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Consumer behavior 消費者行為
Describes how individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of
products – as well as describing the needs that motivate these behaviors
Perception/State of Mind 心理的影響
Affects how people perceive information as well as determines the
particular pattern of consumer behavior
Personality 動機
Attitudes and Values 態度與價值觀
Attitudes impact motivations
Influence how consumers evaluate products, institutions, retail stores, and
Personality 人格
Psychographic Influences 消費者心態的影響
Lifestyle and psychological characteristics that have a bearing on how
people make decisions
Psychographics 消費心理學
Looks at the ways people allocate time, energy, and money
The VALS system
Lifestyle profiles that collectively reflect a whole culture
The Consumer Decision Process 消費者決策過程
Need recognition
The consumer recognizes the need for a product
Advertising should activate or stimulate this need
Information search
Can be casual or formal
Advertising helps the search process by providing information and
making it easy to find, as well as remember
Evaluation of alternatives
Consumers compare various products and reduce the list of options
Advertising helps sort out products on the basis of tangible and intangible
Purchase decision
Often a two-part decision
Select the brand
Select the outlet from which to purchase
In-store promotions affect these choices
Postpurchase evaluation
The customer reconsiders and justifies the purchase
Determines whether the customer will keep the product, return it, or
refuse to buy the product again
Segmenting 區分…
Dividing the market into groups of people who have similar
characteristics in certain key product-related areas
Targeting 定位…
Identifying the group that might be the most profitable audience
Market aggregation strategy 市場聚集策略
When planners purposefully use one marketing strategy that will appeal
to as many audiences as possible
Market segmentation 市場細分
Assumes that the best way to sell is to recognize differences within the
broad market (分歧)and adjust strategies (調整策略)and messages
Targeting the right audience
The target is described using the variables that separate this prospective
consumer group from others who are not in the market
Profiling the target audience
Describing the target audience as if they are people you know
Used in developing media and message decisions
Key Concepts in Marketing 在營銷的關鍵概念
The marketing concept 市場營銷觀念
Marketing should focus first on identifying the needs and wants of the
To compete effectively, marketers must focus on the customers’
problems and try … to solve them
Branding 品牌
The process of creating a distinctive and special meaning for a product
Brand equity is reputation, meaning, and value that the brand name or
symbol has acquired over time
Added value 附加價值
A marketing or advertising activity makes a product more valuable,
useful, and/or appealing
The Marketing Process 營銷過程
1. Conduct research/develop a situation analysis 發展情況分析
2. Set objectives for the marketing effort 在營銷工作設定目標
3. Assess consumer needs and wants 評估消費者的需求和希望
4. Differentiate and position the product 區分和定位產品
5. Develop the marketing mix strategy 制定營銷組合策略
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy 評估策略的有效性
Product 產品
Place 地點
Price 價格
Promotion 推廣
Full-Service Agencies 全面服務機構
– Account management 帳戶管理
– Creative services 創意服務
– Media planning and buying 媒體策劃
– Account planning 客戶規劃
Creative Development 創造性發展
Account Management 帳戶管理
Full-Service Agencies 全面服務機構
Media Planning 媒體計畫
Account Planning 客戶規劃
Integrated marketing 整合營銷
All areas/the marketing mix work closely together to present the
brand in a coherent, consistent way
Relationship marketing 關係營銷
Considering all the firm’s stakeholders
Differentiate between objectives 區分目標, strategies 策略, and tactics in
strategic planning 策略規劃
Outline the key features in an IMC plan
The process of determining objectives, deciding on strategies, and
implementing the tactics
Objectives 目標
– What you want to accomplish 你要完成什麼
Strategies 策略
– How to accomplish the objectives 如何實現目標
– Make the plan come to life
Typical Plan Outline 典型計劃大綱
Situation analysis 形勢分析
Key strategic decisions 關鍵策略決策
Media strategy 媒體策略
Message strategy 信息策略
Evaluation of effectiveness 評價的有效性
Situation analysis 形勢分析
– Researching and reviewing the current state of the business
that is relevant to the brand and gathering all relevant
SWOT analysis
– Strengths 優勢
– Weaknesses 弱勢
– Opportunities 機會
– Threats 威脅
Objectives and strategies
– Planners develop specific objectives to be accomplished
during a specific time period
– The main categories of effects can be used to identify the
most common advertising and IMC strategies
what to expect from a campaign
Measurable objectives
– Specific effect that can be measured
– A time frame
– A baseline
– The goal
– Percentage change
Segmenting and targeting 分割和定位
– Market segment: a group of consumers having similar
– The segments the planner selects becomes the target
Positioning Strategy 定位策略
– Determining what place a product should occupy in a given
– To establish a location in the consumer’s mind based on
what the product offers and how that compares with the
Product features 產品特點
– Feature analysis 特徵分析
Competitive advantage 競爭優勢
– Importance/performance 重要性
Differentiation 分別
– Branding 品牌
Locating the brand position 定位品牌
Budgeting 預算
– Determines how many targets and multiple campaign plans a
company or brand can support and the length of time the
campaign can run
Account planning 客戶規劃
– The research-and-analysis process used to gain knowledge
and understanding of the consumer
Account Planning Elements 客戶規劃要素
1. Consumer insight 消費者洞察
2. Message strategy 信息策略
3. Media strategy 媒體策略
Consumer Insight 消費者洞察
Intersects with the interests of the customer and the brand features
Insight mining
– Realistic response objective?
– Causes of nonresponse?
– Barriers to desired response?
– Motivation to respond?
