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Biology 242 Human Anatomy and Physiology
Practice Exam 2
Cardiac muscle is also known as
a. endocardium
b. endometrium
c. myometrium
d. myocardium
e. none of the above
Which of these has the thickest wall?
a. left ventricle
b. right ventricle
c. left atrium
d. right atrium
The apex of the heart lies
a. at the level of the fifth intercostal space
b. dorsal to the mediastinum
c. ventral to the sternum
d. at the level of the second intercostal space
The valve between the left atrium and left ventricle is the
a. mitral valve
b. pocket valve
c. tricuspid valve
d. aortic valve
e. semilunar valve
Trace the pathway of blood through the heart and the vessels of the coronary circulation
listing all structures and vessels by name. Explain why the right side of the heart is less
muscular than the left side.
Freshly oxygenated blood is first received by the
a. left atrium
b. right atrium
c. right ventricle
d. right ventricle
From which part of the aorta do the coronary arteries originate?
a. arch of the aorta
b. thoracic aorta
c. ascending aorta
d. abdominal aorta
Describe how the heart sounds are produced.
The second heart sound
a. occurs while the mitral and tricuspid valves are opening
b. occurs at the beginning of ventricular systole
c. is a result of the closure of the semilunar valves
d. occurs when the pressure in the ventricles exceeds that in the aorta and pulmonary artery
e. all of the above
Describe the components of the heart's conduction system and how the system functions.
Explain how the electrocardiogram corresponds to the heart's electrical and muscular
Which of the following is not considered a component of the heart conduction system?
a. sinoatrial node
b. chordae tendineae
c. conduction myofibers (Purkinje fibers)
d. atrioventricular node
e. atrioventricular bundle (bundle of His)
On an ECG pattern, ventricular contraction is best represented by which of the following?
a. P wave
b. T wave
c. Q-R-S complex
d. U wave
e. none of the above
Blood Vessels
Describe the structural and functional differences between arteries (elastic and muscular),
capillaries, and veins.
Which have the smallest diameter?
a. capillaries
b. venules
c. veins
d. arterioles
e. arteries
Which is the innermost layer?
a. tunica externa
b. vasa vasorum
c. tunica intima
d. tunica media
e. none of the above
Describe the distribution of blood in the arteries, capillaries, and veins.
Speed (velocity) of blood flow reaches its lowest value in the
a. arteries
b. arterioles
c. capillaries
d. veins
Explain the role of hydrostatic pressure, colloidal osmotic pressure and crystalloid
osmotic pressure in capillary filtration.
Explain how blood pressure is controlled including the nervous and hormonal regulation
As the heart rate increases, the time available for diastolic filling
a. increases
b. decreases
c. will remain the same
d. increases, then stabilizes
Which one of the following does not have the same effect as the others listed on heart rate and
the force of contraction?
a. epinephrine
b. norepinephrine
c. parasympathetic stimulation
d. sympathetic stimulation
A drop in cardiac output would cause ______ in arterial blood pressure.
a. an increase
b. no change
c. a decrease
What forms the major drainage of the legs?
a. external iliac veins
b. common iliac veins
c. femoral veins
d. anterior tibial veins
e. none of the above
a. is tissue fluid
b. is blood plasma
c. is intracellular fluid
d. is formed into urine
e. none of the above
The tonsils
a. consist primarily of diffuse lymphatic tissue
b. consists of three groups
c. are located in the nasal cavity
d. increase in size in adults
Which of the following is not true about Hemoglobin:
a. it consists of two alpha and two beta units
b. it forms the bulk of an erythrocyte
c. Each hemoglobin molecule binds a single O2
d. Iron (Fe) is an important constituent of it
The bicuspid valve is located between the:
a. right ventricle and the aorta
b. right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk
c. left atrium and the left ventricle
d. right and left atria
right and left ventricles
The outer surface of the heart muscle itself is covered by the
a. mediastinum
b. myocardium
c. epicardium
d. tunica externa
Venous return is aided by all of these, except:
a. capillary resistance
b. skeletal muscle
c. venous valves
d. smooth muscle of tunica media
The function of the chordae tendineae is to:
a. pull the walls of the ventricles inward during contraction
open the semilunar valves
open the AV valves
prevent inversion of the AV valves during ventricular systole
hold the heart in place within the mediastinum
The initiation of the heart beat is the responsibility of the:
a. cardiovascular center
b. baroreceptors
c. vagus nerve
d. SA node
Typical heart sounds are made by the:
a. flow of blood into the coronary arteries
b. opening of the valves
c. closing of the valves
d. recoil of the aorta and pulmonary trunk
At rest, the largest portion of total blood volume is in the:
a. elastic arteries
b. muscular arteries
c. systemic veins and venules
d. chambers of the heart
Blood flows into the left common carotid artery from the:
a. arch of the aorta
b. brachiocephalic trunk
c. right common carotid artery
d. left subclavian artery
e. left internal carotid artery
Which of the following does not open into or out of the right atrium?
