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CMO 5.0
Marketers of the Future
Introduction: When Marketing Was Easy… ...........................................................................................3
Digital Transformation – Challenges for Marketing ...............................................................................4
CMO 5.0 – Marketers of the Future .......................................................................................................7
MARKETING ENGINEERING: TECHNOLOGY THAT EXCITES ...........................................................9
WILL THE CMO BECOME THE CMTO? .........................................................................................11
Must-Have Tools for Digital Marketing ................................................................................................15
DATA MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................15
DIGITALIZED PROCESS MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................17
SUCCESS MEASUREMENT AND MARKETING OPTIMIZATION ....................................................19
Checklist: 7 Concrete To-Do’s For The Marketer Of The Future .............................................................20
Preparing for the Future – Sustainable Customer Experience...............................................................22
Companies Participating In This White Paper ......................................................................................23
When Marketing Was Easy…
In the past, Marketing only worked in one direction and was broadly
aligned to the masses. The more people that were approached, the
higher the chances were of reaching potential customers. In the mid
to late 20th century, it was mainly flashy company signs, advertising
posters and illuminated billboards that appealed to the interest of potential customers. At that time, marketers were in charge of the information economy and controlled all content and messages dispersed
by the company.
The Internet has
changed purchasing
behavior as well as
Marketing – more
than ever before, they
rely on the right content, delivered at the
right time.
Leaving a “One-Way Street” With Inbound Marketing
Today this form of Marketing is known as a “one-way street”. It
is certainly possible to use content and information for an active,
advertising approach, such as a so-called classic outbound strategy, e.g. by cold-calling acquisition or mailings – which still exist in
mass. But this is no longer enough to attract customers as it used to.
The Internet, social media and advancing digitalization have fundamentally changed large parts of the corporation as we know it today.
As a result, today’s customer is looking for access to important information and expects to find it: any time and any place. Basically,
companies’ content must “simply” be found. In this strategy, called
Inbound Marketing, a company attracts the attention of interested
parties through meaningful, useful and relevant content. The Problem: in order to be perceived within the current information flow by
the target customers at all, the content must be specifically tailored
to the needs and preferences of target groups.
Content Marketing as a Guide
Inbound Marketing is a method that helps companies to be found by
potential customers, convert them to leads, and develop leads into
customers. Inbound Marketing, also known as Content Marketing, is
a marketing tool with which a company attracts the attention of the
interested parties through meaningful, useful and relevant content
(usually on the Internet). The purpose of this content is to inform
potential customers about the company and, in an ideal case, to contact them (incoming inquiry = lead).
Dialog with the Customer (Again)
This development requires a radical rethink in Marketing: away from
one-way communication and into dialogue. As an interface between
the market and the company, modern marketers must not only provide
content, but also collect information about customers and prospective buyers. This is the only way marketers can tailor their work to
(potential) customers - with a view on product development, communication and management. This requires increasingly personalized
and emotionally-charged communication with the outside world.
This white paper gives an overview of Marketing’s current and future
challenges. Additionally, you will also learn about the skills and tools
marketers of the future use in order to meet these challenges.
Digital Transformation – Challenges for Marketing
44.5 million people in
Germany are online every
day, an average of 108
minutes per day!
Digital Transformation – Challenges for Marketing
In Germany, 44.5 million people are online daily, for an average of
108 Minutes per day – according to the ARD/ZDF Online Study 2015:
for almost half of the German population, the Internet is “a daily
guide where all possible questions and subject-matter merges.” 1
Information is available around the clock and – thanks to mobile devices – is available almost everywhere. In order to be heard and to
gain new customers, Marketing must master a threefold challenge:
Sending the right message, at the right time, via the right channel
in order to actually reach the ever more demanding customers. No
wonder Classical Marketing has reached its limits!
The overall goal for
every marketer is now
on perfect customer
experience. In order
for this to succeed,
messages must be
consistent across all
Customer Experience: Don’t Just Serve Customers – Inspire Them!
