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Circulatory System
• Arteries– Thick walls
– Inner & Outer layers: connective tissue
– Middle layers are muscle and elastic tissue
• Vasoconstriction involves 3 things:
– Example: Turn pale when frightened
• Vasodilation is when smooth muscle relaxes
• Causes two things to happen
– Example:
• Excess ______ in the blood is deposited on the
walls of the ________
• Plaque is formed when
• Narrows arteries and causes
• Plaque penetrates artery walls, causing blood
clots to form
• Bulge that forms in a weakened blood vessel
• Due to artherosclerosis
• Weakened bit of artery protrudes as blood is
pumped through
Single layer of cells
Fluid and gas ___________
Capillary beds are easily damaged
High blood pressure or impact will
rupture the capillary
– Example
• Oxygen is diffused from the blood to the
tissue through the walls of the
• Oxygenated blood=
• Deoxygenated blood=
Veins and Venules
• Capillaries merge and become larger
vessles called __________
• Walls of venules contain _________
• Venules merge to form veins
• Blood passes through narrow vessels
with weaker walls, pressure is _________
• When blood reaches venules, the
pressure is too low to drive blood back to
the heart
• __________ valves, directing blood
back to the heart
• Skeletal muscles bulge when in use,
reducing the _________ of the vein
• Pressure in the vein ___________, the
valves open allowing blood to flow
towards the heart
• ____% of your blood is stored in the
• Varicose veins
– Veins _______ and blood ______ in the veins
and damages the valves
– Blood seeps through the one way valves
and stays collects
– What causes vericose veins?
• Pg. 316
– 1-3
• Pg. 318
– 1, 3, 5, 7
The Heart
• Pericardium•
• 2 thin walled _____
– (chamber that ___________ blood from the
• 2 thick walled __________
– (chamber that __________ blood to the
• 2 parallel pumps are separated by the
septum (wall of muscle)
• Pump on the right
• Pump on the left
Pulmonary Circulatory System
• Blood vessels that carry blood to and from the
Systemic Circulatory System
• Vessles that
carry blood to
and from the
• Superior vena cava carries
_______________ blood from the head
and upper body to the __________
• ________________ carries
deoxygenated blood from all veins
below the diaphragm to the same
• ________________ carry oxygenated
blood from the lungs to the left atrium
• Atrioventricular
valves (AV)
separate the _______
from the
• AV prevent blood
from ______________
from a ventricle into
an atrium
• Semilunar valves
(SV) separate he
___________ from
the __________
• SV prevent blood
from backflowing
from an ______ into a
• Coronary arteries supply the muscle
cells in the heart with oxygen and
Cardiac Catheterization
• Catheter is inserted in ______ in the
• Pushed through aorta into the heart
• ____________ dye is injected into
• Dye travels through blood vessels,
where _____________ can be seen
• Angioplasty, using an inflatable
________ to open the blockage
• Contracts __________ being stimulated by
________ nerves (myogenic muscle)
• Beat rate is set by the __________ (SA) node
• Upper right atrium sets a rhythm at about 70
• Contractions travel to second node,
atrioventricular (AV) node, which acts as a
• (AV) node passes impulses via 2 Purkinje
fibres to the bottom of the heart
• L and R atria contract before the L and R
Heart Sounds
• _______ of the valves causes the lubb
• Diastole is the period of _____ when the
atria and ventricles are ________
• Atria contract, increasing pressure,
forcing the AV valves open
• Filled ventricles __________, pressure
forces AV valves shut, producing lubb
sound and pushing blood into the
• Ventricles _______, volume ____________
• Increased volume, pressure in
ventricles decreases, _________ of
semilunar valves creates dubb sound
Check your understanding
• Pg. 327
• Questions 1, 2, 5 & 6
• Label heart diagram