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Chapter 1- An Orientation to the Human Body NOTES
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology: !
-Anatomy- _____________________________________________ of body parts and their
relationships to one another. !
-Gross or Macroscopic= large and easily observable!
-Microscopic= very small!
-Derived from the Greek Words= cut (tomy) apart (ana) !
-Physiology- the study of the function of the body and its part. !
Levels of Structural Organization: !
- Chemical: _____________ combined to form molecules (simplest level)!
- Cellular: Cells are made of _______________ and are
the smallest units of all living things. !
- Tissue: Consists of similar types of cells!
- Organ: Made up of 2 or more tissue types. !
- Organ System: Consists of different organs that
- Organismal: Made up of the
____________________________ (highest level). !
Necessary Life Functions: !
- ____________________- the internal environment
remains distinct from the external. !
- Cellular Level- accomplished by plasma
- Organismal Level- accomplished by the skin !
-____________________- locomotion, peristalsis, and
contractility !
-_______________- ability to sense changes in the environment and respond to them. !
- ___________ Digestion- breakdown of ingested foods. !
- _______________ - all the chemical reactions that occur in the body !
- ______________- removal of wastes from the body !
- ______________- cellular and organismal levels (cell divides, sperm & egg unite) !
- ______________ - increase in size of a body art or of the organism. !
Survival Needs: !
- ________________- chemical substances used for energy and cell building !
- _______________- needed for metabolic reactions. !
- _______________- provides the necessary environment for chemical reactions. !
- _____________________________________________- necessary for chemical reactions to
occur at life-sustaining rates. !
- _________________________- required for proper berating and gas exchange in the lungs. !
- __________________________________________________________________________!
- The internal environment of the body is in a dynamic state of equilibrium !
- Chemical, thermal, and neural factors interact to maintain homeostasis. !
Body Systems!
For the following 11 body systems, know the main function(s) and structures
(parts) that make up each. !
Stop Day 1 Notes
Anatomical Position- !
-Body is erect, feet slightly apart, palms facing _________________, thumbs
point ___________ from the body. !
Directional Terms: !
- Superior and Inferior- toward and away from the head. !
- Anterior and Posterior- toward the front and back of the body. !
- Medial, Lateral and Intermediate- toward the midline, away from the midline,
and between a more medial and lateral structure. !
Directional Terms: !
-Proximal and Distal- closer to and further from the ___________ of the body. !
-Superficial and Deep- Toward and away from the _______________ surface.!
Body Planes: !
-Sagittal or Medial- Divides the body into __________ and _________ parts. !
-Frontal or Coronal- Divides the body into ___________ and ______________ parts. !
-Transverse or Horizontal (cross section)- Divides the body into _____________ and
_____________ parts. !
-Oblique Section- Cuts made ________________.
* Label the following Body Planes: !
____________________ !
Body Cavities: !
-______________________ cavity: Protects the nervous system, and is
divided into 2 subdivisions: !
-Cranial Cavity is within the skull and encases the brain. !
-Vertebral Cavity runs within the vertebral column and encases the spinal
cord. !
-Ventral Cavity houses the internal organs (viscera) and is divided into 2
subdivisions: !
-Thoracic !
-Abdominopelvic !
-Thoracic Cavity is subdivide into pleural cavities, mediastinum and the pericardial
cavity. !
-Pleural cavities: Each house a lung!
-Mediastinum: Contains the pericardial cavity and surrounds the remaining
thoracic organs. !
-Pericardial: Encloses the heart.
Label The Following
Body Cavities Continued:!
-The Abdominopelvic cavity is separated from the superior thoracic cavity by the dome
shaped ________________. !
-It is composed of two subdivisions: !
-Abdominal Cavity- Contains the stomach, intestines, spleen, liver & other !!
organs. !
-Pelvic Cavity- Lies within the pelvis & contains the bladder, reproductive organs !
and rectum !
Label the Following Diagram
Ventral Body Cavity Membranes
-____________________ serosa covering the
body walls.
-____________ serosa covering the internal
-Serous fluid separates the serosae.
Abdominopelvic Regions
Organs of the
Abdominopelvic Regions