For every marketer, the overall goal is now on optimal Customer Experience. Because positive experiences in connection with a company
and its products ensure satisfied customers. The task of Marketing is
to inspire customers and - especially emotionally - to connect them
with the company and the brand. In this way, companies create loyal
ambassadors for their brand, product and / or service. However for
this, a holistic, consistent Customer Experience - consistent with all
touchpoints - is required: from initial contact to purchase, use, care
and maintenance of a product. This is the only way to enable companies to stand out from the competition in a targeted manner and to tap
new sales potentials in order to gain new customers and loyal patron
From Sender to Receiver
For some marketers it might be tough to drop the megaphone, but
sooner or later they will have to: the degree of wasted coverage is
simply too high and the messages for the individual customer too
irrelevant. Instead, successful marketers listen. They can no longer
be merely message transmitters, but also message receivers. This
is the only way in which marketers can learn to understand the customer - the most important prerequisite when responding to his or
her individual needs. After all, it is what customers and prospective
customers expect: they see themselves as individuals and do not
want to be addressed as part of a faceless mass. From a first person
perspective, even pure ego posting by a company, in other words,
messages about the advantages of its own products and solutions
peppered with purchase requirements - does not interest the recipient. Here it is recommended to use useful content that actually helps
the recipient with his specific problem. For real added value, customers and prospective customers are even willing to disclose personal
information - whether for an informative white paper on Customer
Experience or a checklist for Marketing Automation. For the company
and, in particular, Marketing, this information is qualification worth
gold: marketers must systematically evaluate this information and
translate it into appropriately personalized measures tailored to the
customer’s needs.
Die digitale Transformation – Herausforderungen für das Marketing
The Digital Explosion
In the age of digitalization, not only does the amount of data sources
seem inexhaustible, but Marketing is also reflected in a multitude
of communications and sales channels and / or touchpoints, all of
which are subject to appropriate content – both customer-oriented
and channel-specific. Thus, technological advances ensure that not
only technology and products but also knowledge and content become more quickly outdated. In addition, digitization increases customers’ expectations to communicate in real-time. In order for the
customer to receive the right message, at the right time, the use of
smart technologies is indispensable. These technologies must further automate communication processes and network all involved
parties, as well as channels, and even devices, with eachother as
best as possible. That is to say, Marketing has the same drivers as
that of digitalization. This challenge must be met with new competences and supporting tools.
However, one thing should not be ignored: Digital Transformation
is both a challenge and an opportunity, which properly „tackled“,
promises not only future viability, but also competitive advantages
that ensure company success in the long term.
CMO 5.0 – Marketers of the Future
Context Marketing as the
basis for offering individual
customer experience.
CMO 5.0 – Marketers of the Future
The basis of successful Customer Journey:
Getting to know your
customers. This is
the only way to get
the right messages,
through to the right
channel - at the right
Not only to counteract digitalization, but also to utilize it in a targeted manner in order to be successful now and in the future - this is the
central task of companies, in both B2C and B2B sectors. In this context, Marketing must be active in two main areas: Context Marketing
and Marketing Engineering. Context marketing is needed, because
focus is increasingly on customers - especially potential customers and their personal needs, while Marketing Engineering is needed, in
order to systematically integrate marketing and information technology into a company‘s infrastructure and business processes.
While in the past Marketing’s message was to reach as many people
as possible, today the quality and content of the message and relating to the individual, play a decisive role. Information’s individual
relevance is always dependent upon the respective context of the
recipient. This includes the consumer’s personal characteristics and
behaviors, such as his or her prior knowledge, income situation, the
way in which they acquire information and their position within the
purchasing decision process – the so-called buyer journey or customer journey. Marketing must take context into account, in order to
determine which channel and content the potential customer is most
likely to reach and, more importantly, to awaken their interest.
Travel Guide to the Customer Journey
The world is digital – as is your customer. Before a customer decides
on a product or service, they have usually already been informed
about various solutions and offers on the Internet - and typically long
before companies know about the existence of that customer at all.
Google calls this the „zero moment of truth“. As a result, today a
large part of all purchasing processes begin by the customer typing
a search term into a search engine. Marketing’s job is to point customers towards the right content, at the moment. Not only the first
impression counts, but every experience at different touchpoints is
important for an end-to-end Customer Experience. In order to achieve
these goals and to guide the Customer Journey effectively, content
that is tailored to the needs of potential customers is needed.
CMO 5.0 – Marketers of the Future
Buyer Personas Instead of Target Groups
In order to create appropriate content and spread it across the right
channels, the concept of target groups is often too roughly applied.
Therefore, today the definition of so-called buyer personas has been
established, i.e. detailed profiles of a typical representative of a target group. Relevant aspects include: position, age, gender, professional career, income situation, area of responsibility, information
behavior and professional pain points. Buyer personas, also known
as desired customers, are a valuable decision-making tool in determining what kind of content your customers will most likely respond
to and where these contents are most likely to be published.
Detailed buyer persona profiles are a
valuable decision-making help.
Individualized Mass Communication
In order to communicate content in a personalized and individual way,
it is important to adjust the depth of information to the recipient‘s position within the purchasing process. An interested party who has already
gained an overview of possible solutions to his problem needs deeper
- for example, application-oriented - information than someone who is
just starting their customer journey. A company that knows the exact
needs of a prospective customer and who can provide them with appropriate information during his or her journey thus demonstrates a highly perceived competence. This also increases the chance of a positive
Customer Experience across all touchpoints - and ultimately a long-term
customer relationship.
An explosively growing number of channels and touchpoints, a huge
amount of data and increasingly complex processes - digitization
brings with it a lot of Marketing challenges, but also supplies meaningful technological solutions to solve them. A marketer’s job is to
use this technology sensibly. This requires a close interlinking of IT
and Marketing. This is the only way to optimize Marketing - both
internally and externally (with the customer in mind) – in order to
ensure future-oriented and efficient marketing.
Class Instead of Mass
It was formerly Marketing’s job, to communicate as widely and to
reach as many potential customers as possible. Today the credo is:
class instead of mass. It is necessary to avoid wasted coverage and
to start an individual, personalized dialogue with the (potential) customer. For this reason, content in the customer’s respective phase of
the purchasing process, must be relevant for them. In addition, the
messages must also adapt themselves to the customer’s respective
usage contexts in a channel-specific or even device-specific manner.
The type and scope of content varies, for example, depending on
whether a recipient receives it mobily via a smartphone or informs
themself via specialist portals or social media channels. Only one
relevant message should arrive over the right channel, at the right
time – specifically, when the customer needs this information – in
order to persuade them.
CMO 5.0 – Marketers of the Future
In addition, the messages must be consistent across all channels
so that potential customers are not confused or become lost when
changing communication channels. How can marketers correctly
choose the content, time and channel of a message for the individual
With Marketing Analytics, reach valuable
conclusions and get to
know your customers.
This allows you to offer the right content,
at the right time.
Collect and Manage Customer-Specific Data
On the Internet, customers leave their digital footprints – entering
e-mail addresses and search terms, purchasing products, clicking on
links and social networking activities. The more information on customers and prospective customers that is available, the more appropriate and individual a Marketing approach can be designed and the
more efficient and effective Marketing measures can be developed
and planned. However, it is not enough to simply track the customer
digitally during his Internet searches and online / offline purchases
to collect this data. Instead, this information must be systematically
bundled and analyzed – this is the prerequisite that ultimately enables the information to be prepared in such a way that marketing-relevant conclusions can be drawn from it at all.
More Accuracy with Marketing Analytics
Marketing Analytics tools provide the necessary analytical functions
and metrics to manage, scale, analyze, and make sense of large
amounts of customer-specific data. It is important that data from
various sources - such as an online shop, website or social media can be integrated and compressed. Added to that, are the evaluation
criteria for existing marketing activities. For example, by A/B testing,
it is possible to determine which message’s content or design variant
is better for the recipient: Which version causes them to click on a
link more frequently or buy a product more often?
Marketing Analytics is a self-learning approach. It is about analyzing
customer-specific data and evaluating marketing measures based on
predefined criteria. The marketer must only make decisions that can
be derived from it correctly, i.e. optimize content, adapt campaigns,
expand activities or even to stop them. Marketing Analytics not only
increases knowledge about the customer, but also makes valuable conclusions about the marketing itself - for more accuracy and
process stability. The prerequisite for this is that the technology is
high-performance and can be scaled for different (growing) requirements according to needs.
Efficient Data Management and Automated Marketing
When it comes to large-scale digital transformation, a holistic approach is indispensable for digitizing Marketing. This requires primarily efficient Data Management - from customer information,
marketing analytics data, editorial content and, of course, product
data and product information. Efficiency can only increase if companies avoid or remove single data silos and redundant data storage,
because only then can relevant systems - such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Information Management (PIM) and Media Asset Management
(MAM) be integrated together. If the required systems are linked
CMO 5.0 – Marketers of the Future
Inbound Marketing: The right content
is the „nuts and bolts“!
together and all relevant information is linked, communication processes can also be automated and customized. Only then can Marketing become efficient in then future.
however, is that an additional IT specialist can support Marketing’s
technical processes even better, thus providing valuable support for
marketers of the future.
