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A2 Physics
Chapter 10 - Creating Models
I can explain capacitance as the ratio C =Q/V
I can calculate using I = Q/t
I can calculate the energy on a capacitor E=1/2QV , E = 1/2 CV2
I can sketch, plot and interpret energy of capacitor as area below Q–V graph;
I can explain the exponential form of the decay of charge on a capacitor as due to the rate of removal of charge being proportional to the charge
I can calculate time constant 
= RC, and half life = RCln2
I can calculate dQ/dt = -t/RC and Q = Qoe
I understand that the exponential form of radioactive decay depends on the probability of decay being constant
I understand that random means that the probability of an event per second is constant
I can calculate half life of a radioactive source using t ½ =ln2/
I can calculate dN/dt = -N and N = Noe-t
I can express relationships of the form dx/dy = - kx in words
I can sketch, plot and interpret decay curves, plotted directly or logarithmically
I can explain that simple harmonic motion of a mass happens when there is a restoring force proportional to displacement, and that d2x/dt2 = a = (2f)2x
I can sketch, plot and interpret d-t, v-t and a-t graphs of simple harmonic motion
I can calculate T = 2√(m/k), f = 1/T, F = kx, x = A sin 2πft or x = A cosπ2ft, d2x/dt2 = a = -(k/m)x and, if given to me, T = 2√(i/g),
I can describe the kinetic and potential energy changes in simple harmonic motion and use Etotal = ½mv2 + ½kx2
I can describe free and forced vibrations, damping and resonance
I can sketch, plot and interpret a graph of amplitude of a resonator against driving frequency
Chapter 11 - Out into space
I understand the concept of force as rate of change of momentum
I can explain work done, including cases where the force is not along the line of motion
I can calculate work done, E = F s and I know that no work is done when the force is perpendicular to the velocity
I can use the concept of conservation of momentum where momentum = mv
I can calculate momentum, p = mv, F = mv/t
I can describe motion in a horizontal circle and in a circular gravitational orbit.
I can calculate using a = v2/r and F = mv2/r
I can calculate using Fgrav = -GmM/r2, and g = Fgrav/m = -GM/r2
I can describe changes of gravitational potential and kinetic energy;
I can explain motion in a uniform gravitational field and calculate using gravitational potential energy change = mgh for a uniform field only
I can use the concept of the gravitational field and potential of a point mass
I can sketch and interpret graphs showing gravitational potential as area under the gravitational field vs. distance graph
I can sketch and interpret diagrams of gravitational fields and the corresponding equipotential surfaces.
I can sketch and interpret graphs showing force as related to the tangent of a graph of gravitational potential energy vs. distance
I can calculate using gravitational potential energy = -GmM/r and gravitational potential, Vgrav = -GM/r
Chapter 12 - Our Place in the Universe
I understand the use of radar-type measurements to determine distances within the Solar system
I know how distance is measured and defined in units of time, e.g. the light year
I can calculate distances and ages of astronomical objects e.g. using standard brightness, Cepheid variable data; red shifts
I understand that we see distant astronomical objects as they were a long time ago, depending on how far they are away
I can explain the measurement of relative velocities by radar observation e.g. using a simple pulse technique
I can calculate distances and relative velocities from radar-type measurements e.g. using time-of-flight
I understand the difference between Doppler Shift and cosmological red-shift
I can describe the evidence of a ‘hot big bang’ origin of the Universe from cosmological red-shifts (Hubble’s law) and cosmological micro-wave
I can sketch and interpret logarithmic scales of magnitudes of quantities: distance, size, mass, energy, power, brightness.
Chapter 13 - Matter: very simple
I can explain how energy transfer produces a change in temperature
I can calculate temperature and energy change using E = mc
I can describe and explain the behaviour of ideal gases
I can sketch and interpret relationships between p, V and T for an ideal gas
I can calculate using pV = nRT and pV = ⅓Nmĉ2, where c = root mean square speed
I can describe and explain the kinetic theory of ideal gases
I understand the concept of internal energy
I understand that absolute (Kelvin) temperature is proportional to average energy per particle and that average energy ≈ kT as a useful
Chapter 14 - Matter: hot or cold
I understand that there are different ratios of numbers of particles in states of different energy, at different temperatures
I understand the idea of activation energy, and link this idea to what happens in various processes when the temperature changes
I can sketch and interpret graphs showing the variation of the Boltzmann factor with energy and temperature.
