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The Respiratory
Balloon Lab
Every person has a different lung
capacity. Lung capacity, or how much
air your lungs can take in and out, is
determined by age, sex and health.
Conditions like asthma and
emphysema can decrease lung
capacity. You can increase your lung
capacity by getting plenty of aerobic
exercise and eating healthy.
Balloon Lab
How much air can each student put in a
balloon with one deep breath?
Who in your class will have the highest
lung capacity?
(write your hypothesis under your objective
for today)
Balloon Lab
1. take one balloon and stretch it out
2. take ONE deep breath and blow into
the balloon until you cannot blow
out anymore.
3. pinch the top closed so that no air
Balloon Lab
4. have a partner put the string around
the biggest part of the balloon
Balloon Lab
5. put the string up to the ruler to
determine the balloon’s
6. record your answer in your spiral.
Balloon Lab
7. also in your spiral, write down the
smallest and largest circumference
for your class.
8. was your hypothesis correct?
3D Lung Model
Look at the 3D lung model at your table.
Carefully, pull the plastic bag at the
bottom to see how the “lung” works.
In your spiral, draw a sketch of the
Lung Tissue Slide
Now using the microscopes. Look at
the slide labeled cat lung tissue.
In your spiral, diagram what you see.
• Air travels in and out of the organs of
the respiratory system
– Nose
– Pharynx
– Trachea
– Bronchi
– Lungs
• Bronchioles
• Alveoli
Color and label the respiratory system on your
• The respiratory system moves oxygen
from the outside environment into the
• It also removes carbon dioxide and
water from the body
Why do we Breathe?
• Respiration (break down of glucose for
energy) requires oxygen as a reactant
• Respiration also produces water and
carbon dioxide which can leave the
body through the lungs
The Air You Breathe
• The air you breathe comes from the
– 21% oxygen
– 78% nitrogen
– 1% other gases
• Your body does not use most of the air
you inhale
• What you don’t need is exhaled
The Path of Air
• As air moves the organs, it is warmed,
moistened, and bacteria and other
small particles are removed
Nose and Nasal Cavity
• Air is warmed
• Nose hair filters dust and other small
things out
• Mucus also traps small particles, dust,
and bacteria
The Pharynx
• The pharynx
(throat) is a long
hollow tube that
connects the nose
to the trachea
The Trachea
• The trachea, or windpipe, connects the
pharynx to the bronchi
• lined with mucus and small hairs to
help trap particles
• You can feel the ridges of the trachea
by running your finger down your neck
• Passages that direct air into the lungs
– Left bronchus goes to the left lung
– Right bronchus goes into the right lung
The Lungs
• The main organs of the respiratory
system that provide oxygen to the body
• The bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli
are all inside the lungs
• Smaller branches that come off of the
• Smallest structure in the lungs
• Where gas exchange takes place
between the lungs and the blood
• Looks like a cluster of grapes
• 300 million alveoli in the lungs
Gas Exchange
• After air enters the alveoli, oxygen
passes through the wall of the alveoli,
into the capillary that surrounds it ,
then into the artery headed to the heart
• At the same time, carbon dioxide and
water pass from the vein into the
capillary, then into the alveoli where
they are exhaled
• Just like the villi in the small intestine,
the alveoli increase surface area in the
How You Breathe
• You breathe on average 20,000 times a
• Breathing speeds up when you
• Breathing slows down when you are
• Both involuntary and voluntary
muscles and nervous system helps you
• Inside your trachea are vocal cords
• Vocal cords stretch across the opening
• Your vocal cords work like the neck of
a balloon when it is stretched
• Air passes over the vocal cords,
making them vibrate which produces
– Low – vocal cords contract & shorten
– High – vocal cords relax & lengthen
Body systems that work with
the respiratory system;
• muscular system to pull air into the
• circulatory system to carry the
oxygen in and carbon dioxide out
• digestive system to provide energy