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Period 1 – 1491 to 1607
• Important questions to consider:
• How did Native Americans reach North America?
• What does North America look like before it is
“discovered” by Christopher Columbus?
• What caused the high level of diversity seen in Native
American populations before Columbus?
Peopling of North America
Most popular theory – Last Great Ice Age, 35,000
years ago exposes a land bridge between Siberia
and Alaska.
Nomadic tribes of hunter-gatherers will follow
migrating herds of game into North America.
These groups will continue to migrate south to
the southern tip of South America.
Major Native American
Groups at time of Contact
• Mesoamerican
• Southwest
• Great Basin
• Northwest
• Great Plains
• Southeast
• Northeast
• Olmecs, Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas
• Centered in Central and South America
• Large populations made possible by corn
agriculture. i.e. Three Sisters
• Highly developed societies and extensive cities.
i.e. Teotihuacan, Tenochtitlan, Palenque, Machu
Three Sisters Farming
Machu Picchu
• Anasazi, Pueblo
• Supported large populations with
corn agriculture, supplemented
by irrigation
• Highly developed society
• Created large cities out of adobe
Great Basin/Plateau
• Shoshone and Paiute
• Semi-arid region with poor access to water.
• Supported much smaller population with
• Organized society, but no permanent
settlements because of lack of agriculture and
Northwest Coast/California
• Chinook
• Hunter/gatherers, but were able to
support larger population because of
abundant sources of food.
• Fairly complex society with a rich
tradition of art; totem poles.
• Held potlatches, where high ranking
members of society would give away
their possessions.
Great Plains
• Sioux, Comanche
• Hunter/gatherers
dependent on the migration
of buffalo herds on the
great plains.
• No permanent settlements
due to nomadic existence.
• Cherokee, Choctaw,
• One of the most densely
populated North American
Native groups due to extensive
corn production.
• Allowed for complex societies
and large population centers.
• Most notable is Cahokia.
• Iroquois, Huron
• Some agriculture based on three
sisters production, but also
relied heavily on
• Most closely resembles the large
empires of Mesoamerica
(Aztecs) because of the Iroquois
Confederacy that bound several
Northeast tribes together.
• Important questions to consider:
• How did Native Americans reach North America?
• What does North America look like before it is
“discovered” by Christopher Columbus?
• What caused the high level of diversity seen in Native
American populations before Columbus?
• Important Questions in consider:
• How did the Crusades lead to Columbus’
discovery of the Americas?
• Crusades expose Europeans to
luxuries from the Far East.
• After Crusades, trade is dominated by
merchants in the Middle East and the
• Trade also brings technology: the
compass, astrolabe, and the lateen
• Tremendous demand and price of
luxuries drive Europeans to seek
other means of reaching the East
Henry the Navigator
• Portugal leads the way in exploration, thanks to Henry the Navigator
• Portuguese are seeking a water route to Asia.
• Sails south around the coast of Africa following prevailing winds and
• Bartholemeu Dias will discover the Cape of Good Hope, 1488
• Vasco De Gama will reach India ten years later
• Portugal will establish colonies in the East Indies and along the Coast
of Africa
• Portugal’s ports in Africa will adopt the practice of slavery from
Africans – will begin a lucrative trade in slaves and gold
•Spain will not enter
the Age of
Exploration until
they can unite
Spain in 1469.
•They will expel the
Muslims from
Granada in 1492.
Christopher Columbus
•Portugal’s control of Africa will force the Spanish
to seek a water route to Asia by going west.
•Columbus, an Italian sailing for Spain, will land in
the Bahamas on October 12, 1492 thinking he
had found the East Indies.
•1492 marks the shift from the Pre-Columbian to
Post-Columbian North America.
Important question:
• How did the interaction between the New and Old
Worlds impact both?
• The commingling of
European and New
World cultures is known
as the Columbian
• Named after Columbus
• Comes in three flavors:
• Plants/Animals
• People
• Disease
Impact on New World
Impact on New World
• Most dramatic effect is the
introduction of disease.
