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Science 6 Final Review Mr. Soto 2015
NAME _________________________PER ______
Genes and Heredity
The process of making more of one’s own kind is called _________________. Each
_____________, or kind, of organism reproduces only its own kind. Reproduction is essential for the
survival of the species.
Many organisms reproduce by combining cells from two different parents. This type of
reproduction is called ___________ __________________, where the offspring receive genetic material
from both parents.
Special cells, called __________ and __________ cells, are used in sexual reproduction. Cells
formed through meiosis have only half the number of ________________, or genetic material, of the
parent cell. For reproduction to occur, the sperm and egg must join together in a process called
When organisms reproduce, traits are passed from parent to offspring. These traits are carried in
___________, the genetic material found in a cell’s nucleus. This acts like a blueprint for the cells of an
organism, instructing them how to put together materials to produce certain traits.
____________ are segments of DNA that carry instructions for the traits of an organism from
parent to offspring. Genes are located on __________________ in the nuclei, or center, of cells. Each
type of organism has a fixed number of chromosomes.
Your genes determine your skin color, your hair texture, and whether or not you can roll your
tongue into a U-shape. Each of these three traits is controlled by a segment of DNA called a
___________ _____________ are two individuals that formed from one egg fertilized by one
sperm. Because they form from the same egg and sperm, they have exactly the same genes. This is why
they are either both girls or both boys. ___________ ________, are offspring formed when two
different egg cells are fertilized by different sperm cells at the same time. They are no more genetically
similar than any other two children from the same parents. This is why they can be of the opposite sex.
A process called ______________ can be used to produce offspring that are genetically identical
to their parent. This process uses cells or tissues from the body of an organism to produce a new
organism with identical traits. In recent years, scientists have developed ways of producing genetically
identical offspring animals, and plants. For example, scientists in Scotland used cells from the body of a
mature sheep to develop a genetically identical offspring. This process may someday be used to develop
farm animals that have very specific traits.
When organisms reproduce, genetic information from each parent is passed to the next
generation. This passing of traits from parents to offspring is called _______________.
___________ _____________, is often called the “Father of Genetics.” He did many early
experiments with heredity; setting the stage for genetics, the study of heredity.
___________ acquired during your lifetime, such as a dyed hair color or the shape of a nose that
has been altered by surgery, cannot be inherited.
Each gene in a pair is known as an _____________. If one of the genes masks the effect of the
other gene, it is called a _____________ ___________. The gene that is masked is called a
_______________ _____________.
_____________ are often written using ______________. A _______________ __________ is
shown with a capital letter, such as “T” for tallness. The _____________ __________ for the same trait
is shown with a lowercase version of the same letter. So, in this case, “t” would stand for shortness.
Offspring ___________ one allele from each parent. Sometimes an organism _____________
two dominant alleles or two recessive alleles for a trait. When this happens, the organism shows the trait
carried by the allele. An organism that carries two dominant or two recessive alleles for a given trait is
said to be ___________ for that trait. An organism that carries both a dominant allele and a recessive
allele for a certain trait is called a ____________.
A table called a ______________ _____________ can be used to predict what traits offspring
will have based on what traits the parents have. In this table, the top of the table shows the alleles
contributed by the ____________. Along the side are the two alleles that the _____________
contributes. The squares show the possibilities of allele pairs in the _____________.
A ________________ is the set of alleles an organism has for a trait. A _____________ is the
appearance the trait takes on. This variety of life is known as ________________.
Change and Diversity of Life
Biologists look at physical structures to decide how closely _____________ different species are.
____________ are the physical remains of organisms, or an imprint of the physical remains. The
_____________ ____ __________________ describes the slow change in organisms that occurs over
many generations.
__________ defined ____________ _________________ as the process by which organisms
change over time, as those best suited to their environment survive to pass their traits to the next
Here are the main points of his ideas:
1. Organisms produce ________ __________ offspring than can survive.
2. There is ________________ among offspring for food, space, and other resources.
3. There is ______________ _______________ (difference) among the offspring of an organism.
These _______________ are caused mainly by genetic differences.