I can calculate using the ratios of characteristic energies (energies of a particle at which changes might occur) to the approximate mean energy per
particle kT
I can calculate using the Boltzmann factor, e-/kt
Chapter 15 - Electromagnetic machines
I can describe and explain the action of a transformer where induced emf is produced by changing the magnetic flux linking one coil and another,
induced emf = rate of change of flux linked
I can calculate using V1/V2 = N1/N2 for an ideal transformer
I can describe and explain the action of a generator where an induced emf is produced by conductors and flux moving relative to one another, either
by moving flux or moving a conductor
I can describe and explain the action of a motor where motion is produced when a force acts on a current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic
field, including the induction motor in which the current is induced in the conductor
I can calculate using F = BIL where B = magnetic field strength
I can sketch and interpret graphs of variations of currents, flux and induced emf (e.g. in transformers and generators)
I can calculate using flux  = BA and  = d(N)/dt
I can sketch and interpret diagrams of lines of flux in magnetic circuits (e.g. in transformers, dynamos and electric motors)
Chapter 16 - Charge and field
I can use the equation for a uniform electric field E = V/d
I can make calculations using electronvolts where 1 eV = 1.6 x 10-19 J
I can sketch and interpret graphs of electric force vs. distance and I can interpret electric potential as area under curve
I can calculate using Felectric = kqQ/r2 where the electric force constant k = 1/4o and electric permittivity = 0
I can describe the electric field of a charge, and the force on a charge in an electric field
I understand that the field of a point charge obeys an inverse square law
I can calculate using Eelectric = Felectric/q = kQ/r2 where k = 1/4o
I can calculate using Eelectric = dVelectric/dx
I can sketch and interpret diagrams of electric fields (e.g. uniform and radial) and the corresponding equipotential surfaces.
I can explain electrical potential energy and electric potential due to a point charge and I understand that it obey a1/r relationship
I can calculate using Velectric = kQ/r
I can sketch and interpret graphs of electric potential or potential energy vs. distance knowing that the tangent to the potential vs distance graph at a
point gives the value of the electric field at that point
I can describe evidence for the discreteness of the charge on an electron e.g. Millikan's experiment
I can describe the force on a moving charged particle due to a magnetic field
I can calculate using F = Bqv
Chapter 17 - Probing deep into matter
I can describe the use of particle accelerators to produce beams of high-energy particles for scattering (collision) experiments
I can describe interaction as exchange of particles (bosons) and pair creation and annihilation with energy changes E = mc 2
I can describe the evidence obtained when particles (such as electrons) are scattered after collision with the nucleus of an atom
I can sketch and interpret the paths of scattered particles
I can calculate the kinetic and potential energy changes as a charged particle approaches and is scattered by a nucleus or other charged particle
I can calculate using the equation for motion of a charged particle in magnetic field F = Bqv
I can describe a simple model of the internal structure of nucleons (e.g. protons and neutrons) as composed of up and down quarks
I can explain binding energy as due to exchange of particles such as gluons
I can describe evidence of discrete energy levels in atoms (e.g. obtained from line spectra)
I can describe a simple model of the atom as the quantum behaviour of electrons in a confined space
Chapter 18 - Ionising radiation and risk
I can describe and explain the nature and effects of ionising radiations i.e. , and radiation in terms of their differences in ionising and penetrating
power, the doses obtained from different sources and their effects on living tissue
I can calculate absorbed dose = energy deposited per unit mass
I can define nucleon number, proton number , isotope and risk
I can describe and explain the stability and decay of nuclei in terms of binding energy
I can sketch and interpret plots of binding energy of nuclei against proton and neutron number.
I can explain the transformation of nucleus on emission of , and radiation
I can calculate half life and decay constant using t
½ =ln2/
and activity using dN/dt = -N and N = Noe-t
I can describe and explain nuclear fission and fusion - the conversion of mass-energy into other forms of energy
I can calculate energy changes from nuclear transformations: Erest = mc2 .