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Cardiovascular System: Anatomy of the Heart
Part 1 Notes ● Advanced Human Anatomy
Name:________________________________________________ Date:____________ Block:__________
General Information
Size: approximately the size of _________________________________________________
Location: in the _______________________________________ - the cavity in the center of the chest
Slightly to the __________________ of the midline
Surrounding Layers of the Heart
 Double layered sac
 Contains roughly half an ounce of _______________________________________ which works to
 Fibrous layer: outer layer made of _____________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________________________________________
 Serous layer: creates the _______________________________________ where pericardial fluid is
held; two layers
 Outer: ________________________________ pericardium
 Inner: ________________________________ pericardium (epicardium)
Myocardium: _________________________________________; thicker on left side of the heart
 _______________________________________________________________________________
Endocardium: lining of ____________________________________________; squamous epithelial tissue
continuous with the _________________________________________________________________________
Chambers of the Heart
 2 ________________________ chambers of heart; __________________________________________
 Responsible for __________________________________ blood
 Right atrium receives __________________________________________________________ blood
from the body through the ____________________________________________________________
 Left atrium receives _____________________________________________ blood from the lungs
through the _____________________________________________
 2 ____________________ chambers of the heart; __________________________________________
 Left wall ____________ as thick as right wall; forms _______________________________________
 Responsible for pumping blood _____________________ from the heart
 Right ventricle sends _______________________________________ blood to the lungs via the
 Left ventricle sends _______________________________________ blood to all parts of the body
via the _______________________________________
Heart Valves
Tough fibrous tissue between the _____________________________________________________________
_______________________________ structures to keep the blood flowing in one direction and to prevent
 Atrioventricular (AV) valves:
 Tricuspid valve: between the ____________________________________________________
 Bicuspid/mitral valve: between then _____________________________________________
 Semilunar Valves: 3 half moon pockets that catch blood and balloon out to close the opening
 Pulmonary semilunar valve: between the ________________________________________
 Aortic semilunar valve: between the _____________________________________________
Accessory Structures
Septum: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Papillary muscles: located in the _________________________; attach to the cusps of the
_________________________________ valves (mitral/tricuspid valves) via the ______________________
__________________________ and contract to prevent ______________________________ of these valves
Ligamentum Arteriosum: cord of tissue that connects the ________________________________________
_________________________ and that is the remnants of the ______________________________________
Blood Vessels
3 major types of blood vessels:
 ___________________________________
 ___________________________________
 ___________________________________
There are over 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.
 There are approximately 300 million capillaries in the human body
Blood Vessel Anatomy
Three coats (_______________________):
1. Tunica intima: endothelium lines the interior of vessels; _________________________________________
2. Tunica media: ______________________________________________________________________________
3. Tunica externa: _____________________________________________________________________________
Carry blood __________________ from the heart
 Overall, ___________________________ in diameter, have __________________________ walls in
proportion to their _____________________ (opening) and carry blood under higher
pressure than veins
All BUT ________________________________________ carry oxygenated blood
Aorta: ____________________________________________________________________________
Arterioles: smallest arteries
Coronary arteries: very important; supply blood to the __________________________________________
 Left and right main coronary artery
 Left coronary artery - left anterior descending, left circumflex branch
 Right coronary artery - right atrium and right ventricle
Carry blood _________________________ the heart
 Generally ______________________ in diameter, carry more ________________________________
and have ______________________ walls in proportion to their lumen.
 Layers much thinner, less elastic
All BUT _____________________________________ carry deoxygenated blood
Series of internal valves that __________________________________________________________________
Superior and inferior vena cava: _____________________________________________________________
Venules: smallest veins
Tiny, ______________________________________________
 Diameter = 5-10 micrometers
Walls _________________________ layer thick
Function: __________________________________________________________________________________
Allow for exchanges to occur between arteries and veins
Great Vessels
Superior and inferior vena cava: _____________________________________________________________
Pulmonary arteries: _________________________________________________________________________
Pulmonary veins: ___________________________________________________________________________
Aorta: _____________________________________________________________________________________