The growing importance of Marketing Engineering and the increasing
use of technology suggest that a classical marketer, as one knows
them, has served their time. But is an IT expert supposed to take
over the complex tasks of Marketing? No, by no means! The Chief
Marketing Officer (CMO) cannot be replaced by a Chief Marketing
Technology Officer (CMTO). Rather, it is about adding the „T“ (as a
technological know-how) to the CMO in the sense of a further competence or a supporting person.
CMO 5.0: An Extra Portion of Competence, Please!
Marketing Information Management systems, Marketing Automation
software and much more - the possibilities of technological support
for Marketing are diverse. Marketers do not have to feel threatened by
this. Rather, their core competencies - creativity, strategy and conception, storytelling and branding - continue to be marketing’s focus when it
comes to creating an optimal Customer Experience.
One Cannot Stand on One Leg – At Least Not for Long
In order to meet the growing demands of customers and to offer an
ideal customer experience, Marketing of the future needs far more
competencies than before - but not exclusively in the form of modern
technologies. Marketing cannot rely solely on a marketer (human being) or technology alone.
Only the combination of classic marketing and technology promises
success: emotionality and creativity combined with process orientation and the ability to collect, interpret, and use data – to get the
best of both worlds. It does not necessarily require a CMTO if the
CMO has a sufficient technological understanding. What is clear,
Technology creates the necessary room for a marketer to standardize
and particularly to automate processes, which can be technologically
represented. The creative and strategic remain the responsibilities
of the CMO: But where does the target market develop? What do
customers need? Which stories are suitable to convince customers?
What kind of content is necessary? The CMO must oversee all of
these aspects and also coordinate the use of technological support.
This does not mean that they should replace their previous skills
with others. Rather, it is necessary to develop new areas of competence with which they are optimally equipped for marketing tasks of
the future. Just as Web 2.0 or Industry 4.0 represent a higher stage
of development for existing processes and structures, the term CMO
5.0 should be used to recognize a new and improved version of this
job’s role and CMOs should position themselves accordingly.
CMO 5.0 – Marketers of the Future
Marketers play the
role of conductor in
the company: He/
she has to create
the perfect interplay
of information and
creativity in order to
provide customers
with the perfect melody to accompany their
customer journey.
The Marketer as a Company’s Conductor
Marketing of the future brings together an enormous range of data
from different sources, systems and departments. Therefore the marketer has the role of conductor in an orchestra composed of various
people and subjects. He/she has to create the perfect interplay of
information and creativity so as to provide the customers with the
perfect melody to accompany their customer journey. This involves
gathering professional information from the experts in the company,
preparing it as interesting and useful content, and playing it out via
the relevant channels. This challenge makes teamwork and leadership
quality the most important criteria for sustainable success in Marketing. Against this backdrop, a marketer must not only bring all involved
parties within the company together around one table, but also build
the bridge to the outside world - to the customer.
Information Depth or Density
Amount of Provided Information
The seven phases of the Customer Journey
CMO 5.0 – Marketers of the Future
Marketing – The Automation of Sales
In the past, Marketing – in the sense of a megaphone communication
– had the task of attracting as many people as possible to a company
and a product or a service, while Sales concentrated on one-to-one
communication with the customer. Today, Marketing must also focus on individual customers and provide them with relevant content.
Thanks to fast-paced technological developments, from analytics to
automation, Marketing can also be (and often is) increasingly better in
terms of customer orientation than even Sales. Financial statements
and closing sales alone are not the only motivations of Marketing – but
rather, above all, long-term customer loyalty - with an optimal and sustainable Customer Experience as its basis throughout the relationship.
As a marketer can individualize mass communication and respond
to each customer individually, Marketing becomes the efficient automation of Sales. Luck for all Marketers: As long as we are willing
to accept them, these serious changes are also becoming more and
more evident in terms of budgeting and salary. Due to its expanded
functions, new IT tasks and higher budgets, CMOs will be the most
important roles in a company’s future.
Must-Have Tools for Digital Marketing
Innovative technologies
are the foundation of
Digital Marketing
Must-Have Tools for Digital Marketing
Manage your content
professionally and
control it efficiently
in all touchpoints - at
the right time and in
the right context.
Unlike enterprise resource planning processes, which are easily
standardized using ERP systems and corresponding software solutions, marketing is much more specific. Marketing off the shelf is not
constructive; rather, a customized differentiation is necessary. In this
case, the goal is an optimal Customer Experience. While strategy and
creative concept are still the responsibilities of the marketer, modern
technologies can offer effective support in terms of effectiveness
and efficiency. The use of IT in the fields of Data Management, Process Management and Marketing Optimization ensures that the Customer Experience is not accidental but rather is sustainable. 2
High-quality and relevant content is the cornerstone for future success in Marketing. Fortunately, most companies have a large amount
of content, such as product information, videos, or images, but most
of them are stored in many different places or in separate data silos
- and thus completely unstructured.
From CRM to CIM: Provide and Enhance Customer Information
Since modern Marketing is no longer communicating with the anonymous mass of potential customers but is focused on individual and
The presented tools are merely
a selection. There are also
other technologies that effectively
support Digital Marketing.
personalized communication, customer information plays a central
role. Customer Relationship Management encompasses all customer
processes as well as their documentation and maintenance for longterm customer loyalty. A CRM system enables the central storage of
all customer data - from contact information, through the purchasing
behavior, to trafficked activities on the Internet. Apart from Marketing, this data also benefits Sales. Both of them can create content on
this basis and deliver it in an accurate way. Other departments that
benefit are Customer Service and Product Development.
With the evolution from Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
into Customer Interaction Management (CIM), this process captures
every single contact moment between the customer and the company and exploits it in the course of customer-oriented, personalized
marketing. The task of the marketer is to adjust the marketing mix
and the customer’s needs and characteristics, in order to enable the
findings to be fed back into marketing activities via the CRM system
and develop suitable content. In this way, customer profiles can be
further enriched, and they are increasingly revealing how to optimize the individual’s Customer Experience. This not only increases
the satisfaction and loyalty of new and existing customers, but also
supports the development of up- and cross-selling potentials.
Must-Have Tools for Digital Marketing
Insights into CONTENTSERV’s
PIM Solution
PIM Systems: Manage and Control Product Date Efficiently
A company‘s current product information is extremely important.
However, the more comprehensive the portfolio, the more difficult,
more time-consuming and more error-prone the process to merge the
right data and to utilize it becomes. Especially if product data is not
managed centrally in one place but in different systems, for example
in the complex storage structures of various departments, such as
Product Management, Sales, or even by external service providers
such as agencies.
Decentralized data retention makes data management in marketing
considerably more difficult – the solution is Product Information Management (PIM), which enables the efficient and automated maintenance and control of product data on one, central platform instead
of in different data silos. The marketer benefits from up-to-date and
valid product information, which is available to them at a central
location and from there - through appropriate interfaces directly and
automatically - into various touchpoints and marketing systems, such
as an automation software for E-mail Marketing. As a result, a PIM
tool not only forms the basis for efficient product communication in
different channels and in different languages, but it is also the basis
for a consistent product or brand experience across all touchpoints.
Centralized Marketing Information Management (MIM)
Pure product data is not everything. Without visual content, communication no longer works. Marketing-relevant media data, or socalled digital assets, e.g. photos, graphics, layouts and multimedia
content should be available in the formats, sizes and qualities required for the corresponding channels and materials. For that purpose, the use of a platform for Media Asset Management (MAM) –
also known as Digital Asset Management (DAM) – is recommended.
With it, the corresponding content can be stored in a media-neutral
manner, managed and conveniently made available for various media
outputs. Thus, marketers receive a central overview of the company’s existing media data inventory and gain control of the content
in various channels. Such a media database simultaneously ensures
that data is always available in the latest version and in the right
format for communication - both nationally and internationally. Marketing Information Management (MIM, for short) includes a PIM as
well as a MAM system and holistically covers requirements and
processes end-to-end. Whether product data or videos and photos everything is centrally maintained and managed within a system. In
terms of consistent, multichannel communication, changes made to
the centrally-managed original content are automatically processed
via corresponding interfaces in shop, publication or other marketing
Must-Have Tools for Digital Marketing
System Integration - The Key to Successful Data Management
In the future, Marketing is not only faced with the challenge of bundling the company’s existing data in a media-neutral or channel-neutral manner, but also making it available for communication processes and campaigns, and preparing it accordingly for each channel. At
the same time, it is also necessary to enrich and optimize data with
additional information, which doesn’t work with individual data silos – this only works with integrated system landscapes. Therefore,
a higher-level Workflow Management is required, because only a
seamless, digital collaboration of components and users can guarantee getting away from manual data maintenance, redundant data
storage and inadequate interfaces between frequently incompatible
systems. Today, there are already effective and efficient integration
solutions available that bridge Marketing’s predetermined breaking
points and simplify data management for the CM0 5.0. This ensures
optimal workflows, efficient process management and therefore ensures the future viability of Marketing.