a. inferior vena cava
b. superior vena cava
c. coronary Sinus
d. pulmonary trunk
When comparing arteries and veins:
a. arteries have larger lumina
b. veins have thicker tunics
c. arteries contain valves
d. veins have lower blood pressure
The majority of vascular resistance is found in the:
a. large elastic arteries
b. smaller muscular arteries and arterioles
c. venules
d. veins
Perfusion of an individual capillary bed:
a. is controlled by elastic arteries
b. is controlled by venules
c. is not continuous
d. is continuous
Which of these is not associated/continuous with the left ventricle
a. mitral valve
b. chordae tendinae
c. aortic semilunar valve
d. tricuspid valve
Which item in this list of four is passed thirdly by a drop of blood after it leaves the right ventricle?
a. bicuspid valve
b. pulmonary veins
c. left ventricle
d. coronary sinus
The right ventricle:
a. pumps less blood per minute than the left ventricle
b. has a thicker myocardium than the left ventricle
c. pumps at a lower pressure than the left ventricle
d. produces renin
A thrombus (blood clot) in the first branch of the aortic arch would affect the flow of blood to
left side of the head and neck
myocardium of the heart
left shoulder and arm
superior surface of the diaphragm
right side of the head, neck, right shoulder and right arm.
The chordae tendineae and papillary muscles play an important roll in the normal function of the:
AV node
AV sulcus
c. AV bundle
d. AV valves
e. AV auricle
The carotid bodies are stimulated mostly by:
high PaCO2 only.
low PaO2 only.
low PaO2, low pH, and high PaCO2.
temperature elevations.
The slowest step in the clotting process is:
release of PF3
production of fibrin strands
binding fibrin strands
formation of prothombin activator
Place the following in the correct developmental sequence: 1-reticulocyte 2- proerythroblast, 3normoblast, 4-erythroblast,
Thromboembolytic disorders:
result in uncontrolled bleeding
include thrombus formation-a clot in a broken blood vessel
include embolus formation-a clot moving in the circulatory system
are caused by vitamin K deficiencies
No visible cytoplasmic granules are present in:
Upon centrifugation of whole blood-a lab technician obtained a test tube with the following blood
components in which order from the top of the tube?
erythrocytes, buffy coat, plasma
plasma, buffy coat, erythrocytes
buffy coat, erythrocytes, plasma
erythrocytes, plasma, buffy coat
In tissues-oxygen detaches from hemoglobin due to:
higher temperature, lower oxygen pressure, lower pH
higher temperature, higher oxygen pressure, lower pH
lower temperature, higher oxygen pressure, lower pH
lower temperature, lower oxygen pressure, higher pH
At his last blood test, Cecil found his thrombocyte count was 48 X10 3/ul-Cecil’s count:
is within the normal range
will cause EPO to be made by the kidney
leaves him in danger of uncontrolled bleeding
will cause leukopoiesis
Phase 2 of hemostasis consists of:
Factor IIthrombin
Factor Ifibrin
Factor VIIFactor X
Factor XIIIclot stabilization
Plasminogen is cleaved into plasmin:
by tissue plasminogen activator in the clot
by tissue plasminogen activator in cells near the clot
by activated Factor X in the clot
by activated Factor X in cells near the clot
Control of clotting is maintained by:
Protein C and thrombin
Protein C and thrombomodulin
Thrombin and antithrombin III
Antithrombin III and Protein C
Tanya has moved to Peru-you would expect:
her red blood cell numbers to increase
her white blood cell numbers to increase
her red blood cell numbers to decrease
her white blood cell numbers to decrease
Joan has been infected with hook worms-a parasitic worm-her white blood cell count will have
Which of these comes first in blood hemostasis?
platelet plug formation
platelet cell aggregation
vascular spasms
fibinogen cleavage
Match the stages of the cardic cycle with the statements in the colum to the right. Each stage can
be used more than once.
(a) Isovolumetirc Contraction
(b) Atria Systole
(c) Ejection
(d) Diastasis
(f) Isovolumetric Relaxation
(g) Rapid inflow
___ aortic valve closes at the end of this stage
aortic valve closes at the beginning of this
80% of ventricle filling occurs during this
___ P wave of EKG
aortic pressure is higher during part of this
Atria contraction begins at the end of this
___ this stage begins ventricle systole
ventricular emptying occurs during this
___ the A-V valve opens beginning this stage
2nd heart sound starts at the beginning of
this stage