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Mr. Knight
Harris Road Middle School
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Write a definition for the
word, ‘rebirth’
Factors that Contributed to the
Beginning of the Renaissance
 Trade and commerce increased
 Cities grew larger and wealthier
 Newly wealthy merchants and bankers supported the
growth of the arts and learning
 The Renaissance was an age of recovery from the
disasters of the 14th century, such as the plague, political
instability, and a decline of Church power
 Recovery went hand-in-hand with a rebirth of interest in
ancient culture (e.g., ancient Greece and Rome)
 A new view of human beings emerged as people in the
Italian Renaissance began to emphasize individual
What was the Renaissance?
The Renaissance was a cultural movement
and a time of renewal (Europe was
recovering from the Dark Ages and the
Black Death/Bubonic Plague)
Renaissance means “rebirth” of classical
knowledge and “birth” of the modern
world (new intellectual and artistic ideas
that developed during the Renaissance
marked the beginning of the modern
Where did the Renaissance begin?
•Italian Cities
•Urban Societies
•Major Trading Centers
•Secular Movement
•People lost their faith in the church and began to
put more focus on human beings and material
When did the Renaissance Take
Roughly the
to the
17 century
How did the Crusades contribute to
the Renaissance?
Crusades (1095 – 1291) = Religiously
sanctioned military campaigns waged by
Roman Catholics against Muslims who had
occupied the Holy Land.
Increased demand for Middle Eastern
Stimulated production of goods to trade in
Middle Eastern markets
Encouraged the use of credit and banking
Political Ideas of the Renaissance
Niccolò Machiavelli
An Italian Philosopher and Writer based in Florence
during the Renaissance
The Prince
(Published in 1532)
Absolute Rule
He felt that a ruler should be willing to
do anything to maintain control without
worrying about conscience.
Italian City-States
Because Italy failed to become united during the Dark Ages,
many independent city-states emerged in Italy.
Each city-state was controlled by a powerful family and
dominated by a wealthy merchant class. Their interest in
art and emphasis on personal achievement helped to shape
the Italian Renaissance.
Example: The Medici family of Florence ranked among the
richest merchants and bankers in Europe; they ruled
Florence for over 70 years.
Centralized Power
One governing authority (ex. U.S.
Federal Government; principals)
controls power over several
smaller entities (ex. State
governments; teachers)
How does trade help
spread culture, ideas,
beliefs, etc.?
28.3 The Growth of Trade and Commerce
The Renaissance produced new ideas that
were reflected in the arts, philosophy, and
Patrons, wealthy from newly expanded
trade, sponsored works which glorified
city-states in northern Italy. Education
became increasingly secular.
Classical art showed the importance of people and
leaders, as well as gods and goddesses
Medieval art and literature focused on the Church
and salvation
Renaissance art and literature focused on the
importance of people and nature, along with
Renaissance artists embraced some of the ideals
of ancient Greece and Rome in their art.
The purpose of art would no longer be to glorify
God, as it had been in Medieval Europe. Artists
wanted their subjects to be realistic and focused
on humanity and emotion.
New Techniques also emerged.
Born in 1475 in a small town near Florence, is
considered to be one of the most inspired men
who ever lived; he was a sculptor, painter,
engineer, architect, and poet.
Sistine Chapel
About a year after creating
David, Pope Julius II
summoned Michelangelo to
Rome to work on his most
famous project, the ceiling
of the Sistine Chapel.
Depicts the biblical history of
the world from the Creation to
the Flood
Creation of Eve
Separation of Light and Darkness
Creation of Adam
The Last Judgment
Painter, Sculptor,
Mona Lisa
The Last Supper
Jesus and his apostles on the night
before the crucifixion
Leonardo da Vinci dissected corpses
to learn how bones and muscles work
William Shakespeare
 English poet and playwright
 Well-known plays include:
Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet
 Influence and Impact on the Renaissance:
He expanded the dramatic potential of characterization (his
characters were very complex), plot, language (creative), and
•Cultural and educational reform
•The study of classical culture (ancient Greece and Rome),
in contrast with the study of things related to the church
and religion
• Celebrated the individual
•Was supported by wealthy patrons (financial supporters)
Literature flourished during the
Renaissance and spread
Renaissance ideas, which can be
greatly attributed to Johannes
In 1455 Gutenberg printed the
first book produced by using
moveable type, The Bible, and
started a printing revolution that
would transform Europe.