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Bio 3411 Principles of the Nervous System
Review for Final Exam
Development, Structure,
Systems & Disorders
(25/100 pts)
T. Woolsey
December 7, 2009
Review - Development, Structure,
Systems & Disorders
December 7, 2009
Review - Development, Structure,
Systems & Disorders
Topics Covered
• Overview of Nervous System
• Development – including embryology, genetics
and environment
• Principal systems for sensation, movement and
processing in between
• Some aspects of CNS disease and modification
December 7, 2009
Review - Development, Structure,
Systems & Disorders
II. The Nervous System and Its
• Facts - genes, size, energy
• Features - brain, spinal cord, periphery
• Cells - neurons, glia, synapses
• Health and Disease – impacts, prevalence, impacts
December 7, 2009
Review - Development, Structure,
Systems & Disorders
III. Nervous System Embryology
•Ovulation/Fertilization - dorsal-ventral axis: maternal
determinants & cortical rotation
•Egg to Blastula – synchronous/asynchronous cell division
•Germ Bands - ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm:
animal/vegetal axis.
•Gastulation - blastopore
•Spemann organizer - anterior-posterior axis
August 31, 2009
Lecture III. Nervous System
IV. Mechanisms of Neural
• Neural Fate and Induction – signaling between mesoderm
and neuroectoderm
• BMP - 4 – is a Transforming Growth Factor (TGF-b)
signaling molecule family member
• BMP- 4 from Neuroectoderm - inhibits
neuralization/promotes epidermal fate in neighbors
• Mesoderm - Chordin, Noggin, Follistatin block BMP-4
• BMP- 4 - mediates later development and adult plasticity
• Mechanism – conserved (Bone Morphogenetic Protein)
September 2, 2009
Lecture IV. Mechanisms of Neural
V. Cell Birth and Death
• Necrosis – environmental cell death; e.g. stroke
• Apoptosis - physiologically programmed cell death;
prevails in NS development
• Trophic Factors - molecules that promote growth and
• NGF – inhibits apoptosis (and other neruotrophins)
• Interactions - trophic factors connected to apotposis
• Generalization – roles in other processes (cancer)
and other animals (nematodes)
September 9. 2009
Lecture V. Cell Birth and Death
VI. Making Connections
• Grouping neurons and processes
• Partner selection
• Some genetic foundations/correlates
• Systematic organization of connections
• Roles of contact and diffusion
September 14, 2009
Lecture VI. Making Connections
VII. CNS Patterning
• The Initiation of the Central Nervous System
• CNS Growth and Pattern Development
• Invertebrate Brains
• Several Mechanisms for Directing the Show
(scripts conserved)
• How did vertebrate and invertebrate patterns
September 16, 2009
Lecture VII. CNS Patterning
VIII. Spinal Cord, Reflexes and
Spinal Cord - Segmental organization
Peripheral Nerves - Compound action potential
Spinal Nerves - Dermatomes, motor neuron pools
(nuclei) and motor units
Spinal reflexes - stretch (knee jerk); withdrawal/
crossed extensor
Introduction to Pathways - 1 sensory (DC-ML); 1
motor (CST)
September 21, 2009
Lecture VIII. The Spinal Cord,
Relexes and Brain Pathways
IX. Sensation
• Sensory Transduction
• Receptive Fields
• Adaptation
• Feature Detection
• Maps
• Sensory Integration
September 23, 2009
Lecture IX. Brain Pathways:
X. Movement
• Corticospinal Tract: Activation & Somatotopy
• Activity of Motor Cortex Neurons Directs Movement:
Force & Direction
• Four Other Motor Pathways to Spinal Cord
• Role(s) of Descending Pathways in Movement
• Effects of Corticospinal Tract Lesions
• Why is left right, and right left?
September 28, 2009
Lecture X. Brain Pathways:
XI. Integrating Functions
• Methods for study of human brain function/structure
• Auditory pathways
• Language
• Hemispheric specialization
• Special Talents and Genius
September 30, 2009
Lecture XI. Higher Functions
XII. Experience and Critical Periods.
(aka, Plastics)
• Neuromorphological plasticity – sensitive periods
• Functional plasticity – critical periods
• Adult plasticity – half-life
• Mechanism(s) – different, common, evolution
December 7, 2009
Review - Development, Structure,
Systems & Disorders
XIII. Brain Diseases I
• Motor Systems a Reprise
• Pyramidal vs Extrapyramidal (Basal ganglia)
• Parkinsonism a Movement Disorder
• Mechanisms and Treatment Strategies
December 7, 2009
Review - Development, Structure,
Systems & Disorders
XIV. Brain Diseases II
• Widespread Systems
• Mood Disorders
– Depression
– Manic/Depressive Illness
• Schizophrenia
• Drugs
October 9, 2009
Lecture XIV. Brain Diseases - II
XV. Genetics and Human Brains:
Clues from Abnormalities
• Human Genetics
• MRDD (mental retardation and developmental
• Humans
• Mice
• What’s with the Brain?
October 12, 2009
Lecture XV. Genetics and Human
Total of 20. Circle the best answer under each heading. (0.25 pt/ea)
a. The bright area to which the arrow is pointing (on
the left side of the brain) in this MRI is:
1) the frontal lobe
2) cerebrospinal fluid
3) a stroke
b. Functions of cortex not in this bright area are:
1) hearing
2) vision
3) touch
c. Symptoms that got this person to the ER include:
1) difficulty walking
2) difficulty eating
3) difficulty smiling
d. I (you) think this is most interesting because:
1) relevance to disability
2) localization of brain functions
3) is like a painting
December 7, 2009
Review - Development, Structure,
Systems & Disorders
December 7, 2009
Review - Development, Structure,
Systems & Disorders
The Meaning and Purpose (1cm3)
December 7, 2009
Review - Development, Structure,
Systems & Disorders
Buena Suerte
Bon Chance
Good Luck
(And …get a good night’s sleep)
September 23, 2009
Lecture IX. Brain Pathways: