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Name: ________________________
Date: _________
Atomic Structure: Subatomic Particles
Do Now
What is an atom?
What particles make up an atom?
Where are the particles located?
The Nucleus
Using measurements from Rutherford’s experiment, scientists calculated
the radius of the nucleus to be less than 1/10,000 of the atom.
– If the nucleus were the size of a ________, the atom would be the
size of a __________________
The Nucleus
Protons = __________________________________________________
– The charge of a proton was calculated to be equal but opposite to the
charge of an electron
– The mass of a proton is almost 2000x the mass of an electron
Neutrons = __________________________________
– The mass of a neuron is almost __________ to the mass of a proton
The _________ total of masses of protons, neutrons, and electrons equals
the mass of the __________.
Mass of atoms are measured in Atomic Mass Units!
1 amu = 1/12 mass the Carbon-12
All living things are made up of tiny units called ATOMS.
ATOMS consist of electrons orbiting around a nucleus.
ELECTRONS (___) negative electrical charge found in the space _______
the nucleus
PROTON (___) has a positive electrical charge.
NEUTRON has a neutral charge (____ charge)
Subatomic Particles
Atomic Identity
If the number of electrons ____________ the number of protons, the
atom is electrically _______________. (No electrical charge)
Elements differ in their number of protons and therefore in the amount of
positive charge their nuclei possess.
The number of protons determines an ____________________________.
Atomic Number
Atomic Number (___)= number of _________ of each atom of that element
Atoms of ______________ elements have _________ numbers of protons
(_______________ atomic numbers)
Atoms of the ________ element all have the ________ number of protons
(__________ atomic numbers)
The atomic number identifies the element
113 elements have been identified, with 113 different atomic numbers
Atomic Number
Because atoms are neutral, they must have the _____________ numbers of
protons and electrons.
Therefore, the atomic number tells us how many protons and also how many
electrons an atom has.
How many PROTONS and ELECTRONS are in:
Mass Number
Mass number = the total number of ___________________ (total number
of particles in the nucleus)
Mass numbers can vary among atoms of a single element, because atoms of
the same element can have ____________________________________.
Different elements can have the same mass numbers, because the mass
number does not help you identify the element, the atomic number does!
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