight from another
 When the moon is between
Earth and the sun, it makes a
shadow on Earth.
 This is called a solar eclipse.
 When a full moon passes
through Earth’s shadow, it
makes a lunar eclipse.
 Earth blocks the sun’s light from
reaching the moon.
 During a lunar eclipse, the moon
looks red which is caused by
 Refraction is the bending of
sun’s light.
Lesson 3: Vocabulary
 Star: is a very large ball of hot, glowing gases in
 Solar system: Is made up of a star (sun) and the
objects that orbit the star.
 Constellation: A group of stars that appears to
form a picture.
 Universe: Is everything that exists.
 Galaxies: Groups of stars, dust, and gas, in the
 Planets: Bodies that revolve around the sun.
Lesson 3:
What Makes Up Our Solar System?
 The Sun and Other
 The sun is a star at the
center of our solar
 The sun is a million times
larger than Earth.
 The sun is only an
averaged sized star.
 At night you can see
groups of stars.
 Sometimes they form
pictures or constellations.
Lesson 3:
What Makes Up Our Solar System?
 The Inner Planets:
 Our solar systems has 8
 A planet revolves around a
star (sun).
 The four planets closest to
the sun are the inner
 They are: Mercury, Venus,
Earth, and Mars.
Lesson 3:
What Makes Up Our Solar System?
 The Outer Planets:
 There are 4 outer planets. They
are: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and
 These are called gas giants
because they are made of
gases like hydrogen and helium.
 Jupiter is the largest planet in
our solar system.
 A huge storm on Jupiter has
lasted more than 300 years and
is called the “Red Spot”.
 All the gas giants have rings
around them and moons orbiting
 The rings are made of ice, dust,
rocks, and frozen gas.
Lesson 3:
What Makes Up Our Solar System?
 Beyond the Solar
 The universe includes
everything that exists.
 Within the universe there
are 1 billion galaxies that
 A galaxy is gas, dust, and
a group of stars.
 Our galaxy, the Milky Way,
is spiral shaped.