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World History
Unit 3
Renaissance and Reformation
Lecture Notes / Study Guide
Name: __________________
Period: _________________
Episode 1: The Renaissance
1. What does the French word, Renaissance mean in English? When did it take place?
2. What was there a “rebirth” in?
3. What are considered the “Classics”?
4. What are the 3 reasons for the Renaissance?
5. Who is called the “Father” of Renaissance humanism?
6. Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy and not somewhere else?
7. The defining factor of the Italian Renaissance was an intellectual movement known as
humanism. In detail describe humanism.
8. Define Secularism:
9. Define Individualism:
10. How did humanist view education? What are the Humanities?
11. Who was celebrated by the humanist?
12. Who supported humanist and how did they do it?
Web Scavenger Hunt Questions are part of your Study Guide for the
13. What is the difference between Middle Ages Art and Renaissance Art?
14. Define perspective
15. What is hieratic scale? Was it used in Middle Ages are or Renaissance Art?
16. Madonna and Child with St. John (Giuliano Bugiardini).
Do these figures wear halos?
How do they differ from the halos the students saw in the first painting?
Ask students to describe the landscape surrounding these figures.
Is the landscape heavenly or earthly?
17. Adoration of the Shepherds (Giovanni Agostino da Lodi).
Did this artist has used hieratic scale. Why or why not?
Can you see any halos?
Is this painting is made with tempera paint or oil paint?
Renaissance and Middle Ages Art PowerPoints will be on the World
History webpage for review.
18. Who was Leonardo da Vinci?
19. Directions: Which of the following did Leonardo da Vinci invent, paint, or sculpt?
CIRCLE the ones that he invented, painted, or sculpted.
Mona Lisa
The Happy Face
Horseless Carriage (A.K.A. the Car)
Slot machines
Sistine Chapel
Hang glider
Aircraft Carrier
Machine Gun
Vacuum Cleaner
Light Bulb
Scuba Gear
Statue of David
Humanoid Robot
20. What did Leonardo da Vinci study that was against the command of the Church?
21. What did Michelangelo do for a living?
22. What was Michelangelo’s most famous sculpture? Does it look realistic?
23. Who painted the Sistine Chapel? Where did the inspiration for the scenes that he
painted come from?
24. Compare Donatello’s David to Michelangelo’s David.
25. What is David standing on in Donatello’s sculpture?
26. Who was Donatello?
27. Who Wrote The Prince? What was his career in?
28. Who is considered the Father of Modern Day Politics?
29. What issue did The Prince address?
30. Excerpts from The Prince
•“A prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break
his promise.”
•“Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil.”
•“It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.”
•“Politics have no relation to morals.”
•“The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men
he has around him.”
•"The end justifies the means."
•"Men in general judge more from appearances than from reality. All men have
eyes, but few have the gift of penetration."
•"I desire to go to Hell, not to Heaven. In Hell I shall enjoy the company of popes,
kings and princes, but in Heaven are only beggars, monks, hermits and apostles."
After reading these excerpts how to you feel about Machiavelli’s point of view?
31. Who came up with the theory that we live in a Heliocentric Universe? What is a
Heliocentric Universe?
32. What makes Galileo a significant person in history? Why did the church condemn
33. What is St. Peter’s Basilica?
34. Who designed St. Peter’s basilica? What did it influence?
35. What helped spread the Renaissance to Northern Europe?
36. Who created the first European Printing Press?
37. Why was the Printing Press significant?
38. What was his first publication?
39. What did Shakespeare do? What makes him important?
40. Where did Shakespeare draw inspiration from and what was expressed in the plays?
41. Famous quotes from Shakespeare!
•“To be or not to be that is the question.”
•“All that glitters is not gold”
•“O Romeo, Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo?”
•“All the world’s a stage…”
•“Parting is such sweet sorrow…”
•“Beware the Ides of March.”
•“Then the world is my oyster”
•“A plague on both your houses”
•“Cowards die many times before their deaths”
Circle the ones that you have heard.
How did Shakespeare help spread the ideas of the Renaissance?
42. How is Northern Renaissance Art different from Italian Renaissance art?
Episode 2: The Reformation
KS History Standard: Benchmark 1: Indicator 2: Investigates the changes in European
thought and culture resulting from the Reformation (e.g., establishment of Protestant
faiths, counter reformation, Gutenberg Press, Catholic vs. Protestant wars of religion.)
43. Fill in the branches and roots of the Tree.
44. Why could the Holy Roman Emperor not control the religious ideas in the German
45. Write down the 2 main parts of the Catholic church’s doctrine DURING THIS TIME
PERIOD and the underlined examples.
46. What factor contributed to the overall desire to reform the church?
List the 3 examples.
47. How did Martin Luther think of himself? What was he worried about?
48. What were Luther’s ideas and how were the different from the Catholic Church?
49. What caused Luther to stop keeping his ideas to himself? (Define the Term)
50. Define Purgatory:
51. What did Luther tack on to the church doors in Wittenberg, Germany? What was his
original goal?
52. What new invention made it impossible to stop the spread of Luther’s ideas?
53. Luther formed his own church called the _______________and the Catholics called
them, ___________________.
54. What was the result of the shattered religious unity of Western Europe?
55. How does the spread of Protestantism throughout the rest of Europe differ from its
creation in England?
56. What is the name of Henry VIII’s church and how does it differ from the Catholic
57. Which of Henry’s wife’s were executed?
Episode 3: The Counter Reformation ( Catholic Reformation)
58. What was the purpose behind the Counter Reformation?
59. Who were the Jesuits? What were they ran like?
60. What was the Inquisition?
61. How did the Inquisition get people to confess their sins or wrongs against the church?
62. What was the Index of Forbidden Books? What did if forbid Catholics from?
63. What was the purpose of the Council of Trent?
64. What reforms were made in the Catholic Church?
65. List the examples of religious wars fought in Europe?
66. What was one of the reasons people came to the New World?