– Role of each element in the communication mix
The Big Idea 大創意
– Implements the advertising strategy so that the message is
both attention getting and memorable
The Creative Leap
– Jumping from the strategy statement to an original idea that
conveys the strategy in an interesting way
Right-brain thinking 右腦思維
– Intuitive, nonverbal, and emotion-based thinking
The Creative Person 創意人
– In advertising, creativity is both a job description and a goal
Creative strategy
– What the advertisement says
– message strategy
Creative execution
– How it is said
1. 感知 Perception: create attention, awareness, interest, recognition,
and recall
2. 認知 Cognitive: deliver information and understanding
3. 情感 Affective: touch emotions and create feelings
4. 說服 Persuasion: change attitudes, create conviction and preference
5. 轉型 Transformation: establish brand identity and associations
6. 行為 Behavior: stimulate some form of action
Two basic approaches to translating message objectives into strategy
Hard- and Soft-Sell strategies
– Hard Sell: touches the mind and creates a response based on
– Soft Sell: uses emotional appeals or images to create a
Most advertising messages use a combination of two basic literary
techniques to reach
Lectures and Dramas
the head or the heart of the consumer
– Lecture: a serious instruction given verbally
– Drama: relies on the viewer to make inferences
Transform Product 轉換產品
Branding 品牌
Image advertising is used to create a representation in the customer’s
Associations 機會
Strategy Decisions 戰略決策
The problem 問題
The objectives 目標
The target market 目標市場
Positioning strategy 定位策略
Type of creative strategy 新戰略
Selling premise 銷售前提
Execution suggestions 執行建議
Global campaigns
– Require ad work that addresses advertising objectives and
reflects the positioning strategy
– Usually desirable to adapt the creative execution to the local
Explain the basic style used for copy writing
Describe the various elements of a print ad
Explain the message characteristics and tools of radio advertising
Discuss the major elements of television commercials
Discuss how Web advertising is written
Four types of ads in which words are crucial
1. If the message is complicated
2. If the ad is for a high-involvement product
3. Information that needs definition and explanation
4. If a message tries to convey abstract qualities
5. person who shapes and sculpts the words in ads
The Headline
Key element in print advertising
Conveys the main message
Works with the visual to get attention and communicate creative
A good headline will attract those who are prospects
The headline must work in combination with the visual to stop and grab
the reader’s attention
The headline must identify the product and brand, and start the sale
The headline should lead readers into the body copy
– Direct-action headlines
– Indirect-action headlines
– Have the second-highest readership and serve an information
– Sectional headlines used to break up a large block of copy
– Short, catchy, memorable phrases used at the end of an ad to
complete the creative idea
– Repeated from ad to ad as part of a campaign or long-term
brand identity effort
– Can also be used as taglines
Must be simple enough for consumers to grasp, but intriguing enough to
prevent them from switching the station
Ability of the listener to remember facts is difficult
Theater of the mind
– The story is visualized in the listener’s imagination
Copywriters must plan
– Length of the commercial
– Shots in each scene
– Key visual
– Where and how to shoot the commercial
– Segments of action that occur in a single location
Key frames
– The visual that sticks in one’s mind
Web ads 網路廣告
– Create awareness and interest in a product and build a brand
– Focus on maintaining interest
what PR is and how it differs from advertising
most common types of PR programs
Analyze the key decisions in PR planning
Explain the most common types of PR tools
Discuss the importance of measuring the results of PR efforts
Media use 媒體使用
◎Public relations people seek to persuade media gatekeepers to carry
stories about their companies
◎This aspect of PR is called publicity
Control 控制
◎In the case of news stories, public relations people are at the mercy
of the media gatekeeper
◎Advertising runs exactly as the client who paid for it has approved
Credibility 信譽
◎The public tends to trust the media more than they do advertisers
◎Implied third-party endorsement
Media relations 與媒體的關係
Employee relations 員工關係
Financial relations 財政關係
Public affairs 公共事務
Research and SWOT analysis
Objectives and strategies
The Big Idea
PR’s Role in IMC
Advertising 廣告
House ads 內部廣告
Public service announcements 公共服務公告
Corporate advertising 企業廣告
News releases
Pitch letters
Press conferences
Media tours
External communication 對外交流
Internal communication 內部溝通
Web challenges 網路挑戰
Move to Sales Promotion
Consumer behavior
Market share
Parity products
Power of the retailer
Price deals 價格優惠
Coupons 優惠卷
Refunds and rebates
Sampling 抽樣
Contests and sweepstakes
Maintain or increase market share
Brand reminder 品牌提醒
需求 Demand: Push-and-Pull strategies
– Bonuses
– Dealer loaders
– Buying allowances
– Advertising allowances
– Cooperative advertising
– Display allowance
Attention 注意
Motivation 動機
Information 信息
Sponsorships and event marketing 贊助和活動營銷
Other promotional support
Interactive and Internet promotions
Loyalty programs
Partnership programs
Promotion objectives 促銷目標
The issue of brand building 品牌建設問題
Promotion integration 整合推廣
Promotion effectiveness 促銷活動的有效性
◎While the marketing mix refers to promotions, today we refer to IMC
◎It is broader than promotions and includes advertising, promotions,
publicity, personal selling and direct marketing
◎IMC refers to a co-coordinated communications program that is
customer-focused and internally consistent
Customer focus 以客戶為中心
◎Using communication channels that your target segment refers to
◎Consistency refers to all aspects of your IMC strategy (channel,
message) being consistent with one another
The type of IMC strategy selected usually depends on
◎type of product market
◎channel objectives
◎buyer readiness stage
Any IMC campaign can have different objectives. Some common
objectives are
◎Generate awareness
◎Communicate differentiation