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Chemical Symbol- One capital letter or one
capital letter plus one or two small letters
› Carbon: C, Argon: Ar, Oxygen: O, all on the periodic table!
Atom- smallest piece of matter that has the
properties of the element- represented by
chemical symbol
› Composed on protons, neutrons, and electrons
› Protons and Neutrons exist in the center of an atom-
the nucleus.
› Protons are positive.
› Neutrons have no charge.
› Electrons are negative and surround the nucleus
Even protons, and neutrons are made up
of smaller particles- quarks
 Quarks- smallest particles- make up
protons, neutrons, and electrons- 6 types
› up, down, top, bottom, strange and charm
To study quarks- accelerate charged
particles to high speeds and cause them
to collide with protons, breaking the
A proton is made up of 2 up quarks and
1 down quark = charge of +1
 a neutron contains 1 up quark and 2
down quarks, yielding a net charge of 0
 All you’ve learned about atomic
structure is just a model
 Model- help you visualize or understand
something too large or small to see all at
Democritus- first to propose that atoms
 Dalton’s model- atom was a sphere
 Thomson’s model- plum pudding modelpositive sphere with negative charges
› Problems: electrons are actually around the
nucleus, not inside of it
Rutherford- all mass of an atom was in
the center- the nucleus- discovered by
gold foil experiment
› Electrons surround nucleus and travel in
orbits like planets around the sun
› Problem: did not distinguish protons &
neutrons and electrons do not actually
move in the way he thought
ds/pushmovies/l2ruther.gif - source of
Bohr-electrons travel in a fixed orbit around
the nucleus
› Problem: electrons are actually in regions or
clouds around the nucleus
Difference between Bohr and Rutherford:
› Rutherford said electrons travel in orbits like
planets- problem- electrons also emit energy
and should spiral closer to the nucleus
› Bohr- only certain orbits are possible – they gain
and lose energy as they move from one orbital
to another
 Distiguished between protons and neutron while
Rutherford did not
Electron Cloud Model- nucleus with
protons and neutrons in the center
› Electrons in clouds around the nucleus- very
large area compared to the nucleus
› Electrons move too fast to find exact
location at any one time
› Atoms are mostly empty space!
Nucleus- contains most of the mass of an atom
› Protons & Neutrons contains most of an atom’s mass
› Electrons- 1/2000th of the mass of a proton
Grams are not used to measure mass of atoms
because atoms are too small
› Amu is used instead
› Amu = atomic mass unit
Mass of proton = mass of neutron = 1amu
Amu – 1/12th the mass of a carbon-12
atom, which contains 6 protons and 6
 Protons- determine the identity of an
› Every atom has a different # of protons
Atomic number- tells us the number of
 Mass number- total number of protons &
 # of neutrons = mass # - atomic #
Electrons- determine physical and
chemical properties of atoms
 Charges of atoms- indicates # of
electrons gained or lost
 Cation- ion with a positive charge- lost
 Anion- ion with a negative chargegained electrons
Isotope- Atoms of the same element with different
numbers of neutrons
To indicate the identity of an isotope, write the
element name – mass #
› Carbon-12 Carbon-14
Average atomic mass- a weighted average of the
masses of the isotopes of an element
› Average atomic mass = (% x mass) + (% x mass) + (% x
› Reason it is an average- there are several isotopes for each
mass number 13 exact weight
To calculate the average atomic weight, each exact atomic
weight is multiplied by its percent abundance (expressed as
a decimal). Then, add the results together and round off to
an appropriate number of significant figures.
This is the solution for carbon:
(12.000000) (0.9890) + (13.003355) (0.0110) = 12.011
C has an average atomic mass of 12.011
 This is closer to 12 than to 13, which
means most isotopes must be carbon-12.
 This matches our known data, which say
that 98.90% of carbon atoms are C-12.
