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The European State in the Renaissance
Italy, Milan, Venice, & Florence became well centralized territorial states
Renaissance monarchies became obsessed w/ the acquisition & the expansion of political power
The Hundred Years’ War resulted in depopulation, ruined farmland, and French, independent, &
stubborn, nobles
Also, a common enemy feeling that Charles VII used to strengthen his authority as
king of France
Charles VII secured the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges- an agreement that strengthened the liberties of the
King Louis XI (Spider) was the founder of the French national state & was unsuccessful in repressing the
French nobility
Charles the Bold tried to create a middle kingdom between France & Germany, but Louis opposed it
The War of Roses- House of Lancaster vs. House of York broke out in England (1450’s)
○ Henry Tudor won and established the Tudor dynasty & the Court of Star Chamber- a
torture chamber used to extract confessions
Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon’s marriage was a Dynastic Union- both kingdoms maintained their
own parliaments, laws, and customs
These Italian states became known of the modern secular state
Used the Catholic Church to institute reform and create unity
The Jews & Muslims were persecuted and the Inquisition was introduced into Spain (1478)
The Inquisition worked to guarantee the orthodoxy of the converted Jews
(1492) the Jews were expelled from Spain & (1502) Muslims were too
The European State in the Renaissance (Cont.)
The Holy Roman Empire failed to develop a strong monarchical authority
The Habsburgs were not successful because of war, but because of marriages
France opposed the Habsburgs because they did not want to be surrounded by them
Maximilian I married his son, Philip of Burgundy, to Joanna the son of Isabella and Ferdinand.
○ Philip and Joanna’s son, Charles, became heir to three lines, the Habsburg, Burgundian, and
In Eastern Europe, rulers could not centralize their territorial states because of different ethnic groups and
In Poland there was a struggle between crown and the landed nobility
Bohemia had the same struggles as Poland
Hungary became an important European state under King Matthias Corvinus, but after his death Hungary
returned to being weak
A Russian state came to be under Ivan III after annexing other Russian principalities and raiding the lands
of the Lithuanian-Polish dynasty
The Byzantine Empire was weakened by the sack of Constantinople in 1204 and then it fell from a threat
from the Turks
The Ottoman Turks began to expand quickly
Renaissance rulers were not absolute monarchs
The Church in the Renaissance
Two widespread movements, Lollardy & Hussitism, in the 14th and early 15th century posed threat to the
○ Lollardy was the product of Awkward theologian John Wycliffe who was disgusted with clerical corruption
John Hus, Chancellor of the University of Prague, urged the elimination of the worldliness and
corruption of the clergy & attacked the excessive power of the papacy within the Catholic Church
The Council Constance summoned Hus, who was then arrested, condemned as a heretic and burned at the
stake (1415)
The Council of Constance passed two reform decrees (Sacrosanta and Frequens) that provided for an
ecclesiastical legislative system within the church Superior to the popes
(1460), Pope Pius II issued a papal bull, Execrabilis- condemning appeals to a council over the head of a
pope as heretical
“Renaissance papacy” refers to the line of popes from the end of the Great Schism (1417) - the
beginnings of the Reformation (early 16th C.)
Pope Julius II (Warrior-pope) was most involved in war and politics & he personally led armies against
Primary concern of the papacy is governing the Catholic Church as its spiritual leader
his enemies
Pope Julius II built St. Peter's Basilica
Popes could not build dynasties over several generations and came to rely on the practice of
nepotism to promote their family’s interest
Renaissance Popes with great patrons of the Renaissance culture and their High efforts made Rome
the focal point of the High Renaissance
Example: Pope Sixtus IV made 5 of his nephews cardinals
The Artistic Renaissance
New artistic standards reflected a new attitude of mind
○ Humans became the center of everything
○ Used monumental figures to demonstrate the relationship between figures and
○ Visual representation of the laws of perspective created new style of painting
○ Influenced future artists in florentine
New renaissance style took into two directions
○ Emphasis on mathematical side of painting
○ Emphasis on the perspective side of painting
Many artist were influenced by the greeks and romans
○ Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510)
○ Donato Di Donatello (1386-1466)
○ Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446)
Rome increased as the new cultural center of the Italian Renaissance
High Renaissance was dominated by three artists
○ Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519)
■ Stressed the need to advance beyond realism
○ Raphael (1483-1520)
■ Paintings reflected the principles of greece and rome
○ Michelangelo (1475-1564)
■ Influenced by neoplatonism which reflected on the human body
Artists became known as Geniuses and no longer as artisans
Rise in respect led to rise in profit and became part of the higher class
Northern Renaissance imitated nature
guillaume Dufay (1400-1475) invented secular music, Madrigal, which spread throughout