In Marketing, there are a number of processes that need to be digitized efficiently and transparently. These include coordinating the
data exchange, matching corresponding systems, and selectively
controlling and optimizing targeted campaigns. In order to make
marketing processes effective and efficient, it is not only necessary
to manage data, but also to move entire campaigns through various
channels (e.g. Multichannel Management), for example through marketing automation, and the associated workflows and resources.
No Multichannel Communication Without Management
In order to positively influence the purchasing decision of potential
and existing customers and to create a lasting Customer Experience,
professional Multichannel Management is required. The marketer
has to consistently bundle information from different data sources in a neutral manner, to prepare channel-specific target groups,
and convincingly communicate them to the (potential) customer. All
marketing channels - both online and offline - should be efficiently
managed and operated via one single source. The basis for this is
an integrating system landscape consisting of CRM, PIM and MAM
/ DAM systems. From this, the required data is then collected for
campaigns and distributed across the output systems via automatic workflows. This includes, in particular, shop systems and e-commerce marketplaces, but also modules for print publications. The basic prerequisites are interfaces which enable automated processes
between systems.
Marketing Automation Solutions:
Automated Support for the Customer Journey
Marketing Automation is designed to provide each buyer persona
with individual, relevant and personalized content along the entire
Customer Journey – automated, and therefore, as efficiently as possible. This requires connecting the different data systems. The central availability of content from the PIM and / or the MAM / DAM
system is the most important prerequisite for internationally operating companies, in particular, in order to ensure consistent communication transnationally, across countries.
Must-Have Tools for Digital Marketing
Especially in E-mail Marketing-driven Lead Management, Marketing
Automation plays an important role: because Lead Management’s
goal is transforming prospects into customers by providing them
with valuable content, step-by-step through the purchase process,
all of the company’s Marketing activities need to be transparent
and measurable. This is the only way to create an excellent – also,
personalized – Customer Experience at every touchpoint along the
Customer Journey.
Would you like to learn more
about Lead Management?
Download our free White
Paper “MIM as the Key
to Efficient Lead
Management”, at:
MRM Systems: Efficiently Plan and Steer Campaigns
Marketing Resource Management (MRM) plays a central role in the
challenges of Digital Marketing. In order to plan attention-grabbing
and customer-specific campaigns based on a dialogue between companies and customers and which positively influence a cross-channel Customer Experience, MRM needs two things: holistic Workflow
Management and powerful software solutions to effectively and
efficiently support them. In Marketing, it is important to meet the
demands for more customer orientation, agility and efficiency, by
making all marketing processes transparent and flexibly adaptable
with regard to their required resource time, personnel and budget.
To achieve this, in addition to careful planning and budgeting of multichannel campaigns and their consistent implementation across all
channels, campaigns also need continuous success monitoring and
ongoing optimization, including resource optimization. For this purpose, the PIM and MAM / DAM systems require access to the MRM
system data. In this way, marketing campaigns can be planned and
efficiently steered in a target-group-oriented manner. In addition,
excellent cooperation can be achieved within the company and, if
necessary, also with its dealers.
Must-Have Tools for Digital Marketing
Marketing Analytics is a back channel
for optimal campaign planning.
An MRM system and a Marketing Automation solution provide the
opportunity to measure the success of marketing activities using predefined metrics and, more importantly, to return the results to the
systems in question. An example: A company has made an accurate
impression of its target customers and in addition to creating a relevant e-book, also creates other useful texts or multimedia content.
The company offers the e-book for download on its website and accompanies the campaign with a press release. Customers who are
interested in the topic, for example, read the message on a specialist portal, then visit the website and - in exchange for submitting
their e-mail address – can download the e-book. In the context of
an e-mail campaign, the company can then provide the prospective
customers with further information via e-mail – as long as they
have consented, and can simultaneously permanently monitor: Has
the recipient opened the e-mail? Which link have they clicked on to
download additional content? Did they download this content? The
MRM system and the Marketing Automation solution can be used to
answer these questions. If necessary, marketers can then adapt any
e-mail texts or download content so that the customer feels better
catered to.
Marketing Analytics: Forecast and Feedback
Marketing optimization encompasses more than just controlling the
success of marketing campaigns: Marketing Analytics solutions help
you to better understand and even intuitively predict customer behavior. Learning to understand the customer is a key requirement in
order to make the Customer Experience as individual and accurate as
possible. For this purpose, it is crucial to collect and evaluate every
interaction with the individual customer in a CRM or CIM system.