Periodic- Repeated in a pattern
 Elements are ordered by:
› increasing atomic number
› changes in physical & chemical properties
Mendeleev- Ordered elements by
atomic mass
› Left blank places in his table to line up
elements according to their properties
› Elements were later discovered and fit into
the places he left blank
Moseley- organized elements by
atomic number rather than atomic
› Same arrangement as today
Groups/Families- vertical columns of
the periodic table
 Rows of Periodic Table- periods
 Electrons
Around the nucleus in an electron cloud
Energy levels dictate location of electrons
Closer to nucleus = less energy
Fill energy levels from inner to outer levels
Electrons in outer shell – determine
chemical properties of elements
 Complete outer shell- needs 8 electrons
to be stable
 Energy levels and # of electrons in each:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Holds 2
Holds 8
Holds 18
Holds 32
# e in sublevel
double dumbbell
Level 1
 Level 2
 Level 3
 Level 4
s, p, d
 Valence
2 electrons
2 + 6 = 8 electrons
2 + 6 + 10 = 18 e2 + 6 + 10 + 14 = 32 e-
Group 1A – 8A have 1-8 valence
Electron dot diagram (or Lewis dot
diagram) - A symbol of an element
surrounded by dots to represent
electrons in the outer energy level
› First 2 electrons go together
› Next electrons go one on each side, then
start to double up
 Properties of elements in the same
group- similar due to same # of
valence electrons
 Alkali metals- group 1A- very reactive
 Alkaline metals- group 2 A- less
reactive than alkali
Halogens- group 7A
› Likely to react with Alkali metals- group 1A
Noble Gases- group 8A- not reactivedon’t form compounds
Hydrogen and Helium
› Combine to form elements with larger
atomic numbers – can only occur through
nuclear reactions
Metals- good conductors of heat & electricity.
› All but one (Hg) are solid at room temperature.
› Lustrous- reflect light
› Malleable- can be hammered or rolled into sheets,
› Ductile- can be drawn into wires
Metals- have 1-3 valence electrons, so they lose
electrons to become stable- they become cations
 Metallic bonding- positively charged metallic ions
are surrounded by a cloud of electrons.
› Outer electrons are not held tightly and can move
among the ions- allows conduction of electricity
Alkali- Group 1 A very reactive because they have
1 valence electron
Alkaline earth- Group 2A- fairly reactive- have 2
valence electrons
Transition elements- Groups 3-12 or 1B-8B, metals,
often form colored compounds
Lanthanides are elements after lanthanum and
many are used to produce colors on our TV screens
Actinides- follow actinium. All are radioactive and
unstable, so they are difficult to research
Elements beyond Uranium are
radioactive› As # of protons increases, the repulsive force
within the nucleus also increases- forces the
atom to break apart.
› (Radioactive substances are substances in
which the nucleus breaks down and gives off
particles and energy )
Nonmetals- gases or brittle solids at room
› not malleable or ductile.
› do not conduct heat or electricity well
› not shiny
Nonmetals don’t conduct electricity
because- electrons are strongly
attracted to the nucleus
 Gain electrons to form anions
 Can form either covalent or ionic bonds
› Covalent- shared electrons
› Ionic- gain and loss of electrons
Diatomic- molecule that consists of two atoms of the
same element covalently bonded
› Includes (memorize these!!)
 H2 Cl2 F2 N2 O2 Br2 I2
Hydrogen is diatomic because it is very reactive.
› Bonding makes it more stable
Halogens- nonmetals from group 7A or 17.
› very reactive.
7 valence electrons
› form reactive diatomic molecules with distinctive colors
Noble gases- stable due to full outer energy levels.
› don’t make compounds naturally
Metalloid- can form ionic or covalent
› properties of both metals and nonmetals
Semiconductor- element that conducts
electric current under certain conditionslike Silicon (Si is a metalloid)
Allotrope- same element with different
forms and different properties
› Example: Diamond and graphite
Both are made of carbon.
 Diamond- clear, hard
› each C atom bonded to four other C atoms
forming a giant crystal.
Graphite- black powder with hexagonal
layers of C atoms.
› Each C is bonded to 3 other C.
› Layers can slide past each other, so graphite is
a good lubricant.