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Egypt is ruled(1600 BC)
• Egypt had a series of weak rulers. Many nobles, or really rich
citizens, fought each other. Egypt was invaded and conquered for a
hundred years by the Hyksos. Around the same time the Jews
moved to Egypt. The Egyptians didn’t like either.
• The Egyptians eventually united against the Hyksos and kicked
them out. The Israelites were enslaved for hundreds of years.
• After Egypt was united, they began conquering other lands with a
powerful military (Chariots and Bronze Weapons). They also had
strong competent rulers.
Egypt as Rulers (1500 BC)
• Hatshepsut’s stepson was supposed to be pharaoh, but he was too
young. She expanded trade. Thutmose III and Ramses II expanded,
but could not beat the Hittites. Both empires agreed to avoid each
• Multiple groups began pillaging Egypt with hit and run tactics.
Peoples that Egypt controlled also began to rebel. Egypt was
eventually conquered. The people who conquered it, wanted to
maintain it’s culture and science as much as possible. Different
groups fought over who was the more worthy successor.
Assyria (800 BC)
• Assyrians lived in the middle of
Mesopotamia. Groups in
Mesopotamia were ALWAYS
fighting. There was no
geographic defense. To Assyria
war was life.
• Empire began to use iron much
more frequently during this
time. They strategically planned
to take over cities, and were
able to build floating bridges.
They built massive iron
battering rams to tear down
the gates of a city.
• Assyrians killed or enslaved
most people in the city. Anyone
that didn’t fall into that
category was forced to move
somewhere very far away.
Cultural Wonders (600 BC)
• The Assyrian capital was Nineveh
which was the biggest city in the
world. We have dug up a lot of
Nineveh, and a lot of it is in really
good condition.
• They also had the biggest and
most advanced library in the
worlds. There were 20,000 books
from all over that were
categorized and organized.
• A few civilizations teamed up to
destroy Assyria. Babylon regained
power and built the Hanging
Gardens which was one of the
Wonders of the World. They also
built a 30 story temple. They
mapped the stars and planets
they could see.
They did have a massive military, but they also gave people freedom so they
can do what they wanted. Cyrus unified Mesopotamia and expanded Persia.
Cyrus was very kind to people he conquered.
• Cyrus’s son took over, but he was very different. Darius then spent the first
several years trying to clean up a big mess. After that he expanded, built a
massive road connecting the empire. He also minted money.
• Zoroastrianism (monotheistic) became a very popular religion. Good vs Evil
Western culture was found around the Mediterranean Sea. It made trading
and traveling very easy. The land was rocky and couldn’t support a big
• Most history and culture was not written down until Homer wrote a poem
about the Trojan War called The Iliad the Odyssey. The Trojan war was
fought because a Trojan princess, who was already married, was brought to
Greece. The Greeks also adopted an interesting polytheistic religion. They
gave human qualities to their gods who treated humans like pawns.
Greece was never united. There were multiple city-states, but they
didn’t fight as often as Mesopotamia did. Kings and Oligarchies
were the main form of government. But people didn’t like them a
lot of time, so they would support a tyrant to take over and
provide for normal people.
• Athens avoided many conflicts because they chose to have a
democracy. People had the same law and consequences. Citizenry
Slavery was abolished, and the majority of men could vote. Debate
was a big part of life in Athens, and was taught at school to the
sons of rich families.
• Sparta was entirely dedicated to building a strong militaristic nation. One
body proposed laws, another voted on laws, and another executed the
• Sparta had two kings who controlled the military, but from the age of seven
every man was in the military. They believed all Spartans should have rights.
Sparta had a ton of slaves called helots and had little rights.
• Individualism was not encouraged. Everyone was to dedicate themselves to
their country. Every boy lived in a boot camp from age 7-30. Spartan women
had a lot of freedom and also received military training.
Start of the Persian Wars (490 BC)
• Greek soldiers were called
hoplites. They carried a strong
shield with long iron-tipped
spears. The Persians conquered
Ionia who identified as being
Greek. Ionia began to rebel
against Persia. Even though they
knew it could bring war with
Persia, the Athenians sent
soldiers and aid in. Athens burnt
down a city
• The Persians tried to invade
Greece at Marathon. They had a
much bigger army, but the Greeks
had better equipment, soldiers,
and tactics. Athens attacked them
as soon as they landed and won.
Thermopylae (480 BC)
• Athens then had to hurry back before the Persians arrived. They did. The
first Persian invasion completely failed. Darius’s son, Xeres, tried to invade
again at full strength. Many Greek city-states didn’t want to help Athens,
and fought with Persia. Sparta decided to help because of a message from
the Oracle.
• They led a group of 4,300 Greeks to block 125,000 Persians at a bottleneck.
They killed 25,000 Persians and inured many as well. When the Greeks
knew they were going to lose because of a traitor, Sparta volunteered to
stay to protect them.
Themistocles convinced the city
of Athens to evacuate. He
thought they would be able to
beat the Persians at sea because
of the oracle. A naval battle was
fought at in a very narrow strait.
The Persians had very large ships
and couldn’t turn. The Athenians
had very small, maneuverable
ships with iron rams.
• After the Greeks won at Salamis,
all of Greece became united and
fought the Persians till they had
to abandon all lands close to
Greece. Athens became very
powerful, and controlled 200 citystates. They also moved the
capital of Greece to Athens.
Pericles led Athens in its Golden Age. Science and arts exploded. The
Parthenon was build, Comedy and Tragedy were invented, and the first
histories also began.
• Athens took a lot of money from the rest of Greece. Sparta got really mad.
Athens=Navy and Sparta=Army. There was a stalemate, but Athens was hit
with plague. It killed a third of the people. Athens lost.
• Philosophy was science. Socrates wanted people to question everything. He
was sentenced to death. Plato believed that the smartest rich person should
be in charge. Aristotle was became more involved in science and tutored
Phillip II was king of Macedonia, which Greeks looked down on. Phillip took
all of Greece over. Phillip and his wife, Olympias, had a son, Alexander.
• Olympias helped organize Philip’s assassination, so her son Alexander would
have a chance to be king. Alexander wanted to be a hero, go on adventures,
and conquer the Persian Empire. Other Greeks got in line because he killed
lots of rebels. Alexander was 25 when he conquered the Persian Empire and
more, creating the largest empire the world had ever seen.
• Greek culture, science, and philosophy was spread all over the world.
The people of China were going
to war with each other for a long
time with different groups gaining
control. Confucius believed that
China needed to find a way to
create a stable government and
an orderly society. He believed in
a strict hierarchy and respecting
people above you. He believed
that hard work and education
would advance people that
deserved it if they followed his
• Confucianism is not a religion, but
it has guided much of people’s
moral and ethical beliefs of how
to live. Yin and yang represent
the harmony of the universe
Shi Huang-Di (250 BC)
• Shi Huang-Di is one the most
interesting, important, and most
remembered people in China.
Although he was a conqueror, he
was terrified of death. He spent a
lot of time, and used a lot of
people to find the Elixir of Life. A
doctor convinced him that he
found the key to immortality.
Huang-Di died from mercury
overdose. Before he died he built
an army made of clay to protect
him in the afterlife called the
Terracotta Army. He also started
the construction of the Great
Wall. They waited two months to
tell the people he died.