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Animism- Belief that spirits inhabit everything
Bureaucracy- Government organized into different levels
Zhongguo- "Middle Kingdom" or center of the world
Loess- Yellow soil
China Proper- The Heart of China
Laozi- Founder of Daoism
Autocracy- Total power for emperor
Silk Road- Famous trade route
Analects- Collected works of Confucius
Oracle Bones- Used by Shang priests to make predictions
Why did China feel superior? isolated from other cultures
Dikes- built along the Haung to protect against flooding
China Proper Rivers- Huang, Chang, Xi
Xia- Rulers over the Neolithic people of China
Another Name for the Haung River- Yellow River or China's Sorrow
Confucius- Taught about correcting political disorder
Shang Dynasty- China's first dynasty
Paper- invented by the Han's, still effects civilizations today
Zhou Dynasty Fall - because of infighting and military invaders
Mandate of Heaven- reason rebels used to justify overthrowing a dynasty
Calligraphy- chinese writings
Shang Religion - combined animism and ancestor worship
Shang cemented power by- introducing and controlling irrigation and flooding
Teachings of Confucius- Family, Respect Elders, Reverence for Ancestors
Legalism- selfish and untrustworthy
Buddhism in China- after the fall of the Han Dynasty
Qin Dynasty- forced labor, built Great Wall of China
Leveling System- steadied food prices and supplies
China Men Roles- rule family, decided on marriages, and careers
Five Classics- Trained scholars and civil servants. Books of History, Changes, Poems, Rites, Spring and Summer Annals