Accordingly, all customers need to consider a variety of touchpoints:
What do customers “like” and share on Social Media? Where - offline or online - do they make purchases? And what time of day and
night? Which channels and / or media are customers aware of? And
which phone or e-mail requests do they address to Customer Service?
These are just a few examples of the contact moments, which provide information on how a customer can be better looked after and
prospectively joined to the company. Marketing Analytics is thus a
kind of back-channel: Virtually every marketing campaign begins - as
in the above example - with three questions: How do potential customers tick? What do they want and how are they best approached
and persuaded? In connection to a campaign, these questions will
once again play a role, as the campaign itself brings to light, knowledge about the customer and the perfect approach for them. The
marketing campaign of the future is self-learning and self-optimizing
thanks to these technological possibilities.
7 Concrete To Do’s for the Marketer of the Future
In order to make a
company’s Marketing
future-oriented - that is,
speed up time-to-market,
reduce costs, increase quality and sales -, marketers
have to tackle new responsibilities. The following
To-Do list provides help
with how market leaders
can equip themselves for
the future:
Accept Technologies As Tools
Communicate Uniformly at all Touchpoints
First of all, one thing has to be internalized: at first sight, Dig-
For an optimal and lasting Customer Experience, consistent
italization seems to complicate Marketing tasks. At the same
product information and a uniform brand appearance at all
time, it also offers solutions. The prerequisite for Digitalization
touchpoints is required. An integrated PIM and MAM / DAM
is that the marketer accepts their new role in the company.
system ensures that no channel is forgotten and that all data is
They can then leverage the extra free time, which comes from
always up-to-date. Therefore, the data is centrally maintained
turning standardized processes into automated processes, in
and all media is supplied with current data at the same time.
order to increase value and company success.
Optimize the Customer Experience
Comprehensively Guide the Customer
In order to inspire and capture (potential) customers, a person-
In the future, it becomes more and more important to commu-
alized and individualized approach with variable attributes and
nicate relevant messages to interested parties and customers
content is required. For this, the entire Marketing process and
at the right moment and at the right touchpoint in an individ-
all affected systems within the company must be synchronized.
ualized way - along the entire Customer Journey. Marketing
Marketing Information Management manages and structures
automation processes and systems ensure that all concerned
product data, assets, editorial texts, adaptations and customer
target groups receive the information relevant to them in an
data for a targeted product communication.
automated manner. It is important to collect this data in order
to be able to communicate even more closely with the customer. Such a dialogue is supported by well-maintained customer
information and a mutual connection between corresponding
systems for CRM, Asset Management and Marketing Analytics.
7 Concrete To Do’s for the Marketer of the Future
Create and Manage Content Centrally
Plan and Steer Campaigns Efficiently
If branch offices, departments and employees have their own
In order to keep an eye on company success while not losing
decentralized file storage for images, documents, sales doc-
sight of customer focus; one needs efficient resource and ex-
uments, etc., this will result in long search times. Central
penditure management for all campaigns and marketing activi-
product data and asset management provides fast and con-
ties. An MRM system provides planning support, which should
venient access for every individual informational requirement.
also incorporate the findings of Marketing Analytics solutions
A central content platform also allows many different users to
related to the achievement of individual measures.
collaborate effectively in flexible editorial processes. Central
project management brings all departments together in a coordinated manner with their respective tasks, and each individual employee knows what to do and when.
Support Non-Marketers Too
Advantages, benefits, technical data, competitive research
and testimonials should be assembled without any great effort
and made available to the Sales team, partners or branches.
Overlapping and interlocking systems or self-service portals
provide all important information at a central location for convenient and time-saving self-service.
Preparing for the Future – Sustainable Customer Experience
The demands of modern customers and the digital explosion of data
and channels, or rather touchpoints, make Marketing even more
complex and ever faster. Therefore, a marketer has to be even more
strategic and agile. Particularly with regard to the growing influence
of modern technologies, the marketer of the future must love change
and feel comfortable in their new role as a “conductor” for the company. Only then can they successfully master current and future challenges in Marketing.