4. Individuals with certain traits are better suited to _______________ in their environment than those
without the traits.
5. Organisms that survive and _______________ pass the genes for their useful traits on to the next
Adaptation plays a major role in natural selection. An adaptation is a ______________ or trait
that helps an organism _________________ in its environment. An adaptation makes an organism
more suited to its environment, and therefore more likely to survive and pass on its traits to the next
Adaptations can arise only if there is variety within the offspring of a species. Variety in offspring
is the result of ______________ _______________, the normal differences that exist among
individuals of the same species.
Greater variation is caused by ____________, or random changes in genes.
When all the organisms of a species die, the species goes ____________.
____________ are the remains or other evidence of organisms that lived in the past. Bones,
seeds, leaves, flowers, shells, and even animal tracks can become _____________ over time.
Throughout Earth’s history, many instances of widespread extinction have occurred. _________
__________________ are periods when many species of organisms died out at the same time.
Extinction is a natural part of the process of __________________.
An ____________ is all the organisms that live in an area together with the nonliving factors of
the environment. The study of how organisms interact with each other and with their physical
environment is the focus of ________________.
A _________ is a group of organisms that can mate and produce offspring that in turn can
produce more offspring.
All the organisms of the same species that live in the same place at the same time make up a
Populations do not live alone. They share the environment with other populations to form a
Populations do not interact only with each other. They also interact with the nonliving factors of
the environment. An ________________ includes all the populations that live in an area along with
physical factors in the environment.
For any population to thrive, there must be enough food, water, and living space. Such factors are
called _______________ __________________ because they limit how many organisms can live in an
The place where an organism lives is called its __________________.
___________________ occurs whenever more than one individual or population tries to make
use of the same limited resource. Only those organisms able to get the resources they need will survive.
________________ is a type of feeding relationship in which one animal captures and eats
another animal for food. The animal that is eaten is the ___________. The animal eating the prey is the
______________. Predator-prey relationships keep an ecosystem in balance by preventing any one
population from getting too large.
All organisms need energy to live. Organisms can be divided into three main groups—producers,
consumers, and decomposers—based on how they get the energy they need to live.
Plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food are _______________.
Any organism that gets its food by eating other organisms is a _____________.
________________ are plant-eaters. They feed directly on producers. Animals that eat plants
(such. as rabbits) or those that eat plant products (such as squirrels eating acorns) are herbivores.
_______________ are meat-eaters. They get food by eating herbivores or other carnivores.
_________________ on the other hand, eat the remains of organisms left behind by other animals.
_________________ are organisms that feed on both producers and other consumers.
Organisms that feed on the remains or wastes of other organisms are known as ____________.
Many bacteria, fungi and worms are included.
Organisms get the energy they need from food. A __________ _______________ traces the
path of energy as it moves from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
A _______ _________ shows only one energy path in an ecosystem. But most organisms are
part of more than one food chain. Scientists often use a _______ _______ to show a more complete
picture of the flow of energy in an ecosystem. A ______ ________ is a system of several overlapping
food chains.
The ___________________ hierarchy is a system used to organize into groups the many different
organisms found on Earth. In the system used today, the groups that have the largest number of different
organisms are called _____________. There are three _______________: archaea, bacteria, and
eukarya. The next level in the hierarchy is _____________ The _____________ archaea and bacteria
have only one ______________ each. The _____________ eukarya has four ______________: plants,
animals, fungi, and protists.
The _____________ level is broken down into six smaller levels. These include __________,
____________, ___________, ___________, ____________, and ____________. Each level contains
fewer types of organisms than the level before. The species level includes only one type of organism.
Organisms also become more closely related as you move from the _______________ to the
__________ level.
Sometimes, there is _____________ _____________ within a species. Different dog breeds are
_______________ of the same species.
Organisms are called by their _______________ __________, which consists of their genus
and species names. For example, the domesticated dog is known as Canis familiaris.
An _______________ ___________ helps you identify organisms by presenting you with a
series of choices. The choices describe characteristics of the organism you’re identifying. Your choices
eventually lead you to the identity of the species.