• Thousands of years of
isolation had cost Native
Americans their immunity
to many European
• Diseases like smallpox will
ravage Native Populations,
killing 80 to 90 percent of
Native Americans.
Impact on the Old World
• New World contributes a tremendous amount of
wealth to Europe, especially Spain, in the form of gold
and silver.
• Also provides Europe with a number of lucrative cash
crops such as tobacco and sugar.
• Most important, Europe gets access to corn, potatoes,
and beans. Crops from the New World will eventually
make up 3/5 of the food crops grown today.
First Line of Demarcation
In 1493, Spain
convinces the Pope to
grant it control of
non-Christian lands in
the New World
Treaty of Tordesillas
The 1493 line cuts
Portugal out of the
New World. Portugal
objects; signs Treaty
of Tordesillas with
Spain in 1494.
2nd Line of Demarcation
The 1494 line grants
Spain most of the
New World, while
Portugal gets Brazil in
South America and
colonies in Africa.
Spain in the West Indies
By 1500, Spain
controls the
In order to colonize
the new world, Spain
will rely on
Only requirement was
to convert the Natives
to Christianity.
Under this system,
Native populations
were given to Spanish
settlers with land.
This system will be
slavery in all but
Hernan Cortes defeats the Aztecs in
1521. He claims modern day
Mexico for Spain.
Francisco Pizarro will defeat the
Incas in 1532, adding the west coast
of South America.
Balboa will lead an expedition
across the Isthmus of Panama and
discover the Pacific Ocean for Spain
Spain will use Caribbean to explore Americas.
will be the
first to
circumnavigate the
Ponce De
Leon claimed
Florida for
Spain while
searching for
gold, and
the Fountain
of Youth
Hernando de
River while
exploring the
United States
claimed the
United States
for Spain.
He also
the Grand
Cabrillo will
explore the
coast of
• How does exploration create conflict among European powers?
• How does contact create conflict between Native Americans and
John Cabot will explore the Northeast
Coast in 1497
Henry Hudson will explore Hudson
Bay in 1607 while searching for a
Northwest Passage.
Verrazano will explore American
East Coast in 1524
Cartier will discover the St.
Lawrence River in 1534
La Salle will chart the Mississippi
River to New Orleans.
Spain react by building up their empire in
North America.
• In 1565, they built a fort at St.
Augustine Florida.
• It was designed to prevent the
French from sailing into the
• It is the oldest, continually
inhabited European settlement
in the United States.
Juan de Oñate will lead an expedition into the
American Southwest.
• In his wake, Spain will establish a chain of
missions, or fortified churches, throughout the
American Southwest.
• These fortified churches are designed convert
the native populations to Catholicism.
• They would also help Spain to claim the vast
territory it claimed in North America.
•Santa Fe
•San Diego
•San Francisco
Spain did suffer setbacks in colonization
The Aztecs will fight
back during the Noche
Triste, driving the
Spanish from
The Pueblo Indians in
New Mexico will rise up
against the Spanish in
1680. Pope’s Rebellion
will destroy every
mission in New Mexico.
The Black Legend
•This is the belief that Spain tortured,
infected, oppressed and stole from the
Native Americans in their colonies. It is the
belief that Spain had only a negative impact
on the culture of the Americas.
What do you think . . .
•Is the Black Legend true? What evidence
from the reading and the notes supports
this claim?
•What evidence from the reading and the
notes offers contradictory evidence to the
Black Legend?
Provided laws,
religion, and language
that will become the 2.
unique cultures of
Latin America.
Provided horses, iron, 3.
and other key
strategic sources that
strengthened remain
native tribes, i.e.
Plains Indians.
Enslaved Native
Population through the
use of the encomienda
Infected natives with
European diseases the
devastated population.
Stole lands that
originally belonged to
natives, along with gold
and silver.
Eradicated numerous
unique native cultures.