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The Culture of Classical Greece Chap 4 Section 4
Greek Religion
____________________ affected all aspects of Greek life because Greeks
considered religion _____________________ for the well-being of the
Temples to the gods and goddesses were the major ___________________ in
Greek cities.
Homer described the ___________________ of Greek religion.
Most important were the ____________ gods and goddesses that lived on
_____________ _________________.
The chief god and father of the gods was _______________; Athena was the
goddess of ___________________ and ________________; Apollo was the god of
the ___________ and _________________; Aphrodite was the goddess of
____________; Zeus’s brother, ___________________, was the god of the
Greek religion did not have a body of _________________, nor was it focused
on _____________________.
Principally, it was focused on making the deities look __________________ on
Hence, ________________ – ceremonies or ___________ – were the most
important element of Greek religion.
After death, the ______________ of most people, good or bad, went to a
gloomy ___________________ ruled by _______________.
Religious __________________ were used to ______________ the gods and
These festivals included __________________ events.
The games at __________________ honoring Zeus, first held in 776 BC, are
the basis of the modern ______________________ ______________.
The Greeks wanted to know the ______________ of the gods and goddesses.
To this end, they consulted _________________, sacred shrines where priests
or priestesses revealed the ______________ through interpreting the will of
the deities.
The most famous oracle was at the shrine to ________________ at
________________, on the side of Mount Parnassus overlooking the
_______________ of __________________.
Representatives of states and individuals _________________ to this oracle.
The responses of the priests and priestesses often could be ______________
in more than one way.
For example, _________________, king of _______________, asked the oracle if he
should go to war with the Persians.
The oracle replied that if he did he would _________________ a great
Thinking he would destroy the _________________, Croesus went to war and
___________________ his own empire.
Greek Drama
The Greeks, principally in _________________, created Western ________.
______________ were presented as part of _________________ festivals.
The original Greek dramas were _________________, presented in
______________ around a common ________________.
Only one complete trilogy survives today, the Oresteia by
It tells about the fate of _________________________ and his family after he
returned from the __________________ ___________.
Evil acts are shown to breed ____________ and ___________________, but in the
end _________________ triumphs over ______________.
Another famous Athenian playwright was _____________________, whose
most famous play was __________________ _____________.
Even though Oedipus knows an oracle has _____________________ he will kill
his ______________ and marry his ________________, he commits these tragic
A third important Athenian dramatist, ____________________, created more
realistic ____________________ and showed more of an interest in
_______________________ situations and individual psychology.
He also questioned ____________________ _______________; for example, he
showed the horrors of _____________ and sympathized with its
________________, especially _______________ and ________________.
Greek tragedies examined such universal themes as the nature of
_________ and ____________, the ______________ of the _________________, the
_______________ of the gods in ____________, and the ______________ of human
Greek _________________ developed later, and __________________ society to
invoke a __________________.
_________________________ is the most important Greek comic playwright.
Greek Philosophy
Philosophy (love of wisdom) refers to an organized ________________ of
_________________ thought.
Early Greek philosophers were concerned with the _____________ of the
__________________ through unifying ___________________.
For example, _____________________ taught that the essence of the universe
was found in _____________ and _________________.
In the fifth and fourth centuries BC, __________________, ____________, and
______________________ raised questions that have been _______________ ever
Socrates taught many pupils but accepted no ___________________.
He believed the goal of ___________________ was only to improve the
individual’s ______________.
He introduced a way of teaching still used today called the _____________
It uses a process of __________________ and __________________ to get students
to ___________________ things for themselves.
Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”
The belief in the individual’s power to ________________ was an important
_______________________ of Greek culture.
Socrates and his pupils questioned ____________________.
After losing the Peloponnesian War, _____________________ did not trust
open __________________.
Socrates was tried and __________________ of ____________________ the youth.
He was sentenced to ______________ and died by drinking ____________.
Plato was one of ___________________ students and considered by many the
________________ Western philosopher.
He was preoccupied with the nature of ________________ and how we know
According to Plato, an ideal world of _____________ is the highest reality.
Only a mind fully trained by __________________ can grasp the _______________
of the Forms.
The material objects that appear in the ___________________ world (e.g., a
particular tree) are ______________ or _________________ of these universal
Forms (e.g., treeness).
Plato was concerned that the city-states be _________________ – just and
Only then could citizens achieve a good _______________.
He explained his ideas about ____________________ in The Republic, in which
he outlines the _________________ of the ideal, virtuous state.
The ideal state has three groups – ______________, motivated by
_________________; __________________, motivated by _____________; and
___________________, motivated by ___________________.
Only when balance was instilled by the rule of a _____________________________, who had learned about true ________________ and ________________,
would there be a just state.
Then individuals could live the good life.
Plato also believed that men and women should have the same
___________________ and equal access to all ____________________.
Plato established a ______________ in Athens called the ______________.
His most important ____________ was _____________________, who studied
there for 20 years.
Aristotle did not believe in a world of ideal Forms.
He thought of forms, or __________________, as part of the things of the
_________________ world.
We know __________________, for example, by examining individual trees.
Aristotle was interested, therefore, in _________________ and
____________________ things by ____________________ and
In this way we could know reality.
He wrote on _______________, logic, politics, ______________, astronomy,
geology, ________________, and physics.
Like Plato, Aristotle was interested in the best form of ___________________,
one that would ____________________ direct human affairs.
He tried to find this form of government by analyzing _____________
He looked at the _____________________ of 158 states and found _______ good
forms: ___________________, _________________________, and
_________________________ government. Of these, the third was the
Aristotle’s ideas about government are in his Politics.
The Writing of History
The writing of history began with _____________________ and his History of
the Persian Wars.
He understood the conflict as a war between Greek ________________ and
Persian _________________.
Herodotus traveled widely and was a great _________________________.
Many consider Thucydides the greatest ____________________ of the ancient
He was an Athenian _________________ who was __________________ for a
During this time he wrote his ________________ _____ ______
________________________ __________.
Unlike Herodotus, Thucydides explained events by _____________ causes
more than by _______________ forces.
He also emphasized having accurate ____________ and had great
______________ into human _____________________ and the human
He believed studying _________________ was beneficial for understanding
the __________________.
The Classical Ideals of Greek Art
The ___________________ of classical Greek art dominated most of Western
art history.
Classical Greek art was concerned with expressing eternal _____________
that would rationally civilize the ________________ through the moderation,
_________________, and ________________ of the artwork.
Classical Greek art’s chief ________________ matter was an ideally
_____________________ human being.
The most important architectural form was the _______________ dedicated
to a god or goddess.
The greatest example is the _____________________, built between 447 and
432 BC and dedicated to the patron goddess of Athens, ____________.
It showed Athens’ pride in itself and exemplified the principles of
classical architecture: ____________, ________________, and freedom from
unnecessary ________________.
Greek _________________ often depicted idealized, lifelike male ___________.
The sculptor Polyclitus, in his book the Doryphoros, explained the ideal
proportions based on mathematical _____________ found in ____________ that
he used to create his idealized nudes.