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Chapter 10 Test Study Guide
Name ________________________
1. Where did Darwin make many of his observations?
Galápagos Islands and Argentina.
2. What adaptations did Darwin observe in the organisms found on the Galapagos
Tortoises that live in areas with tall plants have long legs and necks. Finches
That live in areas with hard-shelled nuts have short necks, legs and strong
3. Why was James Hutton’s and Charles Lyell’s work important to Darwin? What
specific knowledge did Charles Lyell contribute to Darwin’s hypothesis about
evolution? James Hutton proposed that the changes observed in landforms
resulted from slow changes over a long period of time, a principle that became
known as Gradualism. Charles Lyell expanded Hutton’s theory of gradualism into
the theory of Uniformitarianism. Darwin supported these theories.
4. Who was Thomas Malthus and what did he contribute to Darwin’s hypothesis of
evolution? What did he believe would halt the growth of the human population?
He proposed that resources such as food, water and shelter were natural limits to
population to grow.
5. What was the title of the book that Darwin published in 1859? Did he publish his
book as soon as he returned from the voyage on the Beagle?
On the origin of species by means of natural selection.Yes he did.
6. Who published an essay concerning evolution before Darwin published his book?
An English naturalist named Alfred Russel Walllace.
7. Describe Darwin’s theory of natural selection. What is artificial selection?
Natural selection is a mechanism by which individuals that have inherited
beneficial adaptations produce more offspring on average than do other
individuals. Artificial selection is the process by which humans select traits
through breeding.
8. The organisms that are best adapted to their environment are most likely to do
what? There is great variation in all species. Organisms produce more offspring
than can be supported by the environment.
9. What is Darwin’s definition of fitness?
Is a measure of the ability to survive and produce more offspring relative to other
members of the population in a given environment.
10. What is a vestigial structure?
Are remnants of organs or structures that held a function in an early ancestor.
11. Was Darwin’s theory of evolution influenced by his knowledge of the structure of
DNA? Why or why not?
12. Malthus believed that the human population was kept in check by what?
13. What is artificial selection?
Is the process by which humans select traits through breeding.
14. Were Darwin’s hypotheses about natural selection and evolution similar to the
ideas of most other scientist of his time? Explain.
15. Describe a homologous structure.
Are similar in structure but different function
16. What are fossils and how did they support Darwin’s hypothesis of evolution? Did
the average person of the time believe fossils supported evolution?
Fossils provide evidence of evolution and they are very important. Yes they did
because the fossils contributed with Darwin’s research.
17. What does Darwin’s theory of evolution suggest?