For a lasting Customer Experience, Marketing needs its already existing competences in the fields of conception and storytelling. The use
of supporting software systems for Data and Process Management
as well as for the optimization of Marketing will be indispensable in
the future, in order to be able to fulfill marketing tasks efficiently and
customer-specifically and to be able to consistently handle all touchpoints. The combination of marketers’ strengths as human beings
and the advantages of Digital Marketing – with its various systems
and solutions – is what make a professional and lasting Customer
Experience possible at all for every (potential) customer.
For a lasting Customer Experience, marketers need to make
use of their already existing competences in the areas of
Conception and Storytelling.
Companies Participating In This White Paper
CONTENTSERV is a technology leader in the area of Marketing Solutions.
The company’s web-based software solutions ensure efficient product and
media data management as well as significantly more streamlined publica-
tion and planning processes. This not only enables enormous cost and time
savings, but also allows for fast and consistent communication across all
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 1
touchpoints - both online and offline. Today, Contentserv is already making
85296 Rohrbach
daily work easier for more than 300,000 users in 89 countries.
Phone: +49 (0)8442 9253-800
Thanks to the commitment of the company’s 200 highly motivated employees located in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands,
France, India and the USA, CONTENTSERV was named a Growth Champion
(Wachstumschampion) in 2016 by Statista and Wirtschaftsmagazin Fokus.
Analysts also appreciate the highly developed marketing software by CONTENTSERV: On the LNC Wheel, Product Information Management (PIM) and
Media Asset Management (MAM) were both rated as leaders in their fields.
CONTENTSERV is characterized by its unique, worldwide network of partners, with well-known technology partners such as Adobe, Salesforce and
Talend. This network allows CONTENTSERV to offer its solutions globally
and to simultaneously expand customers’ possibilities many times over.
Since 1999, the company has been owner-managed and self-financed.
Therefore, CONTENTSERV always defines clear goals and strives to realize
+49 (0)8442 2044
E-Mail:[email protected]
Companies Participating In This White Paper
Founded in 1999, headquartered in Starnberg, Germany and maintaining
branch offices in Switzerland and Austria, SC-Networks GmbH is the manufacturer of the e-mail marketing automation solution Evalanche. Evalanche
is a modern, web-based e-Mail marketing automation solution available in
the European market. It has been specially developed for agencies and Mar-
SC-Networks GmbH
keting departments of large companies and offers a variety of marketing
Enzianstr. 2
automation functions for effective Lead Management.
82319 Starnberg
Phone: +49 (0)8151 55516-0
Evalanche is hosted in TÜV-certified data centers and has been certified
by TÜV Süd since 2011 in the areas of functionality and data security. In
E-Mail:[email protected]
2015 SC-Networks was certified by TÜV Hessen according to ISO / IEC
27001. More than 2,000 companies use Evalanche internationally. These
include well-known companies and organizations such as Avery Zweckform,
Deutsche Messe, Hansgrohe, KUKA Robots, KYOCERA Document Solutions,
ÖKO-TEST, Michael Page, swissMilk, SWR, UNIQA insurance companies,
as well as numerous tourism regions, several hundred hotels and over 250
top agencies.
+49 (0)8151 55516-29
Editorial Compilation
Jennifer Köhler und Sandy Wilzek
Möller Horcher Public Relations GmbH,
Hauptstr. 19
9042 Speicher, Switzerland
Ümit Kuzoluk · [email protected] ·
E-Mail: [email protected]
Edition 1
Administrative Board:
The content of this white paper has been compiled with utmost care. How-
Patricia Kastner, Armin Dressler
ever, we cannot guarantee its correctness, completeness and timeliness.
Commercial Register: Canton Appenzell Ausserrhoden
Register Number: CHE-116.280.573
© CONTENTSERV AG and SC-Networks GmbH
SC-Networks GmbH
All rights reserved - including, without limitation, copying, processing, dis-
Enzianstr. 2
tribution and any kind of exploitation of the contents of this document or
82319 Starnberg, Germany
parts thereof outside the limits of copyright. Acts in this sense require the
written consent of CONTENTSERV AG and SC-Networks. CONTENTSERV
E-Mail: [email protected]
AG and SC-Networks reserve the right to make updates and changes to the
content. All data and contents, which are visible on screenshots, graphics
Managing Directors:
and further picture material, are only for demonstration. CONTENTSERV AG
Tobias Kuen, Martin Philipp
and SC-Networks are not responsible for the content of this publication.
Commercial Register: Amtsgericht München (District Court of Munich)
Register Number: HRB 14 65 73
SC-Networks GmbH
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 1
Enzianstr. 2
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82319 Starnberg
Telefon: +49 (0)8442 9253-800
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