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Matter – is
anything that has
mass and takes
up space.
MATTER is never
created or
destroyed, it only
changes form.
Atoms – The basic
blocks of all
substances in
universe. All
are made up
Elements – Are made of one
of atom
together and cannot be
broken down into
1. Like atoms make up
110 elements make
up all the known
Atoms contain one or more
• Protons and neutrons make
up the nucleus of an atom.
• Electrons “float” around the
nucleus of an atom.
Protons – Particles that
have a positive
electric charge.
Neutrons – have no
electric charge.
Electrons – Particles
with a negative charge
located outside of the
• The nucleus of the atom is
positively charged (+). The
negatively (-) charged
surround the
nucleus to balance the charge
of the atom to neutral.
• The number of protons equals
number of electrons.
The atomic number =
protons/electrons in atoms.
Atomic mass= neutrons
Atomic number – the number of
protons in an atom. Found
above the element symbol.
Mass number – is equal to the
number of protons plus the
number of neutrons. The
number of neutrons is
determined by subtracting the
atomic number from the mass
Isotopes – atoms of the same
element that have different
The number in the right corner of each
element represents the amount of
protons that element has……thus the
amount of electrons.
Groups – are the numbers at
the top of the periodic table
that represent the number
of electrons in the
outermost shell (energy
Periods – the number to the
left of the periodic table
that represents the number
of shells an element will
Period number
Group number
Draw the following
diagrams of elements with
the following labels:
• Carbon
• Nitrogen
• Helium
Draw the protons, neutrons, and
electrons along with correct #
of shells and electrons.
1. Electrons circle around
the nucleus in shells or
energy levels.
2. As an element looses an
electron it looses energy
and as an element gains
electrons it gains energy.
3. Each circle or shell is
limited to how many
electrons it can hold.
• Valence electrons –
electrons in the outermost
energy level of an atom.
• The valence shell can have
1 to 8 electrons in it
depending on its place on
the periodic table.
Elements to the left have 1
and elements to the right
have 8.
• Electrons in valance
shells that are not full
will either gain electrons
to become full or give up
electrons allowing its
outer shell to be lowered
to its next lowest level
(which is full).
Bell Fun 11-29-11
•Draw the following
diagram of the
element Li with the
following labels:
•protons, electrons,
neutrons, shells.
Bean lab
• 1. If protons and electrons do not
match, then it is an ion.
• 2. If protons and neutrons do not
match the atomic mass (number
below element symbol) of element
then it an isotope.
• 3. If protons and electrons match,
neutrons and protons = atomic mass
# then the element is stable